1. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
    .... again with the assumptions (That I intend to use Packages.txt/preset with MSMG)

    Note: In my original post I stated that I tried to PM °ツ, but was unable to - This would suggest that I would have preferred a private discussion
    my understanding of his statement is, he uses NTlite and as such is not inclined to share his custom list/preset as it would not be compatible with MSMG Toolkit.
    ........ and yes, I acknowledge that he has provided info that may possibly allow users of MSMG Toolkit to achieve a similar result, but..

    ........ as it is my intention to try his Packages.txt/preset with NTlite, i made the request. Should °ツchoose not to share the info, that would be his perogative

    Further Note: @BladeGod, I would hardly consider your 2 posts on this, either constructive or productive... so what purpose has it served?

    Apologies MSMG for raising the matter here (I could have made the request in the NTlite thread, probably the correct place), but as the original post was placed in this thread, I replied here
    ... as a quiet statement, I experiment with both of these tools (MSMG & NTlite), and each of them (Both Terrific Tools) have their own shortcomings... it remains only a question of "Horses for Courses"
  2. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
  3. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    May be you removed some component required for SEP and I don't know which one it is as I don't use SEP.

  4. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    That's Ok, no issues.

  5. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    I see many people talking about NTlite. Is it better than MSMG ToolKit?
  6. avlisredleh

    avlisredleh MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2016
    Can you upload LangPacks_W10_RS2_pt-PT if possible? Thank you
  7. endbase

    endbase MDL Guru

    Aug 12, 2012
    Yeah in your case seeing how people react on you and your reactions on post here Nlite is the tool for you ;) So go and head over to the Nlite forum and subscribe :p
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. R23

    R23 MDL Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    I guess this is due to the removal of Hyper-V.
    I'll check.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. rpo

    rpo MDL Expert

    Jan 3, 2010

    An error may occur when processing script command 72.
    Running script from c:\Téléchargements\ToolKit-v7.3\ToolKit-v7.3.cmd generates the following getadmin.vbs file :
    Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application") : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""C:\T‚l‚chargements\TOOLKI~1.3\"" && C:\T‚l‚chargements\TOOLKI~1.3\TOOLKI~1.CMD ", "", "runas", 1
    Replacement command proposal :
    cd /d "%~dp0" && ( if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) && fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 1>nul 2>nul || (cmd /u /c echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~dp0"" && ""%~0"" %params%", "", "runas", 1 > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && pause && "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && exit /B )
    This creates a getadmin.vbs unicode file.
  10. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    #2752 °ツ, May 21, 2017
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Differences vs MSMG:

    + It can remove more thing and there is less leftovers after removal. Apparently it uses it's own removal engine and not dism or other tools.
    + It can disable things available in "Turn windows features on or off" on the offline image.
    + It can generate Autounattend file in one click by getting the current settings from the running OS like keyboard, language, timezone etc.
    + You don't need to care about the order of doing things like integrating updates and .NET because the order is set automatically. You don't have to integrate updates and then commit and cleanup so you can later integrate .NET, it will take care of all that, clean update backups and then clean pending operation afterwards.
    + You can drag and drop reg files to have them added to the reg hive.
    + You can easily add commands or files that will be run after installation.
    + It can configure some settings in Windows like privacy settings and explorer settings.
    + You can save a preset to load later and apply to another image which saves a lot of time.

    Among other things.

    - It can't do some things MSMG Toolkit can do like integrating DirectX, Dart and Windows Apps.
    - Costs $45-55 (depending on the country you live in, VAT/no VAT)

    For most people MSMG Toolkit is good enough considering it is free.
    One day maybe MSMG GUI Toolkit will be able to do most of the things NTLite can do now, then it will be a more fair comparison.
  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes, will upload it today.

  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Ok, will checkout.

  13. °ツ

    °ツ MDL Addicted

    Jun 8, 2014
    I never thought about this before but maybe this could solve the issue of people wanting to remove some apps while keeping others, instead of having to press a lot of keys to remove unwanted apps.

    "Do you want to remove all apps" - When Y is chosen it will remove all apps and not ask more questions, when N is chosen it will then ask for each app Yes or No. It would be much less key presses since it would not go back to the main menu after each app removal. But I understand that it would probably take much time to change the code and maybe is not worth it depending on when the GUI version is expected to be released.
  14. R23

    R23 MDL Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    And there is.
    The reason was in the Hypervisor.
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  15. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #2757 Windows 10 User, May 21, 2017
    Last edited: May 22, 2017

    Well, it's their fault and not mine and that program is paid...

    Why isn't there an option to remove the Store Purchase App?
  16. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Uploaded, check the download links.

  17. avlisredleh

    avlisredleh MDL Novice

    Aug 26, 2016
    Many Thanks.
  18. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    #2760 MonarchX, May 22, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
    I think DISM itself is flawed... When you remove an exact package, it does not always remove everything with that exact package name from the registry or from WinSxS folder. I think custom removal is necessary. I hope that the Registry tool in the upcoming version of ToolKit will have a SEARCH function - without that, it will be hard to use it...

    One thing I noticed that SFC ScanNow ALWAYS does with MSMG's images is that it finds and corrects "Duplicate Ownership" of files. Why is that? Could it be because file ownership is required for MSMG Toolkit? What is Toolkit is launched with NSudo as Trusted Installer?

    LTSB does not come with Edge and I wonder whether adding Edge via MSMG Toolkit is the reason why DISM fails - Remote Produce Call failed to start (error 1726) - it can't account for what should not be there, regardless of whether you use SFC ScanNow or Component Cleanup with ResetBase.