@MSMG... Thank You... v1.2 with Error Correction is working properly for me now... I just created a w8.1-x64 ISO w/ (84) WHDownloader Updates Integrated, then Removed ALL Metro Apps & Apps Associations using a w7-x64 HOST PC... Question: Do the NEW features in TookKit-1.2 allow ALL of the Baseline Updates (4) to be INTEGRATED into a w8 w/ UPDATE in the proper sequence, or do they still need to be Integrated one at a time in proper sequence as with v1.09?
From v1.1 itself the ToolKit's supports adding Baseline Supplementary updates to Windows 8.1 with Update 1 ISO source. Just copy the Baseline folder from WHD to Updates\w8x\<x86 or x64> folder and select the Integrate Windows 8.1 Update 1 from Integrate Menu. The ToolKit will integrate the four Baseline Supplementary updates to wim image. only if the baseline/supplementary updates changes then we need to modify the code.
@MSMG… I want to Thank You for this excellent program… When I first attempted to use ToolKit (v1.09) due to the switch from Windows Hotfix Downloader to WHDownloader, I was CLUEless how to use it… You’ve provided much HELP to me and others, and slowly, I’ve LEARNED how to use ToolKit to perform the task I wanted done… ToolKit v1.2 is EXCELLENT and much more capable than v1.09… When you get the “Detailed Usage Guide” completed, I will READ, READ and READ it until I learn the purpose of, and how to use some of the other features and capabilities… OBTW, your Screen Snapshots have been very helpful to me in the interim… Thank You!
Thank you, Yes will upload with more screenshots and a detailed guide to use ToolKit. am not being well from a long time so it's taking time. If you want to use WHD updates with the ToolKit, just copy the WHD Windows8.1-x64 contents to <Updates\w8x\x64> folder and choose the desired update to be integrated from Integrate Menu->Integrate Windows Security Updates & Hotfixes. If you want to integrate any custom updates copy them to <Updates\w8x\x64\Custom> folder and choose the integrate custom updates.
To make the Integration of WHD Windows 8.1-x64 M$ Updates easier, I created a folder “Windows 8.1-x64 (80 UnGrouped M$ Updates 23-Sep-2014)” which displays the Quantity & Date of the Current WHD updates (Excludes Baseline Updates) that I want to INTEGRATE... I then Copy ALL the updates from this folder to the TookKit-v1.2 / Updates / w8x / x64 / Custom folder so that ALL (80) of these Updates are integrated in one batch like it was done previously using the Toolkit v1.09 Updates / w8x / x64 / Install folder… This saves much time and works properly…
Hi MSGM! BIG huge thanx again for the last version of ToolKit . After few tests, this is my feedbacks About NetFX 3.5 detection on Win6.1 -------------------------------------- If original code is used Code: if "%version%" == "6.1" ( %DISM% /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) ) detection fails But if we use native dism.exe executable located in %Windir%\System32\ Code: Dism.exe /english /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul detection works with success About Media center Add-On Feature + Windows 8.1 Pro VL editions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Same error as mentionned in a previous post. VL editions are not ever correctly detected. Except if i use native dism.exe executable in code like below: Code: Dism.exe /english /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-Packages | findstr /c:"Package Identity :Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Professional-GVLK-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~" >nul (But it's a little bit slower) About Remove > Default Metro Apps -------------------------------------- If you try to remove an app whose already removed, error below is showned: Code: An error occured trying to open - %MetroAppName%%Version% error : 0x800f0805 The specified package is not valid Windows package echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo.°°°°Finished Integrating Default Metro Apps°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If it's possible, can u add a portion of code to check (via a txt file like %~dp0Logs\Apps.txt) app state before to launch its removing ? Thanx.
This is most likely due to the missing /english switch in MSMGs script, will fail on every non-english system when getting localized output, but shouldn't matter which dism EXE is used.
1) NET Framework 3.5 Check : Please do check at the top the Script where i have defined the DISM variable path : Code: :: Setting WADK 8.1 Tools Path Variables set DISM=%BIN%\%OSArch%\Dism.exe set ImageX=%BIN%\%OSArch%\imagex.exe set OsCdImg=%BIN%\%OSArch%\oscdimg.exe set BIOSBoot=%BIN%\%OSArch%\etfsboot.com set UEFIBoot=%BIN%\%OSArch%\efisys.bin set DVDBurn=%BIN%\dvdburn.exe set WimConfigFile=%BIN%\wimscript.ini set "DismFormat=/English /LogPath:%~dp0Logs\Dism.txt /LogLevel:3 /NoRestart" I have used the Switch /English for DISM format. I think the reason for the code not working is that I have assigned the Environment path after the check of .NET framework detection. check below the code. Code: cls echo. echo. MSMG ToolKit - StartUp Settings echo. echo. :: Getting Host OS and Host OS Architecture for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j if "%version%" == "6.3" echo.Getting Host OS Info : Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 ^(%OSArch%^) if "%version%" == "6.2" echo.Getting Host OS Info : Windows 8.0 / Server 2012 ^( %OSArch%^) if "%version%" == "6.1" echo.Getting Host OS Info : Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 ^( %OSArch%^) echo. echo.Checking for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components ? echo. ::Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not if "%version%" == "6.1" ( %DISM% /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) ) ::Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not if not "%version%" == "6.1" ( %DISM% /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) ) :: Calling Set WADK Environment Function echo. echo.Setting ToolKit ^& WADK 8.1 Tools Environment Variables... echo. echo.DISM.exe = %DISM% set "DISM=%BIN%\%OSArch%\Dism.exe %DismFormat%" echo.Imagex.exe = %ImageX% echo.Oscdimg.exe = %OsCdImg% echo.Etfsboot.com = %BIOSBoot% echo.Efisys.bin = %UEFIBoot% echo.Dvdburn.exe = %DVDBurn% echo.7zip.exe = %Zip% echo.EsdDecrypt = %EsdDecrypt% echo.WimTweak.exe = %WimTweak% echo. echo. echo Press ENTER Key to Continue... pause >nul I will change the code in later version until then use the below code for mean time Code: Dism.exe /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul 2) for WMC Addon Feature Error, i have tested numerous times this feature and it has worked well. I will check once again and see what's causing the error. you can say the order in which you applied the WMC addon integration, did u applied any updates or enable any other features before WMC addon integration. Pro VL check is bit slower but it's working on my side and the dism uses the dism with /english switch, see the below code, the %DISM% does contains all the switches i mentioned above. Code: :: Checking Whether Source WIM Image is Windows 8.1 Pro Edition or Not echo.Checking Whether Source WIM Image is Windows 8.1 Pro Edition or Not... echo. %DISM% /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-Packages | findstr /c:"Package Identity :Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Professional-GVLK-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Selected Source WIM Image is Not a Windows 8.1 Pro Retail Edition... echo. echo.Please Use Windows 8.1 Pro Retail Edition Operating System as Source... goto :Stop ) I think it's only Windows 7 HOST most of the errors are getting, i will throughly test the ToolKit on Windows 7 and will fix for any errors. 3) Default Metro Apps : Yes need to put some check for removed apps will do it.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Host : Win7 Pro SP1 x86 Client OS : Win8.1 update Pro/Ent VL x86/x64 (just for test VLK editions checking) Updates/hotfix added : NONE Others addings integration order: 1) integrate .NetFx 3.5 2) integrate WMC Add-on Feature ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all! But i'll do more tests again later. U're right: there is no error like that with a Win8.1 host.
@ s1ave77 As MSMG said I know that . And according to my localized version, i've add this: 1) dir <fr-fr> from WADK 8.1 installation to <%~dp0Bin\%OSArch%\DISM\fr-fr> 2) new variables (in bold) Code: :: Setting WADK 8.1 Tools Path Variables set "DismFormat=/English /LogPath:%~dp0Logs\Dism.txt /LogLevel:3 /NoRestart" set "DismFormatfr=/LogPath:%~dp0Logs\Dism.txt /LogLevel:3 /NoRestart" :: Calling Set WADK Environment Function echo.Setting MSMG ToolKit ^& WADK 8.1 Tools Environment Variables... echo. echo.DISM.exe = %DISM% echo.DISMfr.exe = %DISMfr% set "DISM=%~dp0Bin\%OSArch%\DISM\Dism.exe %DismFormat%" set "DISMfr=%~dp0Bin\%OSArch%\DISM\Dism.exe %DismFormatfr%" The main reason i've use parameter /english with Dism.exe is simple: my OS host, ISO image & WADK 8.1 Tools used for testings all are in french (fr-FR). View attachment 30967 ============= Testing Config ================ Host : Win7 SP1 Ultimate (x86) / Pro (x64) (fr-FR) OS : Win8.1 Update 1 Pro (x86)/(x64) VL (fr-FR) ========================================= Due to .NetFx 3.5 error mentionned here, if i ommit that parameter, i must translate almost commands in Toolkit, like this: Original code Code: %DISM% /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul French (fr-FR) localized code Code: %DISMfr% /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"tat : Activ‚" >nul As i'm lazy man , a very large part of code remains unchanged: i've just choose to modd/localize ('cause without that, Toolkit fails) necessary parts to reach my final goal : a complete localized french version of MSMG' Toolkit. original code Code: :ListDisks . . . echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo. Volume # Letter Label File Sys Type Size Status Info>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %TMP%\DiskList.txt findstr "Removable" %TMP%\DiskList1.txt >> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt . . . :TakeFileOwnerShip takeown /f %~1 && icacls %~1 /grant "Everyone":F French (fr-FR) localized version Code: :ListDisks . . . echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo. Nø volume Lettre Nom Fs Type Taille Statut Info>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %TMP%\DiskList.txt findstr "Amovible" %TMP%\DiskList1.txt >> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt . . . :TakeFileOwnerShip takeown /f %~1 && icacls %~1 /grant "*S-1-5-32-544":F Nota : Everyone(security ID [SID]:S-1-1-0) EQU Tout le monde (in french). But SID *S-1-5-32-544 is more flexible than their localized name, i think.. Hope my explanations help to understand my choices. About Media center Add-On Feature + Windows 8.1 Pro VL editions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Test 1 ------- --------------Testing Config ------------------------ Host : Win7 SP1 Ultimate (x86) (fr-FR) OS : Win8.1 Update 1 Pro (x86) VL (fr-FR) Updates/Hotfix : NONE Feature added : WMC Add-On FINAL : Windows 8.1 Pro VL DETECTION WORKS ----------------------------------------------------- Test 2 ------- --------------Testing Config ------------------------ Host : Win7 SP1 Ultimate (x86) (fr-FR) OS : Win8.1 Update 1 Pro (x86) VL (fr-FR) Updates/Hotfix : NONE Feature added : 1) .NetFX 3.5 / 2) WMC Add-On FINAL : Windows 8.1 Pro VL DETECTION WORKS ----------------------------------------------------- CONCLUSION : It seems that my previous ISO IMAGE files were corrupted during my tests. for my previous error report about Win8.1 Pro VL detection. And my apologies.
Sir MSMG, I have created Pre-Activated Windows 8.1 ISO Image using your software MSMG Toolkit v1.08. Meantime your software Version 1.2 has been released. My Question is - Should I re-create my Pre-Activated Windows 8.1 ISO image (Which is already created before) or the The ISO previously created will be OK and will work with the recent version of your Software. Thanks in Advance. Please Reply.
Hello, Thanks for making this great tool. I have one question. I'm trying to make an fully updated install of Windows 8.1. I have an Windows 8.1 update 1 iso and want to update this with the latest patches. I use WHDownloader to download the latest patches. When i create an iso file and test it in VirtualBox it wants to install KB2919355. I have searches this thread but didn't find the right answer. Is this a known issue? John
No need for Sorry, Mistakes can happen. Once I will make a template for language support for ToolKit, it will become easy for porting to other languages.
If you had integrated or enabled any other language packs, feature packs after the integration of WHD baseline supplimentary updates then it will show for KB2919355 update again in windows update but the size of the update will be smaller. so do apply the WHD baseline updates after the integration of Language packs/features.
I have only integrated, General, Hotfixes and Security. And added no language packs or other features.
You need to integrate Baseline updates: KB2989647, KB2966870, KB2959977, KB2934018 if you didn't, KB2959977 and KB2934018 will show up as KB2919355