MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The ToolKit script has been modified to work with the new Games Pack, which is yet to be released and I have just started working on it.

    Don't use the old Games Pack, as it is having folder permission bug which won't allow you to use the folder security tab.

  2. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The order has been discussed many times in the past and you can check the script to know how it works or Do use the Integrate WHD Update Pack to know how it works.

  3. ultimate11

    ultimate11 MDL Novice

    Jun 28, 2015
    Cool. I guess I won't integrate games until the new pack is released then, which doesn't have much impact on me since I use Windows 7 for my images (for the next year or so), but regardless, this is good information.
  4. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    I don't understand where Windows 10 is reading information about missing files. I know better than to use SFC ScanNow, but I am just curious how it finds out that files are missing and where it finds replacement files, considering I obliterated everything from WinSxS that even remotely deals with that package...
    I used WUMT because WHD was supposedly outdated, but point taken! The real question is - does installing Servicing Stack actually make a difference when it is applied before the Cumulative Update is applied onto an offline image?

    I was also curious whether using DISM versions from the latest Insider Preview builds can cause unforeseen negative (or positive) consequences when it comes to offline image manipulation?
  5. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    When I used custom package list (for removal) with MSMG Toolkit, where I specified AAD.Broker and AccountsControl packages found in SystemApps directory, the OS would not boot, but doing the same with the latest NTLite free edition did not prevent the OS from booting. However, NTLite is incredibly limited when it comes to integration. No tool so far can integrate Edge onto 2016 LTSB image and make it work (and update it!), except MSMG Toolkit.

    What keeps sucking is that I just installed the official un-edited LTSB 2016, applied ZERO tweaks, applied basic drivers, ran Windows Update, all done, etc., yet MSMG Toolkit, when launched As Admin, continues to produce Access Denied errors when trying to remove certain DLL files in SystemApps folder. I don't know why, I integrated nothing at all and went directly to removal options to see if the issue persists on a non-tweaked OS and it does...

    In my humble opinion, just as some enthusiastic user, I think MSMG Toolkit is excellent at integrating features, but NTLite is better at removing them, although it seems it refuses to remove anything from System32 folder...
  6. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    Yeah, AFAIK, there is only one NetFX35 package out there... and it is supposed to be the last thing to be integrated, although doing so is going to re-create certain disabled features. I guess integrating it as the first things and then removing/disabling those features later break the OS or NetFX35 itself somehow...
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    WHD outdated?

    Actually the CU could have stuff to update the integrated dotnetfx3, if you enable dotnetfx3 last there could be a download after installing to update it. On 15063 i didn't experience it yet but on the previous releases it occurred.
  8. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    Yeah, I will try the other way around method. I am just afraid that Servicing Stack may tell Cumulative Update not to update Edge because Edge is not supposed to be present on LTSB...

    BTW, is it better to integrate with MSU or CAB files? I ask because MSU's also carry information about which updates were installed and superseded AFAIK... I assume file names should also be untouched.
  9. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    When i use .NET Framework Setup Verification Utility, it says, Product verification succeeded!.:p
  10. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    Reghives COMPONENTS, reghives SOFTWARE, files cat, files manifest, backup package files. I manualy uninstal (remove files and registry) packages without mum and no problem, sfc scannow and Cleanup-Image ScanHealth are OK.
  11. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    Bumping this one... I want the posted code to be executed as the first thing after clean install (to remove DefaultUser0), but it has to be executed as Admin:
  12. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    I apologize for asking so many questions... I do research before asking, but not always thoroughly... I am trying to see if it is possible to integrate PhysX drivers because they do not use any .inf AFAIK and are mostly detected through registry. I guess I could just import all PhysX-related from my registry onto offline image registry or just Local-Machine entries...

    I would also like to integrate MS VC++ Runtime libraries from that AIO package that includes minimum and additional runtimes. I guess these things are strictly for Post-Setup or Unattended processes..?
  13. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    Yes to me the message "Just a moment ..." appears. Thanks for the explanations.

    When you talk about Compatibility Definition updates do you speak about KB3150513? I think it is not advantage to integrate this since this update is constantly relaunched, several times it was offered to me.

    On the servicing stack I do not know much but if you integrated the cumulative update without problems I believe you can integrate the servicing stack later although it is not ideal. Windows Update will install it after any way.

    MSMG Toolkit always installed the servicing stack first and it would not continue if there was no servicing stack but the script was changed because of 1703 so I do not know how it does at the moment. You can use the option to integrate WHD Updates even if you download the updates by other means, just copy them to the folders in Packs\WHD.

    Thanks, I wanted to know how to use this. Maybe this .cab is up to date.
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  14. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    #2876 MonarchX, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    LTSB is not supposed to include new features, yet when you properly apply Servicing Stack, NetFX47, DirectX9, the latest cumulative update and run Resetbase + Optimize with WimLib, the final image size is about 400MB bigger than the original image... NetFX47 + DirectX9 = 400MB? If not, then some new features

    FYI, I gave up and ditched Edge and now after full integration (aside from NetFX35) and removal of just about everything MSMG Toolkit can remove (without custom lists), both SFC ScanNow and DISM ScanHealth show zero problems and I did not use NSudo nor did I get any Access Denied errors.

    There is only one package I need to remove and I really wish I knew its name, but its the one BCast one related to Xbox that contains KnownGameList.bin file. It absolutely HAS to go and NTLite cannot remove it without breaking DISM. I think it may be the Game Explorer package, not sure.



    How do I use that long-butt name to find the package responsible for files within that WinSxS folder? Would simply deleting all files, folders, and registry entries associated with "bcastdvr" make it go away permanently without DISM and SFC freaking out?
  15. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Those additional files are available with the WAIK for Windows 7 SP1 and I do provide these files as a pack and due to low upload speed here I'm uploading it slowly.

    If anyone requests for any particular language then I do upload it soon. will upload the fr-FR pack if possible today.

  16. Krakatoa

    Krakatoa MDL Addicted

    Feb 22, 2011
    WinSxS folder <- -> name package
    run autoit script:
    $hFileOpen = FileOpen ("component.txt", 2)
    Local $core, $version, $token, $architecture, $str
    Local $sSubKey = ""
    For $j = 1 To 1000000
       $sSubKey = RegEnumKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components", $j)
       If @error Then ExitLoop
       Local $sVar = BinaryToString (RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components\" & $sSubKey, "identity"))
       Local $aArray = StringSplit($sVar, ', ', 1)
           For $i = 1 To $aArray[0]
               If $i = 1 Then
                   $core = $aArray[$i]
               Local $aArray2 = StringSplit($aArray[$i], '=')
               If $aArray2[1] = "Version" Then $version = $aArray2[2]
               If $aArray2[1] = "PublicKeyToken" Then $token = $aArray2[2]
               If $aArray2[1] = "ProcessorArchitecture" Then $architecture = $aArray2[2]
       $str = $core & "-Package~" & $token & "~" & $architecture & "~~" & $version
       FileWriteLine($hFileOpen, $sSubKey & "|" & $str)
    component.txt is all WinSxS folders and name packages
    Search WinSxS folder or name package in component.txt
    Example for win 10 rs2 pro:
    package name is Microsoft-Media-Capture-Internal-BroadcastDVR-Package (package without mum in rs2 = uninstall manualy).

    Attached Files:

  17. MonarchX

    MonarchX MDL Expert

    May 5, 2007
    SWEETNESS!! Huge thanks for this! Does Manual Uninstall involve removing .DLL files from System32? For example, that BroadcastDVR package has AppCapture.dll file that a ton of other packages are using and refer to...
  18. R23

    R23 MDL Member

    Apr 5, 2017
    Add the ability to delete the folder Perflogs.
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