Welcome, Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2 Update 1 Setup DVD Media Pack for MSMG ToolKit is used for updating your Windows 8.1 RTM to Windows 8.1 with Update 1.. But it is not needed now as the Windows 8.1 with Update 1 ISO is readily available now..
Hello Nice tool! I'm adding updates to Win7 x64 right now. How to change ProgramFilesDir from default system drive to D:\ ? AFIK via registry but how to do it via this tool? Can someone give me detailed hint? I would really appreciate that. I want to have all program installed on D:\ partition including Windows default apps during Windows installation.
At present the Toolkit doesn't support custom tweaks or in your case changing default location of "Program Files" Directory. i haven't used the tweak/settings to change the default folder location. if you do have the registry tweak settings for it.. do post it here. i can guide you how to manually include that tweak to the Windows 7 Install WIM Image.
Ok, I've integrated all updates to Win7 x64 SP1 Ultimate ISO. Sure, I would like to at least try to change it. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] "CommonFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files\\Common Files" "CommonFilesDir (x86)"="D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files" "CommonW6432Dir"="D:\\Program Files\\Common Files" "ProgramFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files" "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"="D:\\Program Files (x86)" "ProgramW6432Dir"="D:\\Program Files"
Ok, here's the instructions to integrate the tweak : 1) Using the ToolKit Select the Source WIM Image and do not exit the ToolKit Window 2) Change the Registry Tweak file as following and save it as tweak.reg inside the ToolKit's folder Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\WIM_Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] "CommonFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files\\Common Files" "CommonFilesDir (x86)"="D:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files" "CommonW6432Dir"="D:\\Program Files\\Common Files" "ProgramFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files" "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"="D:\\Program Files (x86)" "ProgramW6432Dir"="D:\\Program Files" 3) Now Open notepad and paste the below code to it and save the file as "Tweaks.cmd" and place inside the ToolKit's Folder Code: reg load HKLM\WIM_Software "Mount\Install\Windows\System32\config\software" reg import Tweaks.reg reg unload HKLM\WIM_Software 4) Now right-click on tweaks.cmd file choose run as administrator 5) Now get back to the ToolKit Window and choose Apply Source and then Select Apply Changes and the Re-Build WIM 6) That's it.
Ok, thank you! 1st ISO Win7 x64 Ultimate + added my updates has size 4,27 GB. 2nd (same as 1st) but rebuild adding this tweak is bigger and has 4,43 GB. I'm gonna install it later and give a feedback. My fault, I didn't really re-build, I just re-saved without compression. Final iso is 4,38 GB. Same enteries for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node. This way it doesn't work anyway. I mean .bat showed successful however it has no effect on Windows installation. Maybe ProgramFilesDir is hardcoded somewhere or I did something wrong but I don't think so. MS should let us choose paths for program files, program data, user profile etc. I've been using Win XP where ProgramFilesDir was on D:\ partition and never had any issues with this.
Hi Thanks for replying. Yes I have always enabled Net framework 3,5, after integration of baselines updates. So if I enable NET 3.5 first, then my problem should go away? //Thanks
Thanks LostED for providing the mirror links. Feeling not well from a long time.. so no updates for the ToolKit for some more days.. I was excepting for Windows 8.1 Update 2 but it's no more now.. so I think there is no immediate change required for the ToolKit.. But am working on the next version with more features and WHD updates compatibilities.. Suggestions/Feature request are welcomed for the next version.
I have a W7 Ultimate iso with a Dutch LanguagePack and want to strip the unnecessary languages (components) from the install.wim. I've tried RT Se7enLite, however it affects integrated activation and tweaks. Can it be done with MSMG Toolkit? If yes, which Packs do I need to download form #1 (BTW link to Microsoft DaRT 7-8.1 Tools (English) Pack for MSMG ToolKit is broken)? If no, any suggestions how it can be done will be welcome
I could be mistaken, but I seem to remember it being impossible to remove language packs from install media. Even if you use the dism command to remove-package, I believe it still sits there on the image until you have the system installed where it can process the removal. I think what you are desiring can be accomplished with some winpe dism removal commands and a sysprep/capture. You can read about doing sysprep/capture on the integration thread and hollar if you get stuck.
@ murphy78 #522. Removal with RT Se7en Lite was/seemed easy. Select Components, Then Features Removal and Language Packs. It shrunk install.wim file size from 4.639.742kB to 4.455.525kB and install.size from 17.315.776.357 to When installing however integrated activation, tweaks and unattended software didn't work as before. Maybe RT7 changed other things beside the Components Removal, maybe it's because of the impossibility you described I've tried dism wit SIM also to no avail; in LanguagePacks only NL was present and I didn't dare to mess with the International-Core in Components