How can I get the slider feature in the battery options? It is absent in all the W10 images edited with toolkit.
"all components" there's some components of Xbox installed like GameBar, DVR, Game Mode, TruePlay, Recording, FullScreen Optimization (yeah, that's related to Xbox), you'll need to disable it with some REG tweaks.
Right now I have added the Edition conversion only for RS4 Pro Edition, if your source is Pro Edition then you can use the Convert option to convert to Professional for Workstations. For other source editions it will take some time for me to make the changes as there are two many editions and versions for Windows 10.
When I do update the TooKitHelper to remove the Xbox component, these things will be removed and it will take some more time for me to add it.
Thx a lot,Get it . And good job.But,maybe I have a problem with the expression. Actually,I mean,just like MSMG Toolkit v7.7(maybe v7.8),that version can convert “Core” edition to “Professional for workstation” edition. Just like this pattern. Now,in the v8.4,MSMG Toolkit set the product key for professional workstation. But we cannot remove the “Enterprise” edition.All edition base on it. So,could MSMG Toolkit made “Professional for workstation” as a default version.By this way,we can remove “Enterprise” edition. Have a nice day,MSMG!
It's only a guess, but the windows defender removal bug seems to be the cause of losing access to turning windows features on and off in the uninstall menu. I've tried five different builds and that was the only commonality between them. My next step is to not remove it and see what happens.
Forgive me for being stupid, but how do I use SmartVersion to update MSMG Toolkit 8.4 with the SVF file? What I extract from the SFV file is exactly the same as 8.4. Same dates, same amount of bytes.... What am I missing here?
Actually I don't have the upgrade path list for RS4 editions, so I do need to mount each edition and get the upgrade editions list and then modify the ToolKit and since there are so many versions (TH-RS4) and editions, I do have to make sure that the changes to the RS4 will not break the function for previous versions. So it will take some time.
The Windows Defender removal bug has been fixed now and will be releasing a new version today. And, I did checked with the components removed along with Windows Defender and the Windows Features on and off feature is working here, also the Windows Update is too working. Do test with the new version when it's released today.
I was referring to the power slider(refer batter_slider.png). Sorry for the confusion . Mine looks like this(screenshot-17).
I haven't removed/modified anything related to the Power Fly-out Applet, will check out how the Power fly-out is being displayed here.
Oh I thought you'd made a sort of quick patch to fix the issues reported yesterday - I misunderstood!