[4] Remove [3] Remove Windows Components [2] Advanced Windows Components [L] Microsoft Telemetry If the using "N" edition of Win10, it will be option "[K]" (according to his script).
I'm sorry couldn't understand your query properly, - The convert Store ESD-WIM will convert the image first to <Temp\DVD> folder and then move the <Temp\DVD< folder to <ToolKit> folder there by replacing the original <ToolKit\DVD> folder. - The Convert ESD-WIM will convert the image to <DVD\sources> folder and then the original ESD file. - The Convert WIM-ESD will convert the image to <DVD\sources> folder and then the original WIM file.
I just meant, do wait for next release i.e v8.4 and it was released yesterday. You can us the PeopleExperienceHost remove and the People's Taskbar Icon will be removed.
Ok, I had actually thought the bug was about the App name being shown as Movies and TV instead of Films and TV for RS4 and so I did fixed it. Will fix the the below typo error in next version.
With the normal DISM method it's difficult to remove the packages related to Telemetry since they are merged into other main packages and so the ToolKitHelper (The manual method) was added to ToolKit. The ToolKit uses the ToolKitHelper to remove the packages related to Telemetry and Since the packages required for Telemetry are removed, the settings in the Settings->Privacy will be in default state and will be disabled.
Hello,MSMG!Good day. Could you add a “Convert to ProfessionalWorkstation” feature for RS4 17134. Please! Some people,like me,need a single edition-ProwfeessionalWorkstation. Hope your letter~
Remember, May 8th is patch Tuesday. Almost here! You know you're a geek when you get all exited over this. Windows 1803 is out, MSMG toolkit is up to date and the first CU is about to come out. Perfect time to make an ISO!
@MSMG ToolKit 8.4 After remove all Xbox apps and components, does this item remain in the control panel?
Even though I looked, somehow I missed the option. I think the current heatwave has got to my head! Thank you so much for all your work, MSMG.
Can i remove windows update from windows 10 pro 1803? And if yes then can i download update manually?