I had removed the Edge Integration for Non-LTSB editions, need to check with the menu what''s missing and fix it.
No these components are not yet added to use the new method of Component Removal, it will be added soon。
Think you didn't read the Known issues I had specified while Posting the ToolKit v7.8 few days back。 The store fix is yet to be worked out。
(OP) I had removed the Edge Integration for Non-LTSB editions, need to check with the menu what''s missing and fix it. And about the Net Framework 4.7 will checkout the issue。
I have just modified(deleted)the lines that take file / folder / registry permissions in ToolKit v7.9 as it wont be needed when the ToolKit is executed using the NSudo. Nothing else has changed for below Windows 10 RS3 versions. Anyway will test with W81/W10 and see if I do find any errors.
run ToolKitHelper.exe in ToolKit.cmd will get error "Unauthorized Use of ToolKit Helper Utility", why ?
ToolKitHelper.exe has been coded to use with ToolKit CMD, without ToolKit CMD it won't run. Edit: I thought running the ToolKitHelper.exe from command prompt. If it's giving error within the ToolKit.cmd then the environment path set by ToolKit is not working。 Can you specify the folder structure from which you are running the ToolKit。
@MSMG Wondering if you excluded this Xbox Identity Provider when All Apps Except Store is selected coz Store doesn't work if this one is removed?
The environment path set by ToolKit is not working, May be the ToolKit folder or the Bin folder has been modified。
I do not understand you. I did not change anything, just unpacked ToolKit and run Start.cmd as Admin.
F:\Downloads\ToolKit but I move to the F: root dir and run ToolKit.cmd again, no error thank you for reply
That's what I did (copied all the required apps name from the RemoveAppsList_Template.txt to RemoveAppsList.txt). But I want to keep the Calculator, Photos and Store apps so I won't use those options. But what will happen if I use that Import Remove StartMenu Tiles from XMLFile option? Do I need to edit the xml file or I won't have any tiles and will keep the Calculator, Photos and Store apps and because of that I could use that option instead of the Remove All Apps or Remove All Apps Except Store ones? I've yet to use that last option also but do I need to edit the w10_CustomStartMenuLayout.xml file or can I doo it using MSMG ToolKit by following a guide? EDIT: If I remove the store purchase app will I be able to open the Store app?
win10 10586 host: mount w10.1709 ent source integrate driver -> dx9 -> whd -> remove all except store (i modified it to not remove xbox identity) -> remove all componetns -> remove advanced components: edge, ie, def, smartscreen lastly system restore, also gave the same error like someone else described here i ignored the error and went ahead to cleanup, which also resulted in element not found error if i recall correctly. what shall i do