Big huge thanx for your hard work In my last report, i forget to mention this: About Integrate Windows Security Updates & Hotfix Menu ------------------------------------------------------------- Probably an omission, but from [1] Integrate General Updates to [5] Integrate Extra Updates, Updates & hotfixes ARE NOT APPLICABLES to & Boot.wim images (ONLY to Install.wim). way to achieve properly option [7] Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates . Voilà...
Yes In Integrate Windows Security Updates & Hotfix Option, the updates are applied only to install.wim. The option to Integrate windows setup media update files only works if you choose the Integrate WinPE updates. am working on how to recognize the normal updates that can be integrated to boot.wim and winre.wim.
Hi MSMG, First a Huge Thank You! for being able to update Default APPS. This was a feature I really wanted. The DirectX 9.0c integration as well, is terrific. I always enjoy the Game Pack. I managed to get all of the above items integrated along with .NET 3.5. All of these work great! I'm not having any luck with DaRT. I initially used selection #3 on the DaRT integration menu. Later, when I tried it again, I chose option #1,#2, and #3, in that order. I'm not finding the link to the DaRT menu when booting the install disc, or later, on the blue Recovery Options Menu. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Found a few mistakes in your script. in the dart section: when choosing german , korean will be installed, and so on
I need HELP / ADVICE with the proper procedure to INTEGRATE drivers using the Toolkit DRIVERS folder / sub-folders… I have downloaded the applicable HP Laptop SPxxxxx.exe drivers to a backup folder… These can be installed on an Online / LIVE installation… Do I COPY these SPxxxxx.exe drivers to the applicable Toolkit DRIVERS folder or is some modification or other method required?
The ToolKit follows the DISM method which searches the drivers folder for any inf files and if found will integrate them to the wim image. In your case you have using the HP Laptop drivers which usually comes in .exe format. you need to extract the drivers manually by executing the .exe file and then look for boot driver for example c:\Swsetup folder or something like that, the drivers files will be there, if not search in the temp folders. Then create a new folder inside the <Drivers\w7x\x64> folder and copy the files to the newly created folder. Use the ToolKit to Integrate the Drivers.
bug: when integrating DaRT, the language selection doesn't correspondent to installed language: eg. selecting german installs kroatia, selecting french installs german. edit: nevermind, just reported and announced to be fixed in next release... structure: normaly ppl go from 1 to x. this leads to appling net 3.5 patches before they reach integrating net 3.5 but net 3.5 has to be integrated before net 3.5 related patches and hotfixes. maybe you put in a warning in script....
1) DaRT Integration bug has been fixed in the coming version 2) Already there's a Warning Information before the Integrate Windows Security Updates and Hotfixes menu. It clears states that before integrating the updates one should apply any required language packs or enable feature packs or else the updates for the language packs or feature packs won't be applied.
Updated the ToolKit to v1.3 Spoiler v1.3 + MSMG ToolKit Now Uses the Built-In DISM Executable for Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 / Windows Technical Preview HOST OS's. + Fixed the Bug in ToolKit's StartUp Function, Where the Detection of Microsoft .Net Framework Components Failed. + Added ToolKit Support for Windows 10 Technical Preview OS. + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Security Updates & Hotfixes", Where Internet Explorer 11 Supporting Package Was Not Properly Integrated. + Added a Validation Check for the Feature "Integrate Windows Device Drivers", to Check Whether Drivers Folder are Emtpy. + Updated the Feature "Install .NET Framework 3.5 Components", to Support Windows 10 HOST OS. + Updated the Feature "Integrate .NET Framework 3.5 Components", to Support Windows 10 Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Integrate Data Deduplication Feature", to Support Windows 10 Source OS. + Updated Data DeDuplication Feature Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Support for Windows Server Technical Preview English DeDeuplication Package. + Updated the Feature "Integrate WinToGo Workspace Feature", to Support Windows 10 Source OS. + Updated the WinToGo Feature Pack Folder with Windows 10 Technical Preview Enterprise Edition English WinToGo Files. + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrare Microsoft DaRT Tools", Where the DaRT Language Menu Selection Value was Wrongly Assigned. + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft DaRT Tools", to Support Windows 10 Source OS. + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Sidebar Feature", Where the Echo Command Re-Directing was Using a Hard-Code Path for SetupComplete.cmd File. + Added More User Account Picture Avatars for Windows 7 Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Integrate Custom Default User Account Pictures", to Support Windows 10 Source OS. + Updated the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps", to Support Windows 10 HOST OS. + Added an Option to the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" to Remove Default (Microsoft Cloud Experience Host, Microsoft Cortana, Microsoft Feedback) Metro Apps. + Fixed ToolKit Semantic Errors. + Optimizied ToolKit Code. - Removed Redundant Codes.
Ok, Open the ToolKit Script File with Notepad and search for the line : :: Function to Set MSMG ToolKit StartUp Settings then scroll down to the line : ::Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not now change the below line : if "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /Online to : if "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /English /Online Now, Save the File and try executing the Script File. If this doesn't work then do modify the following lines : Code: ::Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not if "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if not "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) To these : Code: ::Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not if "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) if not "%HOSTVer%" == "6.1" DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Not Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( echo.Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Components Are Installed... set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) Hope this will work.