1. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    The update must have a fully qualified file name.
    eg: windows10.0-kb4054517-x64_f1c0e8eae96b357bc13e5668c5874904502106df.msu
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  2. adn927

    adn927 MDL Novice

    May 19, 2016
    Thanks! It work.
  3. lomticksoftoast

    lomticksoftoast MDL Member

    Nov 12, 2009
    My Signature talks about the problem, but the solution is awaiting some bright bulb to implement. Or, as you've indicated before, just don't remove system components in the first place!
  4. xinso

    xinso MDL Guru

    Mar 5, 2009
    #5144 xinso, Dec 25, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017

    Merry Christmas.

    I've managed the MediaFeaturePack for Windows 10 N editions (16299.15). Would you like me to make packages and upload them?
  5. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi xinso I'm happy to see you here again always colaborating; so Merry Christmas and Happy new year dude :D
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  6. aygul12345

    aygul12345 MDL Junior Member

    Apr 25, 2014
    First of all thanks for this!
    Second, How can I add a exclusion and what to do to exclude?
  7. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    to exclude what exactly?
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  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #5148 MSMG, Dec 25, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All

    It's been a long gap and I'm back now, Well from past few weeks I wasn't well and so there was no reply/updates here.

    Whenever there was a new Windows 10 build, the ToolKit needs to be updated and in the process of optimizing the code many times it was breaking the ToolKit for older Windows versions/builds.

    I was able get enough time for fixing and testing the ToolKit for all the issues reported here earlier regarding the Conversion, Integration, Removal, Customization, Tools and more importantly having BSOD.

    I have tested each Source OS (W7 (en-US), W81 (en-GB), W10 TH1/TH2/RS1/RS2/RS3 (en-GB)) 64-bit with selected editions (Pro/ProN/EnterpriseS/EnterpriseSN) on each Client OS (W7/W81/W10) 64-bit.

    It took countless times/hours/installations for testing each features of ToolKit stage by stage, component by component and Installing the Customized Image to see whether it breaks any feature/component.

    I have separated the Component removal by OS and Build wise now so that adding support for new OS won't break the old one and the ToolKit is completely working good here now.

    This release is mainly focused on fixing the issues with ToolKit and Updating/Adding new Packs.

    Updated the ToolKit to v8.0

    - Using ToolKit When Antivirus Programs are Enabled can Affect the ToolKit's Operations.
    - The ToolKit may or may not work properly with Windows 10 Refreshed Images due to the way the DISM works.
    - ToolKit's ToolKitHelper.exe may be flagged as a Virus/Trojan/Malware Program, Don't worry it's just a False Positive Sign.
    - Windows 8.1 - Integrating Windows Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) Alone will get Integrated But when It's Integrate after Integrating All other Components It will break the Integration with an Error code 0x80092004.
    - Windows 10 Threshold 1 - Integrating Latest Cumulative Update is Not Possible due to Lack of Availability of a Servicing Stack.
    - Windows 10 Threshold 1 - Removing All Apps Except Store and All Windows Components will break Store App and Settings->Apps->Store Restore Feature.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 2 - During Setup OOBE, At the Network Selection Screen, When You Choose Skip, The Setup will Show an Error - "Something went wrong, you can try again, or skip this for now", Just choose Skip.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 2/3 - Choosing Win32Calc Unit Conversion Menu would throw a Memory Reference Error.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 2/3 - When Custom User Account Picture is Integrated, The Picture is not Displayed in Logon Screen Although it's been Displayed in StartMenu User Icon.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 3 - The Components PeopleExperienceHost, WindowsDefender, SamrtScreen which uses the ToolKitHelper.exe for Component removal has been coded only for en-GB/en-US Language Source Images, Removing these components for other Languages may or may not Work.
    - Integrating/Installing Windows Updates/Cumulative Updates After the Component Removal can rarely restore Removed Components Resources or Shortcuts files.
    - The ToolKit can't/don't support Post-Servicing of ToolKit Serviced Source Images with Other similar Tools like NTLite/WinToolkit/WinReducer.

    + Updated ToolKit's Bin Folder with Windows 10 Redstone 3 RTM WADK (v10.0.17040.1000) Tools.
    + Updated the ToolKit to use Simplified Chinese DOS Code Page when zh-CN HOST OS is Used.
    + Added Better Error Handling for Missing Pack Files.
    - Removed the Support for Servicing Windows 10 Source OS on Windows 7 HOST OS, Due to the DISM Issues.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Language Packs" to Support Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Language Packs" to Support Windows Server Core Source OS (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    + Added Windows 10 Redstone 2 Language Pack (Win_LP + FOD + WinPE_LP) for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Added Windows 10 Redstone 3 Language Pack (Win_LP + FOD + WinPE_LP) for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2" to Integrate to KB4051600 Update for Windows 10 Threshold 1 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2" to Integrate to KB4054057 Update for Windows 10 Threshold 2 Source OS.
    + Updated the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 Pack for MSMG ToolKit with KB4051600, KB4054057 Updates.
    + Added a Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1" for Windows 7/ThinPC/Server 2008R2, Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2, Windows 10/Server 2016/Server v1709 Source OS.
    + Added Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 Pack (Windows 7/ThinPC/Server 2008R2, Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2, Windows 10/Server 2016/Server v1709) for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Integrate Menu not Showing Integrate Microsoft Edge and Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 for Windows 10 Redstone 1 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Data Deduplication" to Integrate Windows 10 Redstone 3 - Data Deduplication MUI CAB Files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Data Deduplication" with Fix for fssmres.dll (Thanks to MDL Member : abbodi1406).
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Data Deduplication" Where the Validation Check for Windows 10 was Preventing the Deduplication Integration for Windows 8.1 Source OS.
    + Updated the Data Deduplication Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 Redstone 3 - Data Deduplication MUI CAB Files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Remote Server Administration Toolkit (RSAT)" to Support Both Windows 10 v1609 and v1709 RSAT.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Remote Server Administration Toolkit (RSAT)" to Support Multi-Index Integration (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft DaRT Tools", Where Re-Entering the Integrate DaRT Tools Menu Would Duplicate the DaRT Pack Source Path Variable Value.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Games" related to Microsoft Game Explorer Shortcut Creation (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Games" related to Microsoft Games Localized Shortcut Creation (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" Where the Validation for IsRecoveryImageSelected was Wrongly Checking for IsBootImageSelected.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Custom Default User Account Pictures" with Fix for Server Core Edition (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Custom Windows Recovery Image" Where the Validation for IsRecoveryImageSelected was Wrongly Checking for IsBootImageSelected (Thanks to MDL Member Kenafri).
    > Moved the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps Association XML File" to Customize Menu.
    > Moved the Xbox Live App (Xbox.TCUI) in the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" to Store App, As It's required for Windows Store Apps Repair/Restore Feature in Settings App for Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps", Where Removing All Apps Except Store Would Break Windows Store Apps Repair/Restore Feature in Settings App for Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to Remove More WOW64 Sub-Packages for Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS.
    - Removed the XboxGameCallableUI Component in the Feature "Remove Windows Component", As it's related to Xbox Live App (Xbox.TCUI) for Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to Remove Windows PhotoViewer Component under Remove Advanced Windows Component Menu.
    > Moved the Tweak "Enable and Set Windows Photo Viewer As Default Viewer" to Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Added a Tweak "Disable Automatic Driver Updates through Windows Update" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Added a Tweak "Hide Taskbar TaskView Icon" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Added a Tweak "Force .NET Programs to Use Newest .NET Framework" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "WIM Manger->Rename", Where Renaming a WIM Image Index Would Set the Image Name and Description with a Null String.
    + Removed Loading these Registry Mount Points in ToolKit Script as These Functions are done within the ToolKitHelper.exe.

    ... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_COMPONENTS] -> (%windir%\System32\Config\COMPONENTS)
    ... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_DRIVERS] -> (%windir%\System32\Config\DRIVERS)
    ... [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SCHEMA] -> (%windir%\System32\SMI\Store\Machine\SCHEMA.DAT)


    - The ToolKitHelper.exe requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1.
    - The ToolKit uses the DISM Method of Component removal for W7-W10 RS3, the New Method (ToolKitHelper.exe) is only applied for Windows 10 Redstone 3 (PeopleExperienceHost, WindowsDefender, SmartScreen) Components. The rest of the components uses the old DISM method.
    - For Windows 10 TH1/TH2/RS1/RS2, When Remove All Apps Except Store is chosen and upon OS installation, when the Store App is opened, it takes some time or few restart's for the Store to work properly, the Store will get updated with a new icon and it will function properly.
    - Integrating Apps has not been tested and also not updated for Windows w10 RS3
  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Hi, Welcome back and Wish you too Merry Christmas.

    If you are referring to Official Media Feature Pack for Windows 10 N, then I have already uploaded them.

  10. FLCL

    FLCL MDL Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    Ah goot to see your doing well msmg :).

    In the known issues you wrote:
    "Windows 10 Redstone 3 - The Components PeopleExperienceHost, WindowsDefender, SamrtScreen which uses the ToolKitHelper.exe for Component removal has been coded only for en-GB/en-US Language Source Images, Removing these components for other Languages may or may not Work."

    Will the other languages get that supported code sometime?
  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes, of course all language will get the support, since in previous version of ToolKit many had complained of several issues even for Pre-RS3 OS's, I had to fix it and so couldn't work for new features or language support.

    Try testing the PeopleExperienceHost, WindowsDefender, SamrtScreen for other languages it may work as only in defender there was one registry difference and it may work, previously I had tested with zh-CN and it worked without any issues.

  12. ffs_

    ffs_ MDL Junior Member

    Sep 17, 2016
    So NTLite/WinToolkit/WinReducer won't work with my image if I serviced it with ToolKit before?
  13. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Many people use combination of tools to customize the source images and later face several issues and keep complaining/discussing it here and so I had to put a note that I won't be providing support for post-servicing of ToolKit serviced images with other tools as I don't know how the other tools do work internally to service the source images.

    This doesn't mean the ToolKit won't work with source images which have been already serviced with other tools But it's just that I won't be providing any support for fixing those issues.

  14. ffs_

    ffs_ MDL Junior Member

    Sep 17, 2016
    Fair enough. :) Thanks for explanation.
  15. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hi MSMG first of all I hope that you are very good now sincerely and also Merry Christmas and HAPPY New Year thanks a lot for your brave effort :worthy::)
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  16. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    MSMG, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Bro!!! :xmas::xmas::xmas:
    thanks for a new version of ToolKit!
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  17. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Merry Christmas and thanks for your continuing effort to allow users to build their OS the way it should be to begin with.

    I had a question tangential to your project that you might have an answer for. When you attempt to install a new build of windows (RS2 to RS3 for example) from bootable media MS tells you that you have to do it from the live OS.

    Is this a completely hard coded function now or is there a way to modify an install image to allow upgrades from bootable media?

    Way back in the XP days you could do this by modifying setupp.ini but obviously that trick is long gone.

    BTW, I am building a new workstation in the next 2 months that would be perfect for testing your toolkit beta builds. I will hit you up when it is finished.
  18. dhjohns

    dhjohns MDL Guru

    Sep 5, 2013
    What a wonderful surprise to wake up to! Merry Christmas MSMG, and thank you for all your very very hard, and diligent work!
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  19. FLCL

    FLCL MDL Junior Member

    Dec 20, 2013
    I tried to "fight" against Win10 1709 -german, no updates - but a few errors came up by advanced cleaning. My Hostystem is Windows 15063.786 german.
    I wanted to upload the dism log but unfurtunately the file was deleted after the image cleanup.


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