MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    You were right, Today I tried Removing Default Metro Apps like FileManager (OneDrive & Photos), Camera and Store on Windows 7 HOST OS with detailed view of wimtweak.exe operations.

    Although the wimtweak.exe tool removed the packages properly and successfully but when the image was saved and rebuilt and installed, the Default Metro Apps like FileManager (OneDrive & Photos), Camera and Store were present and actually they didn't got removed.

    Fixed this problem by using the combined method of wimtweak.exe+DISM like used in ToolKit-v1.2 and tested on Windows 7 HOST OS and installed the final Image and it works properly.

    Waiting for Tuesday patches coz there is new servicing stack update going to be released and so I will make the required changes to the ToolKit and release it.

  2. Hoa Moc Lan

    Hoa Moc Lan MDL Novice

    Feb 13, 2014
    Hi MSMG!
    I think you should add a new feature to the program which can reduce the size of the WIM file after integrating the new updates.
    ( I mean the command
    Dism /Image:C:\test\offline /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase)
  3. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Although that idea is good, it will mostly fail due to pending flag was set by updates :nsa:.

    Only workaround would be audit mode install, sysprep/generalize/ to OOBE with shutdown and then re-capture to WIM. Afterwards or inbetween you can resetbase Windows or mounted WIM. It still won't make the WIM that much smaller.

    BTW: After servicing and unmounting the WIM it's indeed useful to export all indices once, as it else get's additionally vastly bloated over the time.

    [huih ....: post #666 ... cute]
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  4. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Good News to Everyone, Updated the ToolKit to 1.4

    Changelog :

    + Updated MSMG ToolKit EULA.
    + Fixed a Bug in ToolKit's StartUp Function, Where the Detection of Microsoft .NET Framework Components was Not Working Properly.
    + Improved MSMG ToolKit Dynamic Menu System for Integrate and Remove Main Menu Items.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Convert Windows Store ESD Image to WIM Image", Where the ESD File Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    + Updated the Feature "Convert Windows Store ESD Image to WIM Image", to support Windows 10 Technical Preview ESD Images.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 Update 1" (Removed KB2975061, KB2989647, KB2966870, KB2989647, Added KB3000850, KB3014442, KB3003057).
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 Update 1" to support Windows 8.1 Store Updated IR4 Build 17057 Images.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Security & Hotfixes", to Reflect the WHD Hotfix Repository Update List.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Install .NET Framework 3.5 Components", Where the Source OS Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate .NET Framework 3.5 Components", Where the Source OS Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    - Removed Windows 10 .NET Framework 3.5 Components Source Files from Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 AIO Pack for MSMG ToolKit, Due to Changes in SXS Folder in Each Preview Builds.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Media Center Add-on Feature", Where the Validation of Source WIM Image Failed with Valid Windows Pro Retail Image.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Media Center Add-on Feature", Where Re-Mounting of The Source WIM Images Didn't Update the WIM Image Information.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Data Deuplication Feature", Using the Updated abbodi1406 DeDup Pack.
    + Updated the Data DeDuplication Feature Pack for MSMG ToolKit with abbodi1406 DeDup Pack Files.
    + Updated the WTG Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview Build 9879 WinToGo Files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Custom UxTheme Patch", to support Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2/Windows 10 Technical Preview OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Custom Default Account Pictures", Where Take Ownership of Files Failed when Source OS was Windows 7.
    + Added a New Menu Item "Remove Windows Components" to Remove Main Menu Item.
    > Moved the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" (OneDrive, Camera and Store) to the Feature "Remove Windows Components".
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps", Where the ToolKit Title was Not Displayed for Windows 10 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" to Remove Windows 10 Default (Microsoft Insider Hub, Windows Shell Experience Host, Windows Default Lock Screen) Metro Apps.
    + Added a Feature "Remove Windows Setup Upgrade Feature".
  5. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    #665 s1ave77, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
    FYI: [changelog]some changes here[/changelog] >>>>>

    + Updated MSMG ToolKit EULA.
    + Fixed a Bug in ToolKit's StartUp Function, Where the Detection of Microsoft .NET Framework Components was Not Working Properly.
    + Improved MSMG ToolKit Dynamic Menu System for Integrate and Remove Main Menu Items.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Convert Windows Store ESD Image to WIM Image", Where the ESD File Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    + Updated the Feature "Convert Windows Store ESD Image to WIM Image", to support Windows 10 Technical Preview ESD Images.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 Update 1" (Removed KB2975061, KB2989647, KB2966870, KB2989647, Added KB3000850, KB3014442, KB3003057).
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 Update 1" to support Windows 8.1 Store Updated IR4 Build 17057 Images.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Security & Hotfixes", to Reflect the WHD Hotfix Repository Update List.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Install .NET Framework 3.5 Components", Where the Source OS Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate .NET Framework 3.5 Components", Where the Source OS Validation Check was Not Working Properly.
    - Removed Windows 10 .NET Framework 3.5 Components Source Files from Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 AIO Pack for MSMG ToolKit, Due to Changes in SXS Folder in Each Preview Builds.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Media Center Add-on Feature", Where the Validation of Source WIM Image Failed with Valid Windows Pro Retail Image.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Windows Media Center Add-on Feature", Where Re-Mounting of The Source WIM Images Didn't Update the WIM Image Information.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Data Deuplication Feature", Using the Updated abbodi1406 DeDup Pack.
    + Updated the Data DeDuplication Feature Pack for MSMG ToolKit with abbodi1406 DeDup Pack Files.
    + Updated the WTG Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 Enterprise Technical Preview Build 9879 WinToGo Files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Custom UxTheme Patch", to support Windows 8.1/Server 2012 R2/Windows 10 Technical Preview OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Custom Default Account Pictures", Where Take Ownership of Files Failed when Source OS was Windows 7.
    + Added a New Menu Item "Remove Windows Components" to Remove Main Menu Item.
    > Moved the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" (OneDrive, Camera and Store) to the Feature "Remove Windows Components".
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps", Where the ToolKit Title was Not Displayed for Windows 10 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Default Metro Apps" to Remove Windows 10 Default (Microsoft Insider Hub, Windows Shell Experience Host, Windows Default Lock Screen) Metro Apps.
    + Added a Feature "Remove Windows Setup Upgrade Feature".

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  6. LostED

    LostED SVF Patch Lover

    Jul 30, 2009
    #666 LostED, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  7. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #668 MSMG, Dec 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
    Thanks, in fact was tired of using the spoiler coz whenever i try to edit the spoiler content it would replicate the spoiler tags. I will make use of this syntax in future.

  8. Ghandira

    Ghandira MDL Member

    Jul 12, 2013
    How I can integrate the serial installation and pre-activated to Windows 7 Ultimate?
  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Still I haven't added the Feature to Integrate Product Key and Pre-Activated Data for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2.
    I will add them in next version to support both Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 OEM and Retail Activation.

  10. MMIKEE

    MMIKEE MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    @MSMG Is it feasible / useful to include the capability to support both BIOS and UEFI vs one or the other when creating an ISO? :confused:
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  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Before i had included the option to support both BIOS and UEFI ISO Booting But some people were facing problem in booting and also it was bit confusing.

    So I did removed this option and just gave two options either BIOS or UEFI but in the code i have used for UEFI also does contains the BIOS Booting parameters.

    I don't have UEFI System to Test these options. Am thinking of removing the option of choosing the Booting Type and just use the Universal (Boot+UEFI) Boot type.

  12. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    Now VMWare Workstation 11 has built-in EFI support, guess worth to try, isn't it? Downside: version 11 is for x64 OS only.
  13. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    One can still add EFI to VMX manually in predecessors :smartass:.
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  14. Mr.X

    Mr.X MDL Guru

    Jul 14, 2013
    lol I realized that, how soon I forgot our experiments on VMWare, hehe.
  15. DrakeOfFrance

    DrakeOfFrance MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2010
    #676 DrakeOfFrance, Dec 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Hi MSMG.

    I'd like to give a feedback after trying v1.4.
    I tried it on a 64 bits French Enterprise version of Windows 8.1 Update 1 v6.3.9600.17031.
    I used a x64 Win 8.1 with Update MSDN ISO v6.3.9600.17031 as the source to work on.

    First, I had an error when trying to remove Windows Components. The command
    takeown /f %~1 && icacls %~1 /grant "Everyone":F
    return an error, as suprisingly there is no group called "Everyone" on the French version. Its name is "Tout le monde" instead. Thus I replaced "Everyone" with the known SID S-1-1-0. The command is now:
    takeown /f %~1 && icacls %~1 /grant *S-1-1-0:F
    and it is working.

    Then, on my second attempt, I updated the Boot, Install and Recovery with the Baseline updates, integrated .Net 3.5 and Dx 9, removed all Metro apps but not the Store. Everything went fine, and I got an astonishing ISO of 5 015 610 KB !

    When trying to set up a Vmware 11 virtual machine, it gave me the following error:

    View attachment 32603

    The updates messed with some driver.

    On my third attempt, I did the same as in my previous attempt, but I updated only Install and Recovery, but not Boot, and the installation in Vmware went fine.

    Now, I have a couple questions:
    _ Why I get such a big ISO?
    _ Why is the updating of Boot is screwing the installation?
    _ In your code, what do IR3 and IR4 stand for?
    _ Is it really mandatory to install KB3000850, KB3003057, KB3014442 to reach the DAMN Update 1 ? (Microsoft updates drives me mad :mad:, why didn't they released TRUE Update 1 ISO in the first place? Just a rethoric question.)

    A suggestion: it would be nice to mention the updates to be downloaded in the requirements.
  16. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Ok, I will try it out.

  17. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
  18. MMIKEE

    MMIKEE MDL Senior Member

    Oct 6, 2012
    @ MSMG I don't quite understand your feedback regarding "a) Integrate to Boot Image only if you want a Updated Windows Setup boot DVD"

    Does this mean the DVD ISO will not work correctly if not Integrated into the Boot WIM? :confused: I'm soooooooooo confused! LOL

    Copied & Pasted from previous post..
    Regarding Integrating Windows 8.1 Update 1 (Baseline Updates), you need to do in this order

    - Integrate .NET FX 3.5
    - Integrate Windows Windows 8.1 Update 1 (Baseline Updates)
    a) Integrate to Boot Image only if you want a Updated Windows Setup boot DVD
    c) Integrate to Install & WinRE Image
    d) Integrate to Windows Setup DVD Update (Only if you had chosen the option Integrate to Boot Image)

    Since you forgot to use the option to Integrate to Windows Setup DVD Update, the setup gave that driver error coz it couldn't find the updated setup.exe file.

    I don't NOT understand the purpose and necessity of Integrating into Boot.wim and what exactly you mean by an Updated Windows Setup boot DVD... :confused::confused::confused:
    I don't remember ever needing to do this using previous versions of Toolkit...
    OBTW, the Toolkit gets better and better with each version update... Thank YOU! :worthy:
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