ok this is your opinion not mine (related to Windows 8.1) NO for Toolkit that is best application here
Hope this makes more sense. Under Apply Tweaks Menu the option "Disable Downloading and Installing 3rd Party Apps" is what doesn't seem to work. Some apps still auto download & install.
Bump! VC++ is a must=have for any gamer, just like DirectX 9 and drivers. If you can integrate all 3 of those you can install OS and get to gaming very quickly! If someone would just help me understand how to make such a package I would do the hard-lifting or whatever is needed. For myself I can just install VC++ and SysPrep+Generalize+ShutDown+Capture, but that won't benefit the community in any way!
I do not know if it is the most suitable tool but you can use Total Uninstall or similar software to capture the registry and disk modifications made by the installer. However, you need to have a minimum of system knowledge because these tools can capture modifications made by Windows and therefore should not be included in the MSMG Pack. The formats that MSMG uses for its packs are .reg and .tpk. To create the .tpk you capture the files with Dism using a wimscript.ini file to exclude from the capture the Windows files. Then you export the image to the ESD format and rename it to the .tpk extension.
That's the way MS represents/identifies the feature/update packages internally inside the update.mum file and so I have used the same syntax for all the Pack files. <PackageName>-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~<Architecture>~~<Version>.<ServicePackBuiild> <PackageName>-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~<Architecture>~<Language>~<Version>.<ServicePackBuiild>
At present that option is not present, but you can manually remove the package using the dism command Dism.exe /image:mount\install /remove-package /packagename:<Packagename> Note: - Some updates are permanent which can not be uninstalled without a registry hack. - Some times a corrupt download file too can cause the integration failure.
Creating a Visual C++ Run-time x86 Pack for Toolkit Spoiler: Steps - Start with a clean Install x86 HOST system. - Install or Use a Portable Registry Backup/Monitoring Tool like Nirsoft's RegistryChangesView to take a snapshot of the current registry. - Install or Use a Portable Directory or File difference checking Tool like BeyondCompare to take a snapshot of the current directory or file structure. - Install the VC++ Runtimes. - Take the snapshot of the current registry. - Take a snapshot of the current Directory or File structure. - Compare both the Snapshots and note down the changes. - Take any ToolKit Pack like .NetFX47 for Windows 7. - Create a Folder named Mount. - Using the NSudo Command Prompt and Apply the ToolKit Pack File to Mount Folder using the DISM Command : DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:NetFX47.tpk /Index:1 /ApplyDir:Mount - Delete all the Files in the Mount Folder using the DOS command : Del /s *.* - Delete all the Folders not required in the Mount Folder using the DOS command rd /q /s <FolderName> - Now using the compared list note saved before, Copy the required Files or Folders to the Mount folder using the DOS commands : Xcopy /o <SourceFile> <TargetDirectory> Xcopy /o /s <SourceDirectory <TargetDirectory> - Make sure all the Files or Folders are copied to Mount folder and no Extra or Unwanted Files or Folders exists. - Now capture the Image from the Mount folder using the Dism command : DISM.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:VCRuntime_x86.wim /CaptureDir:mount /Name:"Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime (x86)" /Description:"Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime (x86)" /Compress:Max - Now Delete the Mount folder using the DOS Command : rd /q /s mount Creating a Visual C++ Run-time x64 Pack for Toolkit Spoiler: Steps - Start with a clean Install x64 HOST system. - Install or Use a Portable Registry Backup/Monitoring Tool like Nirsoft's RegistryChangesView to take a snapshot of the current registry. - Install or Use a Portable Directory or File difference checking Tool like BeyondCompare to take a snapshot of the current directory or file structure. - Install the VC++ Runtimes. - Take the snapshot of the current registry. - Take a snapshot of the current Directory or File structure. - Compare both the Snapshots and note down the changes. - Take any ToolKit Pack like .NetFX47 for Windows 7. - Create a Folder named Mount. - Using the NSudo Command Prompt and Apply the ToolKit Pack File to Mount Folder using the DISM Command : DISM.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:NetFX47.tpk /Index:2 /ApplyDir:Mount - Delete all the Files in the Mount Folder using the DOS command : Del /s *.* - Delete all the Folders not required in the Mount Folder using the DOS command rd /q /s <FolderName> - Now using the compared list note saved before, Copy the required Files or Folders to the Mount folder using the DOS commands : Xcopy /o <SourceFile> <TargetDirectory> Xcopy /o /s <SourceDirectory <TargetDirectory> - Make sure all the Files or Folders are copied to Mount folder and no Extra or Unwanted Files or Folders exists. - Now capture the Image from the Mount folder using the Dism command : DISM.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:VCRuntime_x64.wim /CaptureDir:mount /Name:"Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime (x64)" /Description:"Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime (x64)" /Compress:Max - Now Delete the Mount folder using the DOS Command : rd /q /s mount Merging Visual C++ Run-time x86 + x64 ToolKit Pack into .tpk format Spoiler: Steps Merge the two Packs captured above using the DISM Command Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:VCRuntime_x86.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:VCRuntime.tpk /Compress:Reocvery Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:VCRuntime_x64.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:VCRuntime.tpk /Compress:Reocvery Creating the Visual C++ Run-time ToolKit Pack Registry File Spoiler: Steps - Copy the Registry Changes into a new Registry File as For x86 : VCRuntime_x86.reg For x64 : VCRuntime_x64.reg - Replace the below strings as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SYSTEM HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE\Classes HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKCU HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKU_DEFAULT - Save the changes Now Test the new pack for any bugs or issues.
I think I got x64 version of VCRuntime package ready for testing, but my PC will not boot from 32bit Win10 USB image (1607-14393.0 ProVL x86 made by Rufus). Any ideas?