Hi. For Windows 10 RS2 v1703, i need "Remove All Apps Except Store" & integrate Cumulatime update. Should I remove apps first or integrate updates first?
Hi, I have downloaded an ISO from the microsoft media creation tool but I get it in esd format. Is there a legit way to get the wim format. Also, is there any step for the wim manager ? I just want to delete windows version in the ISO.
The present ToolKit v8.0 works with Windows 10 all Versions, Only with TH1 10240 the Store App needs to be fixed. Please do re-try and see if it works, meantime I will test on my side too.
Are you using Autounattend.xml file and have configured any particular edition in it to use for display or may be in EI.cfg have set to a different edition other than present in the image.
For RS3, you need to retain also the Store App since now with Store App the Xbox Live (Xbox.TCUI) App is removed.
Hi, I have remove all apps but keep store and mixed reality apps with toolkit 1.7.9. But if i can make a functionnal iso, mixed reality do not work. What are dependencies for Mixed Realtiy app? Thanks you!
I make a test with keeping xbox apps but same result, mixed reality do not work. Maybe Mixed reality need Cortona or "windows search"?
Why isn't Xbox.TCUI removed when I click to remove the Xbox app? If I remove it will something be broken? I can't remove Windows Store Client. It says an error ocurred. EDIT: After I removed some apps, the Photos and Store apps are not in my native language but in english and the Store app is not called Microsoft Store but just Store and when I click it nothing happens (the same thing goes for the Photos app)! Also, when I click "Scan properties" in my printer a get an error. It talks about Imaging Device.exe and Windows Photo Viewer so does it mean removing Windows Photo Viewer caused this? But I don't want to have Windows Photo Viewer! Everytime I connect the printer to the PC it's also installed an app that it's always reinstalling itself after I remove it! EDIT 2: When removing apps after I use the Remove Default Metro Apps Using Apps List option in most cases it says the provisioned appx Package doesn't exist in most of them.
@MSMG 1. It's OK to integrate Win32Calc this way (e.g. 10240 x64): Spoiler a. Apply registry Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384] "InstallClient"="DISM Package Manager Provider" "InstallName"="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384.mum" "InstallLocation"="\\\\?\\d:\\th.bin.amd64fre.dep\\mergedcomponents\\images\\client\\packages\\" "CurrentState"=dword:00000070 "SelfUpdate"=dword:00000000 "Visibility"=dword:00000002 "InstallTimeHigh"=dword:01d0bb0a "InstallTimeLow"=dwordf1bd0de "InstallUser"="S-1-5-18" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384\Owners] "Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384"=dword:00030070 b. Install main package dism /image:X:\MOUNT /add-package:X:\Microsoft-Windows-win32calc-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10240.16384.cab c. Install language pack dism /image:X:\MOUNT /add-package:X:\Microsoft-Windows-win32calc-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~xx-XX~10.0.10240.16384.cab 2. Since any version of Windows 10 Win32Calc is compatible with all Windows 10 versions, would it be easier to apply one for all? Hope you like it.
@MSMG just tried again, win 10x64pro1511 Toolkit v8 I have removed everything toolkit allow me to remove, cleaned up image and applied changes made iso image with the toolkit, later made bootable iso with unebotin Everything goes smoothly Everything install without issues until when it get to getting device ready and those spinning dots. Waited for 10 min and it won't get to desktop. Attached pic that's where I get stuck
@MSMG i have also tried toolkit v8 on winx64pro1703 Everything removed without any issues Installation no issues When i boot for the first time and start dism scanhealth I receive replay saying packages are repairable And sfc scannow says things were corrupted but it repaired it Then I use dism restorehealth and I get packages can't be restored blahbblah Windows logs cbs Says scf complained about xbox and other removed packages. Should i worry if dism scanhealth says packages are reapirable ? Or just ignore it?
@MSMG testing toolkit v7.7 against win pro1703x64 Metro removed without problem Windows components xboxui access Danied And onedrive setup wowx64 access denied Bioenrollment access denied too Now will test toolkit v7.9 against 1703
- Didn't you read the changelog when you downloaded the ToolKit v8.0, the Xbox Live (Xbox.TCUI) is moved to Store App removal since it is required for the both Store and Store/App Reset/Restore function in Settings App. Remove Store will remove the Xbox Live (Xbox.TCUI) App. - The Store App is renamed to Microsoft Store when you run the Store App and get connected to the Microsoft Store, it will get updated with a new icon and name. - If you had not used Start.cmd to run the ToolKit then a lot of access denied errors will be there. The People Experience Host, Windows Defender, Windows SmartScreen removal is only for en-GB/en-US Images, if you are using these images then remove them at last, this is just keep the new method to be used at last. - About the App languages not in your native language, I need to check as I do test the ToolKit always with the en-GB image and about the PhotoViewer I don't whether it's required for the Windows Imaging Devices or not, so just leave the PhotoViewer and see if it works, Some people had earlier said about the Printer App getting installed when the printer is connected to the PC automatically. - If you had removed Apps using the "Removing Apps using App List" and then try to Remove the Apps again using the Remove Default Metro Apps then of course it will say the App is not present.
Yes it will work, But still people like to have the newer files matching the OS version. But the present RS2 version of Win32Calc has one bug that is choosing the Unit Conversion will throw an exception. At present the below method is used for TH2 in the ToolKit and the rest use the original or ToolKit pack based.