The ToolKit supports all Windows 10 RS3 versions and Please do integrate the updates first and then remove the components. Follow the Order of usage provided in the First Post or Readme.txt
I check the readme.txt and to set the size and font and screen buffer size but in the next time all will reset again.
Double Click on NSudo.exe found in the Bin\<Arch>\NSudo.exe choose Enable All Privileges and then in the text box type cmd and press enter you will get a command prompt with Trusted Installer Privilege. Now type ToolKitHelper <mount-path> /? to get the list of components and then use ToolKitHelper <mount-path> <component-name> for removal. That's the problem with NSudo prompt it gets reset.
Yes, I did read the readme.txt, but you had the same warning in the readme of version 8.0, and it never triggered antivirus warnings. So 8.1 triggering the anti-virus, combined with the dramatic increase in file size of ToolKitHelper.exe in 8.1 compared to the previous three versions seemed like too much of a coincidence to me. So I felt it appropriate to inform you of this. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for your hard work.
I tried this but still not working. also pls if you check for the reg keys as they are not applying.when adding .tpk it shows added reg keys. when checked on fresh installed those keys not present registery hive. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE--> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM--> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SYSTEM HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKLM_SOFTWARE\Classes HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKCU HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT --> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_HKU_DEFAULT
Even with the older version few had reported earlier that their AV program is reporting the ToolkitHelper.exe as virus. I used a new version of code protector for the latest version and may be that might be triggering the Defender to report it as a virus. Anyway will check with AV for any issues with the new version and update.
Hi, thank you for this great tool. I just have one question that I didn't find answer in the readme. If I install windows with components and built-in apps removed, the Windows Update fails to update cumulative patches with error 0x800736b3. is that normal and expected behavior? And if I manage to update WIndows manually via DISM or other tools, is my assumption correct that it will partially reinstall components that I previously removed? How would I go around to removing them from live system? Or is it better/cleaner to just run unpatched Windows and reinstall refreshed images with updates integrated via MSMG from time to time? EDIT: My issue with failing updates may be because I used MSMG on refreshed image which is advised against in first post (I used 16999.125 from december image refresh). The second part of my question still stands though.
Usually I don't advise to use the refreshed images for customization since there's a new CU every month and so it's better to use the first released images. Updating/Installing a Windows Update upon a OS Installed with ToolKit Customized Image does sometime install some files/registry keys related to the component removed but it won't affect the OS much. Only If you are having issues then re-do the image and install the OS.
Updated the ToolKit to v8.2 Changelog v8.2 + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" to Support Integrating Latest Windows Updates to Windows 10 Threshold 1 (Non-LTSB Edition) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" to Support Integrating Latest Windows Updates to Windows 10 Threshold 2 (Non-Education/Non-Enterprise Edition) Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" to Support Integrating Updates to Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Edition. + Updated the ToolKitHelper.exe to Remove More Components for Windows 10 Redstone 3 Source OS. Note: - I have only tested the ToolKit to Integrate Windows Updates to Windows 10 Pro for Workstations and it has worked properly, also have installed the resultant image and checked with Windows Updates and it works. - For Windows 10 TH1, The Integration won't work until MS releases a Servicing Stack update. - For Windows 10 TH2, I haven't checked the Integration, But I hope it will work as It worked with Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. - The ToolKitHelper.exe file has been checked with Windows Defender and Symantec Endpoint Protection, and no virus was detected. - The ToolKitHelper.exe has been added more components only for testing purpose so that when everything is working fine it will be added to the ToolKit.
Integrating updates into pro-ws index? that would only work when the cbs entry in the registry is changed, not officially.