@MSMG; When TESTing ToolKit 1.3 with the NEWer replacement NetFX35 Pack using a Windows 7-x64 HOST PC to create an ISO with current WHDownloader updates for a Windows 8.1-x64 ProWMC with Update, I noticed an EXCESSIVE amount of time (26 minutes) when using the REMOVE (1) “All Default Metro Apps” feature… I performed the same function using ToolKit 1.2 which only took (2 minutes)… [OneDrive and Photos / Windows Camera / Windows Store] are the most TIME CONSUMING offenders… I performed this TEST twice with similar results on a reasonably fast Laptop (Intel Core i7 CPU @ 2.30GHz / 3.10GHz Turbo & 16 GB DDR3 Ram)… [FONT="]There appears to be a major difference between the NEWer replacement NetFX35 Pack vs the OLDer previous NetFX35 Pack... [/FONT]
I just updated the .NetFx35 Pack with the .NetFx35 cab file for Windows Technical Preview. The .NetFx35 files for W81 sources are the same files but instead it is present in the w8x folder and nothing has changed for W81 source os. For Default Metro Apps I changed the default DISM removal method to WimTweak removal method. coz it will be easy for removing any corresponding files with WimTweak and it will save the time. on Windows 8.1 HOST it's removing with little time. Don't know what's happening with Windows 7 HOST OS, need to check it.
UPDATED: For TESTing, I “swapped” the NEWer replacement NetFX35 Pack (Applicable Folder Contents = w8x / x64) with the OLDer previous NetFX35 Pack (Applicable Folder Contents = x64) and Re-TESTed TookKit v1.3 and 1.2 regarding the TIME to REMOVE (1) “All Default Metro Apps”… ToolKit 1.3 took 26 minutes ToolKit 1.2 took 2 minutes Therefore, I’ve concluded that the NEWer replacement NetFX35 Pack is NOT the culprit, the EXCESSIVE amount of time is an issue with ToolKit 1.3… OBTW, my Extracted NetFX35 is: NEWer replacement NetFX35 Pack w8x / x64 folder = 274MB / 1175 Files / 775 Folders OLDer previous NetFX35 Pack x64 folder = 884MB / 10,509 Files / 3,336 Folders
I didn't tried the new .netfx 3.5 cab file with w81 source os, but there is some changes required in the code for .netfx 3.5 section of toolkit For both the functions :InstNetFx35 and :IntNetFx35, change the following code Code: if "%SOS%"=="w8x" %DISM% /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enable Pending" >nul if "%SOS%"=="w10x" %DISM% /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto :AddNetFx35 if not errorlevel 1 goto :DontAddNetFx35 Code: if "%SOS%"=="w8x" ( %DISM% /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enable Pending" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto :AddNetFx35 if not errorlevel 1 goto :DontAddNetFx35 ) if "%SOS%"=="w10x" ( %DISM% /Image:%InstallMnt% /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 goto :AddNetFx35 if not errorlevel 1 goto :DontAddNetFx35 ) And regarding the Remove Apps part, I have added a additional code to remove certain left over files that are left behind even after the apps are removed for apps like OneDrive & Photos, Camera and Store. so it might be taking time for you on windows 7 host os but for me on windows 8.1 host os it doesn't take so much time like you specified. am planning to add windows component removal for ToolKit, so I have changed the way metro apps are removed in this version of toolkit. also only for windows 7 host os the toolkit used the dism build 17029 and for the windows 8, 8.1, 10 it used the in-built dism.
MSMG, I want to THANK YOU again for your continued improvements of this Excellent ToolKit... I made the changes per your suggestion… I removed (4) Lines 4515-4518 of OLD Code and pasted (11) Lines 4515-4525 of NEW Code… Re-TESTed, still takes 26 minutes to REMOVE All Metro Apps using ToolKit v1.3 on my Laptop… Must be related to Windows 7 DISM and the Removal of leftover App files… Will it cause problems if I create a Windows 8.1-x64 w/ Update + Baseline + NetFX35 Pack then Remove ALL Default Metro Apps & Associations then SAVE this as a foundation package to be able to Integrate WHDownloader Updates each month after “Patch / Update Tuesday” ???
Will it cause problems if I create a Windows 8.1-x64 w/ Update + Baseline + NetFX35 Pack then Remove ALL Default Metro Apps & Associations then SAVE this as a foundation package to be able to Integrate WHDownloader Updates each month after “Patch / Update Tuesday” ???
Yes you can make a base image and use it as a foundation package for future updates integration But only if the baseline updates don't change very often and one more thing is you should not remove the OneDrive, camera and store apps in the foundation package you are going to make coz the newer updates do update these apps. you can remove these apps later when you make a update image every month.
Hi, I try to integrate WMC into a Windows 8.1 with Update x64 clean image downloaded from softicle.com but the toolkit says that the selected source is not Windows 8.1 Pro retail edition...I selected Windows 8.1 Pro when the image was mounted. Any solutions ? Thanks !
Checked the site you have specified and it's a Retail Image and so it should work. Are you using the latest version of the ToolKit and what HOST OS are you using to use ToolKit?
@MSMG Using a Windows 7-x64 HOST PC and Toolkit v1.3, I created a Windows 8.1 ProWMC-x64 Pkg & ISO… .NET 35 was Integrated then I integrated WHDownloader current updates then removed ALL Metro Apps and Associations… When I installed this pkg on a Laptop, some of the Metro Apps were installed and available in the Windows 8 Start screen… IIRC these were: Camera / Desktop / File Manager (OneDrive) / Immersive Control Panel (PC settings) / PhotosApp (Photos) / Search / Windows Store (Store)… I performed the same procedure using Toolkit v1.2 and it worked as expected… ???
That's strange, just yesterday I made a Windows 8.1 ProWMC image for my system by Integrating .NET 3.5 and WHD Updates and then removed all Metro Apps and it's association. Installed on my Laptop and there are no metro apps including OneDrive, Photos, Camera, Store. Desktop, Immersive Control Panel (PC Settings), Search.. these apps when removed will break the functionality so I haven't added to the toolkit to remove them But rest of the apps are safe to be removed and does gets removed properly. Does your installation image contains only one index or is there any other version of Windows 8.1 present along with ProWMC. If so then do choose Re-Build Source Image from ToolKit's Apply Source Menu and then Try Installing the OS.
I'm preparing for the next version of ToolKit and am in need of WinToGo files from Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview Build 9879 for the ToolKit. If anyone who has download the Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview Build 9879, Please do upload these files from it From x86 Image : Windows\System32\en-US\pwcreator.exe.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwlauncher.dll.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwlauncher.exe.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwrshplugin.dll.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwsso.dll.mui Windows\System32\pwcreator.exe Windows\System32\pwlauncher.dll Windows\System32\pwlauncher.exe Windows\System32\pwrshplugin.dll Windows\System32\pwsso.dll From x64 Image : Windows\System32\en-US\pwcreator.exe.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwlauncher.dll.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwlauncher.exe.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwrshplugin.dll.mui Windows\System32\en-US\pwsso.dll.mui Windows\System32\pwcreator.exe Windows\System32\pwlauncher.dll Windows\System32\pwlauncher.exe Windows\System32\pwrshplugin.dll Windows\System32\pwsso.dll Windows\SysWOW64\en-US\pwrshplugin.dll.mui Windows\SysWOW64\pwrshplugin.dll Also, I need the sxs folder from Windows 10 Technical Preview x86 Build 9879 ISO Image