You should first get notepad 2 as atext editor then pressctrl+f to search for echo.bel key word and delete it one by one this operation may take a time but at the end you will become .
@MSMG: When using ToolKit v1.7 with a Windows 7-x64 HOST PC and creating a Windows 8.1 ProWMC-x64 pkg I noticed during (3) TEST Installations that the following Windows Components were installed even though I REMOVED them individually using Remove Windows Components Menu… These are: [1] Photo App and [2] Windows Camera Metro App… Everything else works properly… NOTE: [1] Microsoft OneDrive was removed even though the Photo App was not… IF feasible, please consider ADDing a 5th Remove Windows Components Menu item: [5] All Windows Components Thanks for all your hard work on ToolKit… Every update has been GREAT!
Tested with Windows 7 x86 Host and Windows 8.1 x86 VL Image and removed all windows components but after installing the os, it displayed the Windows Camera App. So need to find out what's going wrong although it shows the Windows Camera App has been removed properly using DISM. Ok will update later after fixing the issue. Windows Photo and OneDrive Apps are bundled inside one package named FileManager you can remove them separately, if you remove FileManager package then both the Windows Photo and OneDrive Apps will be removed. Regarding the option to remove all Windows components at once that will be done. Edit : found out the reason for the Camera App not been removed The Windows 8.1 with update 3 Image contains only this packages Microsoft-Windows-Camera-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.3.9600.16384 Microsoft-Windows-Camera-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.3.9600.16384 but when you integrate WHD updates and then check the package list then this package gets added Microsoft-Windows-CameraCodec-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.3.9600.16453 So when the ToolKit search for Microsoft-Windows-Camera package the first occurrence of the string Microsoft-Windows-Camera points to the Microsoft-Windows-CameraCodec and so the Camera App was not removed. Will make changes to ToolKit and upload the next version
Hi, Little question about MSMG, it is possible to integrate update on an AIO Windows ? If yes, someone have a guide to do this ?
Hi MSMG, Just One report, One! * Function :ListDisks 1) For french (fr-FR) localization, some others strings need to be translate : Code: echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt if "%HOSTLang%"=="en-US" echo. Volume # Letter Label File Sys Type Size Status Info>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt if "%HOSTLang%"=="fr-FR" echo. Nø volume Ltr Nom Fs Type Taille Statut Info>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %TMP%\DiskList.txt if "%HOSTLang%"=="en-US" findstr "Removable" %TMP%\DiskList1.txt >> %TMP%\DiskList.txt if "%HOSTLang%"=="fr-FR" findstr "Amovible" %TMP%\DiskList1.txt >> %TMP%\DiskList.txt echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\DiskList.txt 2) Typo error: Code: Listing Available USB Flash Drivers... instead of Code: Listing Available USB Flash Drives... 3) Even if no USB Flash Drive is detected, script runs almost normally. Can u add a check for USB Flash Drive plugged? View attachment 33881 * Function :TakeFolderOwnerShip According to part of function 'StartUp' to display Host OS language information Code: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Function to Take Owner Ship of Folder That Has to be Replaced/Deleted :: Input Parameters [ %~1 : Folder Name ] ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :TakeFolderOwnerShip if "%HOSTLang%"=="en-US" takeown /f "%~1" /r /d y && icacls "%~1" /grant "*S-1-5-32-544":F /t /q if "%HOSTLang%"=="fr-FR" takeown /f "%~1" /r /d o && icacls "%~1" /grant "*S-1-5-32-544":F /t /q goto :eof ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'coz in French Windows editions, function above works fine but shows an error message about use of wrong parameter with command takeown.exe: letter y (for YES, in english) equals o (OUI, in french). Fixed with above code. * An other typo error : (06 times) Code: if "%WimIndexNo%"=="*" ( echo.This Feature is Not Available When Multi-Index Servicing Mode is Enabled... echo. echo.Please Re-Choose Source with a Signle Index... goto :Stop ) instead of Code: if "%WimIndexNo%"=="*" ( echo.This Feature is Not Available When Multi-Index Servicing Mode is Enabled... echo. echo.Please Re-Choose Source with a Single Index... goto :Stop ) * Suggestion Spoiler View attachment 33882 View attachment 33883 Code: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Function to Set MSMG ToolKit StartUp Settings ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :StartUp cls echo. :: Calling Pre-Cleanup Function echo.Performing Pre-Cleanup Operation, Please Wait... call :CleanUp >nul cls echo.=============================================================================== echo. MSMG ToolKit - StartUp Settings echo.=============================================================================== echo. echo.Retrieving Host OS Informations ^& Checking for .NetFx3.5 Components... for /l %%a in (1, 1, 3) do (<nul (set /p z=. >nul) & >nul ping -n 2) echo.. >nul echo.Setting ToolKit ^& WADK 8.1 Tools Environment Variables... :: Displaying Host OS and Architecture Information for /f "tokens=5 delims=: " %%a in ('DISM /English /Online /Get-Intl ^| findstr /c:"UI language"') do (set HOSTLang=%%a) :: set HOSTLang=%HOSTLang:~29,-1% :: Checking Whether Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 Is Installed or Not if %HOSTVer% equ 6.1 ( DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFx3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) ) if not %HOSTVer% equ 6.1 ( DISM /English /Online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:NetFX3 | findstr /c:"State : Enabled" >nul if errorlevel 1 ( set IsNetFx35Installed=0 ) else ( set IsNetFx35Installed=1 ) ) echo. cls echo.=============================================================================== echo. MSMG ToolKit - StartUp Settings echo.=============================================================================== echo. del /f /q %TMP%\GoSettings.txt 2>nul echo.>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt if %HOSTVer% equ 10.0 echo.^| Host OS Info ^> Windows 10 Technical Preview ^(%HOSTArch%^) [%HOSTLang%]>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt if %HOSTVer% equ 6.3 echo.^| Host OS Info ^> Windows 8.1 / Server 2012 R2 ^(%HOSTArch%^) [%HOSTLang%]>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt if %HOSTVer% equ 6.2 echo.^| Host OS Info ^> Windows 8.0 / Server 2012 ^( %HOSTArch%^) [%HOSTLang%]>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt if %HOSTVer% equ 6.1 echo.^| Host OS Info ^> Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 ^(%HOSTArch%^) [%HOSTLang%]>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt REM echo.^| ^|>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt if %IsNetFx35Installed% EQU 0 ( echo.^| NetFx3 Status ^> Disabled>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt ) else if %IsNetFx35Installed% EQU 1 ( echo.^| NetFx3 Status ^> Enabled>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt ) REM echo.^| ^| REM echo.=============================================================================== echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------->> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| ^|>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| DISM.exe ^> %DISM%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt md %DismScratch% >nul set "DISM=%DISM% %DismFormat%" echo.^| Imagex.exe ^> %ImageX%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| Oscdimg.exe ^> %OscdImg%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| ^> %BIOSBoot%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| Efisys.bin ^> %UEFIBoot%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| 7zip.exe ^> %Zip%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| Dvdburn.exe ^> %DVDBurn%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| EsdDecrypt ^> %EsdDecrypt%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| WimTweak.exe ^> %WimTweak%>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.^| ^|>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt echo.===============================================================================>> %TMP%\GoSettings.txt type %TMP%\GoSettings.txt & echo. echo Press ENTER Key to Continue... pause >nul goto :MainMenu ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanx again
For AIO if it contains the same architecture then it will work in multi-index mode but if it contains both x86+x64 architecture then you need to manually update using the single index mode In future will add support for multi-architecture wims
Now MSMG ToolKit for Windows 7-10 / Server 2008 R2-2012 R2 has been renamed to MSMG ToolKit Updated the ToolKit to 1.8 Request Moderators to rename the Thread Title to MSMG ToolKit if possible. Changelog v1.8 + Renamed MSMG ToolKit for Windows 7-10 / Server 2008 R2-2012 R2 to MSMG ToolKit. + Fixed a Bug in the MSMG ToolKit's Function "StartUp", Where the ToolKit Failed to Display HOST OS Language for Non-English HOST OS. + Updated Microsoft DirectX 9.0c Pack for MSMG ToolKit to Support Dynamic Registry Path Entries. + Updated Microsoft Games Pack for MSMG ToolKit to Support Dynamic Registry Path Entries. + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Games", Where the Games Explorer Start menu Shortcut was not Copied When Selected Games were Integrated. + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Games", Where the “gamescard.dll” File was not Copied When Selected Games were Integrated. + Updated Microsoft Windows Sidebar Pack for MSMG ToolKit to Support Dynamic Registry Path Entries. + Updated Fraunhofer MP3 Professional Codec Pack for MSMG ToolKit to Support Dynamic Registry Path Entries. + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Components" to Remove Windows Defender (Windows 8.1/Windows 10 OS Only). + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Components" to Remove Windows Embedded Lockdown Manager (ELM) (Windows 8.1 Update 3 OS Only). + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Components" to Remove All Windows Components at Once. + Added a Validation Check for the Feature "Format USB Flash Drive” to Verify Whether the Specified USB Flash Drive Exists or Not. + Added a Few Localization Strings for the ToolKit’s Function “ListDisks”. + Added a Few Localization Strings for the ToolKit’s Function “TakeFolderOwnerShip”. + Fixed ToolKit Semantic Errors.
@ajarba Selected Source WIM Image is Not a Windows 8.1 Pro Retail Edition... Please Use Windows 8.1 Pro Retail Edition Operating System as Source...
Are you sure you are using the Windows 8.1 Pro Retail Edition and not the VL one. Windows 8.1 Pro Retail is which comes with Core and Pro (Multiple Editions) and regarding the ESD to WIM will check again and then update you.