^^ What do you mean by "already included" guys. It gets automatically enabled when O/s is installed or we have to use the dism command to enable it ?
But it has to be enabled for it to directly work after installation, right ?. I ran MSMG in the July update and it states the dot net fx is not enabled and i enabled it. So it may be integrated, but it doesnt mean it will get enabled automatically after the O/s is installed, right ?
I removed all other windows 10 editions, left only Windows 10 Pro, debloaded it, and got an error in installation, , Windows setup cant countinue, wtf :/, i think it has to do with the fact that i removed windows editions ?
It could be helpful to mention the exact error you got? Simply deleting sku's from the install.wim should not cause errors when installing.
The next version will be delayed as I'm refining the component removal for Windows 10 RS3, RS4, so till then better use the present version. Don't integrate the updates, just remove the components and leave the updates installation to WU, this method will work.
You need to integrate the .NET FX3.5 after the cleanup, please do follow the steps specified in the Readme.txt.
Is there a way you could add/enable "developer mode" in install, since you can't enable it without win update enabled?
Thanks for the help MSMG. Could you please confirm that integrating updates/features and .NET 4.7.2 will have no issues if I enable 3.5 as a last step. I'm skeptical about this because someone mentioned that updates do not integrate properly on Win 10 RS2 unless integrating 3.5 I can't confirm their assessment as I'm on 8.1