Thanks for the tweak which was verymuch needed, will be adding the tweak to Apply Tweaks section in the next version.
It's due to ToolkitHelper copy protection added which needs time to prepare the removal data for execution and this take more time as the removal data contains data for all lanuages. You can service the core image, save it and upgrade the edition to the last edition their by the it saves the time.
arr, no worries! I am sorry if I sounded like a write dooshbag! that makes sence. could we have an option where msmg toolkit can work on a mounted vhd with a windows image allready applied? it would save time in mount and dismount opperations and other tweaks could be applied. thank you again for answering. this is what a twisted sleep schedule brings. Majid
the only real thing I can think of is when on the selection screen, you could add an option for use existing mounted vhd or even mounted windows install on another partition. toolkithelper could then do it's bit. cheers, Majid who is off to sleep now.
After removing Windows Update component in toolkit v13.3, it is still present in services.msc is it normal? Do you guys stop this process or leave it running?
I did the comparison with Windows 10 values here, and it's only these 3 values that are different. But it has to be confirmed for Windows 11. Windows 10 untouched values: Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{885a186e-a440-4ada-812b-db871b942259}\TopViews\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}] "GroupBy"="System.DateModified" "PrimaryProperty"="System.DateModified" "SortByList"="prop:System.DateModified" Can anyone confirm if, in Windows 11, only the 3 values below are changed? Suggested modifications: Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderTypes\{885a186e-a440-4ada-812b-db871b942259}\TopViews\{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}] "GroupBy"="System.None" "PrimaryProperty"="System.Name" "SortByList"="prop:System.Name"
after component removal for the original LTSC 2021, is it recommended to run the sfc scannow command to fix ghost error message? I have no idea what this ghost error message is, but I assume its the /sfc scannow error you are referring to which is fixed after executing the command? It will not restore any removed packages or any changes made from MSMG toolkit?
ive removed clientcbs using dism: dism.exe /image:F:\MSMGToolkit\Mount\Install\1 /remove-capability /capabilityname:Windows.Client.ShellComponents~~~~ this will break screen snip at the very least and snip & sketch from the ms store will not work, basically anything that links to ms-screenclip or something. built in snipping tool still functions as normal. this was on win 10 2021 ltsc and server 2022
I myself use openshel, I have and never will ever use the native start menu. I am so glad to hear that more purgeable components will be on the block. leen and meen baby! is there away or turning off startmenu experience host? since openshell for me is being used?b
IIRC it also breaks emoji picker. I have renamed the startmenuexperiencehost and clouexperiencehost folders in %windir%\systemapps. I assume that's as good as deleting the folders? I've not noticed any issues with startmenu (I use openshell too), or with taskbar or system tray.
Why dont u post this before? This is what i was looking for... Tell me, what happened after u remove Any other things broke beside snipping tool? What about the start menu? Explorer? Do u know what is the capability name of CloudExperienceHost? Thanks
After removing Windows Update component in toolkit v13.3,problems may arise when installing new input methods.
CloudExperienceHost (delete before connecting to the Internet) For FriedTempe Spoiler: Tweakers Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\WMI\Autologger\CloudExperienceHostOobe] [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHost] [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\CloudExperienceHost\CreateObjectTask]
could someone tell me if i put a # beside the component name in RemovePkgsList.txt it will exclude that component from being removed? exammple: #StickyNotes