1. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011

    Extract the NetFX472 folder from the archive and put it inside the Packs folder.

    ARCIGA MDL Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2015
  3. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    This has more to do with Dism. Have you integrated the service pack before?
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  4. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011

    Updating the Toolkit to support a new OS/Build requires a lot of work to be done, unlike with previous Windows 10 Builds, I had to just update the menus, add necessary packs, update the component removal package list, test the Toolkit and pack up and release it.

    But as I had told earlier that starting from next version the Toolkit will be using the manual method to remove all components and so it is taking much more time.

    The component removal depends and differs on various things like

    - Windows 10 Editions (Core/Pro/ProN/LTSC)
    - x86/x64 Architecture
    - Component Compatibility/Sharing/Protection

    For Component removal, I'm adding around 80 components for removal and so far I have finished coding for around 68 components.

    MSMG ToolKit Commandline Helper
    Version: 1.0.1008.0
    Image Version: 10.0.17763.1
    Valid Component Names:
      3DViewer                  -  Mixed Reality Viewer App | Depends on: WindowsMixedReality
      AADBrokerPlugin           -  AAD Broker Plugin
      AdobeFlashForWindows      -  Adobe Flash For Windows
      AdvertisingXaml           -  Advertising Xaml
      Alarms                    -  Alarms & Clock App
      AssignedAccess            -  Assigned Access | Required for AssignedAccessLockApp
      AssignedAccessLockApp     -  Assigned Access Lock App
      BingWeather               -  Weather App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml
      BioEnrollment             -  Bio Enrollment App
      Calculator                -  Calculator App
      Camera                    -  Camera App
      CEIP_SQM                  -  Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP)
      CommunicationsApps        -  Windows Calendar & Mail App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml
      ContentDeliveryManager    -  Content Delivery Manager
      Cortana                   -  Cortana, StartMenu & Settings Search App
      DesktopAppInstaller       -  Desktop App Installer
      DeviceLockdown            -  Device Lockdown
      EdgeDevToolsClient        -  Edge DevTools Client | Depends on: Edge
      Edge                      -  Edge Browser App
      FeedbackHub               -  Feedback Hub App
      FileExplorer              -  File Explorer App
      FirstLogonAnimation       -  First Logon Animation
      GetHelp                   -  Get Help App
      Getstarted                -  Tips App
      HEIFImageExtension        -  HEIF Image Extension Plugin
      HomeGroup                 -  HomeGroup
      InternetExplorer          -  Internet Explorer
      KernelDebugging           -  Kernel Debugging | Depends on: WindowsErrorReporting
      LockApp                   -  Lockscreen App
      Maps                      -  Maps App | Depends on: MapsControl
      MapsControl               -  Maps Control
      Messaging                 -  Messaging App
      MixedRealityPortal        -  Mixed Reality Portal App
      NarratorQuickStart        -  Narrator Quick Start
      OfficeHub                 -  My Office App
      OfficeOneNote             -  OneNote App
      OneConnect                -  Mobile Plans App
      OneDrive                  -  OneDrive Desktop Client
      Paint3D                   -  Paint 3D App
      ParentalControls          -  Parental Controls App
      People                    -  People App | Depends on: PeopleExperienceHost
      PeopleExperienceHost      -  People Experience Host
      Photos                    -  Photos App | Depends on: MapsControl
      PPIProjection             -  Connect App
      Print3D                   -  Print 3D App
      QuickAssist               -  Quick Assist App
      RemoteAssistance          -  Remote Assistance
      RetailDemoContent         -  Retail Demo Content
      ScreenSketch              -  Screen Sketch App
      SecureAssessmentBrowser   -  Take Test App
      SettingSync               -  Setting Sync
      SkypeApp                  -  Skype App
      SkypeORTC                 -  Skype ORTC
      SmartScreen               -  SmartScreen App
      SnippingTool              -  Snipping Tool
      SolitaireCollection       -  Solitaire Collection App | Depends on: XboxGameCallableUI
      SoundRecorder             -  Voice Recorder App
      StickyNotes               -  Sticky Notes App | Depends on: AdvertisingXaml, Store, XboxGameCallableUI
      Store                     -  Microsoft Store App
      SystemRestore             -  System Restore
      UnifiedTelemetryClient    -  Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov) | Depends on: WindowsErrorReporting
      VP9VideoExtensions        -  VP9 Video Extensions Plugin
      WalletService             -  Wallet Service App
      WebMediaExtensions        -  Web Media Extensions Plugin
      WebpImageExtensions       -  Webp Image Extensions Plugin
      WindowsDefender           -  Windows Defender App
      WindowsErrorReporting     -  Windows Error Reporting
      WindowsMediaPlayer        -  Windows Media Player
      WindowsPhotoViewer        -  Windows Photo Viewer
      WindowsReaderPDF          -  Windows Reader (PDF) | Depends on: Edge
      WindowsSearch             -  Windows Search
      WindowsToGo               -  Windows To Go
      WinSAT                    -  Windows System Assessment Tool
      WindowsSubsystemForLinux  -  Windows Sybsystem For Linux
      XboxApp                   -  Microsoft Xbox App | Depends on: XboxGameCallableUI
      XboxIdentityProvider      -  Xbox Identity Provider | Depends on: XboxApp
      XboxGameCallableUI        -  Xbox Game Callable UI
      YourPhone                 -  Your Phone App
      ZuneMusic                 -  Groove Music App
      ZuneVideo                 -  Films & TV App
    So far what has been finished/updated for Windows 10 RS5 are:

    - Integrate Language Packs.
    - Integrate Feature Packs (Expect Braille (Not Integrating), OpenSSH (Not Integrating), Apps, Games).
    - Convert Edition has been moved to WIM Manager and now it requires less updating when a new build comes out.

    What's pending yet are:

    - Finish coding for rest of the components, do check for errors with different editions, component combinations.
    - Add ToolKitHelper.exe to Toolkit.
    - Modify Component removal menus.
    - Test the Toolkit and the OS Installation.
    - Release the Toolkit.
  5. @MSMG can ya add support for Windows RT iso? WinToolKit support it. Its like common x86/x64 isos and there is add/remove components and drivers ability etc. NTLite doesn't handle this and don't will.
  6. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The support for Windows 8.1 RT was added earlier in v1.01 itself, but due to lack of resources to test, I couldn't continue it.

    + Added Windows 8.1 RT ARM OS Support.
    + Added Support to Integrate Windows 8.1 RT GA Rollup Updates.
    + Added a Feature "Integrate Windows Security Updates and Hot-fixes" (x86/x64/ARM).
    + Added Pre-Cleanup Process at Start-up Settings.
    + Added Error Checking & Error Handling for Input/output File/Folders.
    + Added Better Display to Show List of WIM Images Available to Service.
    + Added Clean-up Tool v1.0 to Un-Mount Abandoned Mount Points and Clean-up Left Over Log and Temporary Files.
    - Removed Integration of Flash Player Update Package KB2889543 (Superseded By Update Package KB2898108), From Integrate Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 GA Rollup Updates.
    - Removed Redundant Codes.
    Since I do have a Raspbery PI 3, I had added Windows 10 ARM64 support too for integration and component removal in the previous version, but as the component removal has become more difficult with RS5, I have temporarily halted the ARM64 support until I get time to work on it.

  7. So i can help with anything relayed to WinRT. Just tell mev what ya need. Or it works well with no any additional improvements?
  8. mb_force

    mb_force MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2017
    Yes i did, i have all updates integred untill june 2018 jus have rolleupfixes to integrate.only this one gives me an error
  9. mb_force

    mb_force MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2017
    How i create a tpk file with rollupfixes for netframework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 for windows 7
  10. Rr0

    Rr0 MDL Member

    Jul 8, 2017
    What about Pro for Workstations?
  11. mb_force

    mb_force MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2017
    Ok, I tried to insert the update in MSMG Toolkit and gave the error 0x8000ffff, I tried NTLite and gave the same error. So I introduced the update KB-3177467-v2, and in the MSMG Toolkit gave this error (0x800f082f), but in NTlite already integrated well
  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The current version can integrate the updates to Windows 8.1 RT / Windows 10 ARM64 but for component removal it needs to be updated to support it fully.

    Will update about this later soon as currently I'm busy with adding support for RS5.

  13. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #8033 MSMG, Oct 29, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
    - If you had used the Integrate Updates then the integration order is left to DISM and it may sometime give error due to wrong order.

    - If you had used the Integrate WHD Update Pack, then the integration is chosen by Toolkit and the Integrate WHD Pack for W7/W8.1 hasn't been updated in recent version and so you might be getting error.

    Will update the WHD Update Pack integration in the next release of Toolkit.

    In one of my previous post's I have posted the steps to create a .tpk pack for .NET Framework 4.x for Windows 7, just search the previous post you can find them with the links for template .tpk files archive.

  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    All editions will be supported, What I meant was the component removal mainly depends/differs upon Core/Pro/ProN/LTSC editions.

    Windows 10 Pro for Workstations is a just Pro edition with additional capabilities to support multi-cpu's and more memory.

  15. Powah_Brick_Killa

    Powah_Brick_Killa MDL Novice

    Mar 1, 2016
    Hey Question, Has Anyone Tried the MSGM Tool kit with LTSC 2018 yet? Because A Friend and I Want to try it But are Holding off until We know for sure that it will work, I want to rebuild LTSC 2018 because right now my version is running 100% CPU and 100% Disk leading us to think it maybe LTSC 2018 or The Possibility Of Ram Failure In Progress (I Hope It's LTSC 2018 Running Hard and Heavy.) And He wants to trim LTSC Down to run slimmer.
  16. Powah_Brick_Killa

    Powah_Brick_Killa MDL Novice

    Mar 1, 2016
    Hey Question, Has Anyone Tried the MSGM Tool kit with LTSC 2018 yet? Because A Friend and I Want to try it But are Holding off until We know for sure that it will work, I want to rebuild LTSC 2018 because right now my version is running 100% CPU and 100% Disk leading us to think it maybe LTSC 2018 or The Possibility Of Ram Failure In Progress (I Hope It's LTSC 2018 Running Hard and Heavy)
    Thanks I Stand Corrected, That doesn't change The Overall question Has Anyone Used The Toolkit With any success and Modified LTSC?
  17. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    As said by MSMG and many reposted it, 8.8 is not 1809 ready, only DaRT is updated.

    Ps, LTSC 2018 also doesn't exist, it's Enterprise (N) 2019 LTSC
  18. mb_force

    mb_force MDL Junior Member

    Mar 24, 2017
    I know, but what i want is the roolupfixez its include all netfarmeworks.

    Its the same process or is other process
  19. AeonX

    AeonX MDL Addicted

    May 24, 2013
    KB3177467 officially can not be integrated offline. NTLite uses a workaround to be able to integrate it. The WHD-W7UI script by @abbodi1406 is also able to integrate. You should use this with WHDownloader.
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