When finshed modding install.wim, open it with 7-zip, and look to see if there is a folder called [DELETED], if there is use dism /export-image command to remove it. My newly modded install.wim was 3.81 GB, but after running this command it is now 3.34 GB, and the [DELETED] folder is now removed. Code: dism /export-image /SourceImageFile:C:\ToolKit-v7.3\DVD\sources\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:C:\install.wim /Compress:max /CheckIntegrity
Another AWESOME feature MSMG Toolkit could have is to have an option to run DISM Scan Health/Restore and also SFC ScanNow on the image! That way those who do get this issue can run these commands at different stages of either integration or removal to see what ends up causing the problem without going through hoops and typing up all the commands in CMD. I can now CONFIRM that integration of Edge onto LTSB will definitely make DISM see an error and it will not be able to repair it, stating it cannot find the source. I took default LTSB, scanned it - DISM said it was healthy, I integrated Edge, applied/saved the image, ran DISM and voila - error...
WOW! I can also confirm that integrating Edge onto LTSB through the latest DISM++ does NOT result in corrupt image like it does with MSMG Toolkit! I added Edge and Edge US language package (probably unnecessary) through DISM++ Update feature and it worked! I saved the image, unmounted, restarted PC just to make sure, mounted it again and there it was in SystemApps and DISM ScanHealth passed!!!
Thank you for a quick response. Do you know why SFC ScanNow always finds ownership duplication errors when the image is customized with MSMG Toolkit? Those it easily fixes, but I am curious as to why they occur... I always run MSMG Toolkit with NSudo as Trusted Installer...
That might be the cause. Dism needs admin privileges for most stuff, only very specific operations like re-installing WinSxs packages need TI privileges.
With other scripts I've used recently, LPs have to be renamed eg. en-GB (amd64fre_Client_en-gb_lp.cab)
When I run the toolkit just as Admin with or without UAC, certain packages do not fully uninstall due to ACCESS DENIED errors and some files remain in Windows\SystemApps directory. I am almost at the end of making that imperfect perfect image, but I just have a few things to ask and figure out. I hope you guys can help me! - DISM++ integrated Edge without errors in DISM Health Scans, but I can't launch it due to Remote Procedure Call failure, same exact failure I got when Edge was integrated with MSMG Toolkit, but in that case Edge worked and the error was in DISM Health Scans... What is causing all this? Is it just LTSB saying "I don't support Edge!!!" ? Is there any way around that? Installing it as a CAB once the OS has been cleanly installed AND using PowerShell to restore Edge does not work - it just launches for 2 seconds and closes.. - ParentalControls and BioEnrollment SystemApps files in Windows directory still get restored by SFC, even though I deleted all files with those package names from WinSxS folder and all registry entries related to it before installing the OS. Where is OS getting the info about the existence of those packages then? - I would really appreciate if someone could help me create some files that upon first OS boot would run a script for Unrestricted PowerShell Scripts that would uninstall/deactivate all Non-Inbox AppX's using PowerShell's Get/Remote AppX commands AS Administrator. What would be even best is if I could use the actual (hidden) Administrator account as the only account available right upon booting the OS for the first time.
Maybe some of the errors occur because you used an endless list of different tools (without really knowing what they or you do)? The actions from one tool can prohibit actions from other tools to be completed. Some tools chop everything in ways that other tools can't do their specific job anymore.
I agree... However, one way or another, out of all tools out there that I tried - DISM++, WinReducer EX70, MSMG Toolkit, and NTLite, only MSMG Toolkit can integrate Edge on LTSB image and make it work, but DISM will fail...
Is Dism failing with Scan Health/Restore and/or SFC Scannow? MSMG has already said to ignore errors with these tools if you are removing things from the image. LTSB was originally not designed to run Edge so errors can be "normal" but still work perfectly.
err maybe I'm wrong but this thread is about ONLY for MSMG Toolkit since some time now is infested with another softwares, I think that we need discuss all about MSMG only to avoid lost your direction and objectives
That's what I said DISM is good at Integrating but not with removing and it needs a manual process to remove a package and it needs a lot of trial and error to have working system. Will be working on a alternative method to remove components but it will take time. I did advised you to stop using the SFC thing when you are using chopped version of Windows. Just use the ToolKit as it is without NSudo or any other Tool as I haven't tested the ToolKit with it. LTSB is not meant to have a Edge and to integrate Edge on LTSB properly you need to integrate it before the CU, did you integrate the Edge before CU? I'm not getting any Access Denied Errors here while removing the components.