1. tefor

    tefor MDL Senior Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    @miuki , do not try to defend yourself because you are not innocent
    You are obviously a SPAMMER !
    So please shut up
    Love or Leave
  2. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    With my poor eyesight I am struggling to read the text on the grey background.
  3. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009

    There are 2 occurrences in both Toolkit.cmd files.

    [in 7z package Toolkit.cmd]

    All occurence of bellow word are with typo .


        if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" echo.  [07] %C_SpeechRecognition% Speech Recognition
        if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w11" echo.  [07] %C_SpeechRecognition% Speech Recognition
    is no longer needed for:
    w10 Cortana, Ease of Access, Narrator ^& Narrator Quick Start
    w11 Cortana, Ease of Access, Narrator, Narrator Quick Start ^& OOBE


    [in Testing Toolkit.cmd]

    GamingApp not going in the loop that set "%%i=*" along with XboxApp?


    About the issue repported earlier.

    Just removing every
    goto :ComponentsCompatibilityMenu
    and add it at end of function. This should work.
    :: Function to Remove Windows Components Compatibility Menu
    set MenuChoice=
    echo.          MSMG ToolKit - Remove Windows Components Compatibility Menu
    echo.  [ 1] %CC_AdobeInstallers% Adobe Installers
    echo.  [ 2] %CC_ApplicationGuardContainers% Application guard / Containers
    echo.  [ 3] %CC_Biometric% Biometric
    echo.  [ 4] %CC_Hyper-V% Hyper-V
    echo.  [ 5] %CC_MicrosoftGames% Microsoft Games
    echo.  [ 6] %CC_MicrosoftOfice% Microsoft Office
    echo.  [ 7] %CC_MicrosoftStore% Microsoft Store
    echo   [ 8] %CC_ModernAppSupport% Modern App Support
    echo.  [ 9] %CC_OOBE% Out-of-box Experience ^(OOBE^)
    echo.  [10] %CC_Printing% Printing
    echo.  [11] %CC_Recommended% Recommended
    echo.  [12] %CC_ShellSearch% Shell Search
    echo.  [13] %CC_TouchScreenDevices% Touch Screen Devices
    echo.  [14] %CC_VisualStudio% Visual Studio
    echo.  [15] %CC_WindowsUpdate% Windows Update
    echo.  [16] %CC_WindowsUpgrade% Windows Upgrade
    echo.  [17] %CC_XboxApp% Xbox
    echo.  [A]   Select All  ^|  [D]   Revert to Default
    echo.  [X]   Go Back
    set /p MenuChoice=Enter Your Choice :
    if /i "!MenuChoice!" equ "A" (
       for %%i in (CC_AdobeInstallers,CC_ApplicationGuardContainers,CC_Biometric,CC_Hyper-V,CC_MicrosoftGames,CC_MicrosoftOfice,CC_MicrosoftStore,CC_ModernAppSupport,CC_OOBE,CC_Printing,CC_Recommended,CC_ShellSearch,CC_TouchScreenDevices,CC_VisualStudio,CC_WindowsUpdate,CC_WindowsUpgrade,CC_XboxApp) do (
           set "%%i=-"
       for %%i in (C_AADBrokerPlugin,C_AccountsControl,C_BioEnrollment,C_CloudExperienceHost,C_Cortana,C_DesktopAppInstaller,C_EasyTransfer,C_EdgeChromium,C_EdgeWebView,C_GameExplorer,C_InputApp,C_InternetExplorer,C_KernelDebugging,C_ManualSetup,C_NETNativeFramework16,C_NETNativeFramework17,C_NETNativeFramework22,C_NETNativeRuntime16,C_NETNativeRuntime17,C_NETNativeRuntime22,C_OfflineFiles,C_PinEnrollment,C_PrintDialog,C_RemoteDesktopClient,C_RemoteDesktopServer,C_SecurityCenter,C_ShellExperienceHost,C_StartMenuExperienceHost,C_UIXaml20,C_UIXaml24,C_UIXaml27,C_VCLibs140UWP,C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop,C_WindowsErrorReporting,C_WindowsFirewall,C_WindowsStore,C_WindowsStoreCore,C_WindowsUpdate,C_WinSAT,C_XboxIdentityProvider,C_XboxCore,C_XboxApp,C_GamingApp) do (
           set "%%i=+"
    if /i "!MenuChoice!" equ "D" (
       for %%i in (CC_AdobeInstallers,CC_ApplicationGuardContainers,CC_Biometric,CC_Hyper-V,CC_MicrosoftGames,CC_MicrosoftOfice,CC_MicrosoftStore,CC_ModernAppSupport,CC_OOBE,CC_Printing,CC_Recommended,CC_ShellSearch,CC_TouchScreenDevices,CC_VisualStudio,CC_WindowsUpdate,CC_WindowsUpgrade,CC_XboxApp) do (
           set "%%i=+"
       for %%i in (C_AADBrokerPlugin,C_AccountsControl,C_BioEnrollment,C_CloudExperienceHost,C_Cortana,C_DesktopAppInstaller,C_EasyTransfer,C_EdgeChromium,C_EdgeWebView,C_GameExplorer,C_InputApp,C_InternetExplorer,C_KernelDebugging,C_ManualSetup,C_NETNativeFramework16,C_NETNativeFramework17,C_NETNativeFramework22,C_NETNativeRuntime16,C_NETNativeRuntime17,C_NETNativeRuntime22,C_OfflineFiles,C_PinEnrollment,C_PrintDialog,C_RemoteDesktopClient,C_RemoteDesktopServer,C_SecurityCenter,C_ShellExperienceHost,C_StartMenuExperienceHost,C_UIXaml20,C_UIXaml24,C_UIXaml27,C_VCLibs140UWP,C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop,C_WindowsErrorReporting,C_WindowsFirewall,C_WindowsStore,C_WindowsStoreCore,C_WindowsUpdate,C_WinSAT,C_XboxIdentityProvider,C_XboxCore,C_XboxApp,C_GamingApp) do (
           set "%%i=*"
    if /i "!MenuChoice!" neq "A" if /i "!MenuChoice!" neq "D" for %%# in (!MenuChoice!) do (
       if "%%#" equ "1" (
           if "%CC_AdobeInstallers%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_AdobeInstallers=-"
               set "C_InternetExplorer=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_AdobeInstallers=+"
               set "C_InternetExplorer=*"
       if "%%#" equ "2" (
           if "%CC_ApplicationGuardContainers%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_ApplicationGuardContainers=-"
               set "C_KernelDebugging=+"
               set "C_OfflineFiles=+"
               if "%CC_Hyper-V%" equ "-" set "C_RemoteDesktopServer=+"
               set "C_SecurityCenter=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_ApplicationGuardContainers=+"
               set "C_KernelDebugging=*"
               set "C_OfflineFiles=*"
               set "C_RemoteDesktopServer=*"
               set "C_SecurityCenter=*"
       if "%%#" equ "3" (
           if "%CC_Biometric%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_Biometric=-"
               set "C_PinEnrollment=+"
               set "C_BioEnrollment=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_Biometric=+"
               set "C_PinEnrollment=*"
               set "C_BioEnrollment=*"
       if "%%#" equ "4" (
           if "%CC_Hyper-V%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_Hyper-V=-"
               if "%CC_ApplicationGuardContainers%" equ "-" set "C_RemoteDesktopServer=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_Hyper-V=+"
               set "C_RemoteDesktopServer=*"
       if "%%#" equ "5" (
           if "%CC_MicrosoftGames%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_MicrosoftGames=-"
               set "C_GameExplorer=+"
               set "C_WinSAT=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_MicrosoftGames=+"
               set "C_GameExplorer=*"
               set "C_WinSAT=*"
       if "%%#" equ "6" (
           if "%CC_MicrosoftOfice%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_MicrosoftOfice=-"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" if "%CC_TouchScreenDevices%" equ "-" set "C_InputApp=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_MicrosoftOfice=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_InputApp=*"
       if "%%#" equ "7" (
           if "%CC_MicrosoftStore%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_MicrosoftStore=-"
               set "C_AADBrokerPlugin=+"
               set "C_AccountsControl=+"
               if "%CC_OOBE%" equ "-" if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" set "C_CloudExperienceHost=+"
               set "C_WindowsStoreCore=+"
               set "C_WindowsStore=+"
               set "C_XboxIdentityProvider=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_MicrosoftStore=+"
               set "C_AADBrokerPlugin=*"
               set "C_AccountsControl=*"
               set "C_CloudExperienceHost=*"
               set "C_WindowsStoreCore=*"
               set "C_WindowsStore=*"
               set "C_XboxIdentityProvider=*"
       if "%%#" equ "8" (
           if "%CC_ModernAppSupport%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_ModernAppSupport=-"
               set "C_DesktopAppInstaller=+"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework16=+"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework17=+"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework22=+"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime16=+"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime17=+"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime22=+"
               if "%CC_TouchScreenDevices%" equ "-" set "C_VCLibs140UWP=+"
               set "C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_ModernAppSupport=+"
               set "C_DesktopAppInstaller=*"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework16=*"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework17=*"
               set "C_NETNativeFramework22=*"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime16=*"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime17=*"
               set "C_NETNativeRuntime22=*"
               set "C_VCLibs140UWP=*"
               set "C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop=*"
       if "%%#" equ "9" (
           if "%CC_OOBE%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_OOBE=-"
               if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" if "%CC_MicrosoftStore%" equ "-" set "C_CloudExperienceHost=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "19041" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" set "C_UndockedDevKit=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" set "C_WindowsErrorReporting=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_OOBE=+"
               set "C_CloudExperienceHost=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "19041" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_UndockedDevKit=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_WindowsErrorReporting=*"
       if "%%#" equ "10" (
           if "%CC_Printing%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_Printing=-"
               if "%C_PrintDialog%" equ "-" set "C_PrintDialog=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_Printing=+"
               set "C_PrintDialog=*"
       if "%%#" equ "11" (
           if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_Recommended=-"
               if "%CC_OOBE%" equ "-" if "%CC_MicrosoftStore%" equ "-" set "C_CloudExperienceHost=+"
               set "C_EdgeChromium=+"
               if "%CC_VisualStudio%" equ "-" set "C_EdgeWebView=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" if "%CC_MicrosoftOfice%" equ "-" if "%CC_TouchScreenDevices%" equ "-" set "C_InputApp=+"
               set "C_RemoteDesktopClient=+"
               set "C_ShellExperienceHost=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_StartMenuExperienceHost=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "19041" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" if "%CC_OOBE%" equ "-" set "C_UndockedDevKit=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" if "%CC_OOBE%" equ "-" set "C_WindowsErrorReporting=+"
               set "C_WindowsFirewall=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_Recommended=+"
               set "C_CloudExperienceHost=*"
               set "C_EdgeChromium=*"
               set "C_EdgeWebView=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_InputApp=*"
               set "C_RemoteDesktopClient=*"
               set "C_ShellExperienceHost=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_StartMenuExperienceHost=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "19041" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_UndockedDevKit=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_WindowsErrorReporting=*"
               set "C_WindowsFirewall=*"
       if "%%#" equ "12" (
           if "%CC_ShellSearch%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_ShellSearch=-"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_Cortana=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_ShellSearch=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_Cortana=*"
       if "%%#" equ "13" (
           if "%CC_TouchScreenDevices%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_TouchScreenDevices=-"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" if "%CC_MicrosoftOfice%" equ "-" if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" set "C_InputApp=+"
               if "%CC_ModernAppSupport%" equ "-" set "C_VCLibs140UWP=+"
               if "%CC_ModernAppSupport%" equ "-" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_TouchScreenDevices=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" set "C_InputApp=*"
               set "C_VCLibs140UWP=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "18362" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_VCLibs140UWPDesktop=*"
       if "%%#" equ "14" (
           if "%CC_VisualStudio%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_VisualStudio=-"
               if "%CC_Recommended%" equ "-" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "22000" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_EdgeWebView=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_VisualStudio=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "22000" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_EdgeWebView=*"
       if "%%#" equ "15" (
           if "%CC_WindowsUpdate%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_WindowsUpdate=-"
               set "C_WindowsUpdate=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_WindowsUpdate=+"
               set "C_WindowsUpdate=*"
       if "%%#" equ "16" (
           if "%CC_WindowsUpgrade%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_WindowsUpgrade=-"
               set "C_EasyTransfer=+"
               set "C_ManualSetup=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_WindowsUpgrade=+"
               set "C_EasyTransfer=*"
               set "C_ManualSetup=*"
       if "%%#" equ "17" (
           if "%CC_XboxApp%" equ "+" (
               set "CC_XboxApp=-"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "22000" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_GamingApp=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "19045" set "C_XboxApp=+"
               set "C_XboxCore=+"
           ) else (
               set "CC_XboxApp=+"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "22000" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "22631" set "C_GamingApp=*"
               if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "19045" set "C_XboxApp=*"
               set "C_XboxCore=*"
       if /i "%%#" equ "X" goto :RemoveWindowsComponentsMenu
    goto :ComponentsCompatibilityMenu
    :: Function to Remove Windows Apps Using Apps List
    I made it multiple choice by typing:
    1 3 4 6 7 12 15 17 <enter>

    Remove System Components Menu
        echo.  [23] %C_Wordpad% [47m[30m Wordpad [44m[97m
        echo.  [24] %C_Wordpad% [47m[30m Wordpad [44m[97m
  4. tempdrive1

    tempdrive1 MDL Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    I think it is a great opportunity for introducing enhanced version numbering, such as x.y.z (e.g. 13.5.1) so there could be quick, post-release bugfixes or just enhancements without confusion or (most importantly) delay, which would be a good practice for the future as well.
    And, of course, the changelog should be reflecting them accordingly.
    Having separate uploads for such is difficult to keep track, and now that there is an additional file for the test version of Toolkit.cmd, it pretty much requires manual correction.
    Also, re-release of the same version is confusing as many may not be aware of it, unless they keep track of the dates.

    Needless to say, I would be very happy to see another official release soon, because apparently it is needed.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work!
  5. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Have added a check for the menu validation, will be uploading the new version of Toolkit.cmd.
  6. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Thanks for the feedback, will improve the menu display with a better color.
  7. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011

    Have fixed.

    The needed text has been removed since it's already present in the depends on text. Now Speech Recognition is required for only Narrator.

    Will check.

    Will adapt the fix.

    Have fixed it.
  8. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    #25990 haris_mdlf69, Jul 29, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2023
    Seems like in my case, output display is limited in cmd, any idea how to increase it?:g:
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. tempdrive1

    tempdrive1 MDL Member

    Aug 29, 2021
    Try right click on the top of the window (the line where you have the close and minimize etc. icons) --> Properties --> Layout option: adjust the Height value for Screen Buffer Size.
  10. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    Its works:)
    Changed the Heights from 9001 to 9999 for Screen Buffer Size and 30 to 40 for Window Size.

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  11. haris_mdlf69

    haris_mdlf69 MDL Addicted

    Oct 23, 2018
    Hi @MSMG

    Will you please update the VCRuntime pack to latest as it is having issue with UUP local dump server

    Attached Files:

    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    ImageInfo.txt is used temporarily to store the format of image details, once the contents of the ImageInfo.txt is displayed to the screen it's not required anymore to exist physically.

    call :RemoveFile "%ImageInfo%"

    just contains the code

    if exist "%~1" del /f /q "%~1" >nul
  13. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Will try to create and upload it ASAP.
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    I Know del command deletes the file and the type command displays the contents of the file to the console.

    Here in the function :ShowImageInfo, the ImageInfo.txt file is deleted before fetching the details of the image and after displaying the image info to the console.

    With your source image, the image details are not extracted properly to the ImageInfo.txt and that's why the output is shown.

    For debugging purpose you can pause and comment the line after the type "%ImageInfo%" to know why the dism /Get-WimInfo comamnd didn't output the require info to the ImageInfo.txt

    In Toolkit script, in each function code all temporary files are deleted at the start and end of the function once it's required data is used by the Toolkit.
  15. mateszabo2001

    mateszabo2001 MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2023
    Hi! Does MSMG toolkit supports Windows 11? If I select the source it says not supported, only the dism method. Succesfully removed components with that method, but it seems it don nothing, the final iso file got bigger.
  16. Feartamixg

    Feartamixg MDL Addicted

    May 15, 2016
  17. inTerActionVRI

    inTerActionVRI MDL Expert

    Sep 23, 2009
    I believe that by breaking the long lines, the problem can also be remedied.

    I think it's worth a try.