@MSMG @inTerActionVRI Is the above possible in the ToolKit, or can it be made possible in the future?
Greetings to all! Empirically, you should choose that the search in the system (startup, explorer) does not work if the RemovePkgsList list for the removal method ToolKitHelper.exe has Cortana!!! If it is accepted from the list and removed using the Dism method via RemoveAppsList (Microsoft.549981C3F5F10), then the system then (19045.3086) works fine and runs sfc /scannow. I hope this helps someone. In the end, we only managed to get a method with two sheets - RemovePkgsList (with components without WebView2SDK, SearchApp, SecureAssessmentBrowser and Cortana) and RemoveAppsList for dism (with only Microsoft.549981C3F5F10). ShellExperienceHost and StartMenuExperienceHosE have not been deleted yet. I hope in the future a respected MASTER will fix the removal of Cortana. Spoiler: RemovePkgsList EdgeChromium GameExplorer SpeechRecognition WindowsTIFFIFilter WinSAT OfflineFiles OpenSSH RemoteDifferentialCompression SimpleTCPIPServices TelnetClient TFTPClient WalletService WindowsMail AssignedAccess CEIP FaceRecognition KernelDebugging LocationService UnifiedTelemetryClient WiFiNetworkManager WindowsErrorReporting WindowsInsiderHub HomeGroup MultiPointConnector OneDrive RemoteRegistry WorkFoldersClient ManualSetup EasyTransfer FileHistory ProjFS SecurityCenter StepsRecorder StorageSpaces WindowsSubsystemForLinux WindowsToGo AddSuggestedFoldersToLibraryDialog AppResolverUX AssignedAccessLockApp AsyncTextService CallingShellApp CBSPreview ContentDeliveryManager ECApp Edge EdgeDevToolsClient FilePicker LockApp MapControl NarratorQuickStart OOBENetworkCaptivePortal OOBENetworkConnectionFlow ParentalControls NcsiUwpApp PeopleExperienceHost PinningConfirmationDialog PrintDialog QuickAssist RetailDemoContent SettingSync SkypeORTC SmartScreen WebcamExperience Win32WebViewHost WindowsDefender WindowsMixedReality WindowsReaderPDF WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI XGpuEjectDialog 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather Camera CommunicationsApps DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ServicesStoreEngagement SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp Wallet XboxApp XboxGameOverlay XboxGamingOverlay XboxIdentityProvider XboxSpeechToTextOverlay XboxTCUI YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo Spoiler: RemoveAppsList Microsoft.549981C3F5F10
Anybody know if you can remove "Hello Face" and still retain PC functionality for dynamic lock via your mobile phone? I cannot access "Sign-in Options" from the Windows "System About" page for some reason, so I'm trying to pin down what Windows component I need to keep.
hi, everyone i have few queries 1)is unnecessary service's disable in msmg toolkit? 2) can msmg toolkit disable/remove windows all privacy option/Service's? hopefully you will understand my queries and reply thank in advance
Answering your question no @chintu9192 , MSMG do not disable unnecessary services and remove/disable all privacy option/services. First because has a lot of components which is not supported yet, and services is only removed or disable when you remove the component, and due the large of possibilities windows has, MSMG doesn't get all the settings to properly achieve what do you asking which is "privacy". Services and privacy options is personal since each person use different programs, games and etc... MSMG toolkit team could not fully test everything, you should try to create a ISO and test in a VM to see if is working as expected and after check everything, deploy to your machine.
Removing Cortana for Windows 10 v1809/v1903/v1909 would break the search functionality in the Start Menu, Settings and the Explorer, however the Explorer search was fixed by enabling the classic search tweak. Removing Cortana for Windows 10 v2004 and above didn't break the search functionality in the Start Menu, Settings and the Explorer, however due to recent changes in the cumulative updates the search functionality in the Start Menu and Settings has been broken but the Explorer search was working, even when the Search system App is removed the Explorer search will be still working due to the enablement of the classic search tweak. You can check the below post where I have posted the screenshot for Windows 10 19045 removal https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/reply?quote=1795349 The search functionality in the Start Menu and Settings for Windows 10 v2204 and above will be fixed in future versions as it requires proper testing to identify what's causing the issue. I don't recommend mixing removal methods either use DISM method or ToolKitHelper one.