Used Toolkit 9.0 on Windows 10 Enterprise en-gb x86 and x64. Ran SFC /SCANNOW and got this message on both VMs: Attached log files to my post.
Hello MSMG , firstly want to say thank you and that this is a incredible tool and that you're an amazing person for doing this for everyone @MSMG I would like to ask is there is a ETA for the "FINAL" build of the toolkit with everything included ? I would also like to ask if anyone knows where i can find the package list including every package for the 32 and 64bit images including the 32/64 LTSC variants ? You're amazing MSMG.
I wasn't the only one who asked about that and some months ago I read that we shouldn't run it as an admin.
There is a reason for this. The start command elevates the toolkit command to run as trusted installer with all privileges. So, know matter how you run the start command, the toolkit command will run with the same privileges. This is done with Nsudo.exe in the Bin folder.
Previous version were using DISM to remove which doesn't remove the components fully but now using the manual method it removes all associated things with the component. Will checkout whether I can retain the options.
I don't know because I don't use a refreshed images. What's your Source OS? Is .Net Framework 4.7.2 is installed?
Known Issues: ============= - Using ToolKit When Antivirus Programs are Enabled can Affect the ToolKit's Operations. - The ToolKit may or may not work properly with Windows 10 Refreshed Images due to the way the DISM works. - ToolKit's ToolKitHelper.exe may be flagged as a Virus/Trojan/Malware Program, Don't worry it's just a False Positive Sign. - The ToolKit can't/don't support Post-Servicing of ToolKit Serviced Source Images with Other similar Tools like NTLite/WinToolkit/WinReducer. - Integrating/Installing Windows Updates/Cumulative Updates After the Component Removal can rarely restore Removed Components Resources or Shortcuts files/folders. - Windows 8.1 - Integrating Windows Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) Alone will get Integrated But when It's Integrate after Integrating All other Components It will break the Integration with an Error code 0x80092004. - Windows 10 Threshold 1 - Integrating Latest Cumulative Update is Not Possible due to Lack of Availability of a Servicing Stack. - Windows 10 Threshold 1 - Removing All Apps Except Store and All Windows Components will break Store App and Settings->Apps->Store Restore Feature. - Windows 10 Redstone 2 - During Setup OOBE, At the Network Selection Screen, When You Choose Skip, The Setup will Show an Error - "Something went wrong, you can try again, or skip this for now", Just choose Skip. - Windows 10 Redstone 2/3/4 - When Custom User Account Picture is Integrated, The Picture is not Displayed in Logon Screen Although it's been Displayed in StartMenu User Icon. - Windows 10 Redstone 3/4 - Removing Unified Telemetry Client (Asimov) under Microsoft Telemetry Component breaks Sticky Notes App and the Ability to Install Drivers through Windows Update. - Windows 10 Redstone 4 - Removing Windows Media Player Component from an Image with a Cumulative Update pre-integrated will break the Windows Installation. - Windows 10 Redstone 3/4 - It has been Reported that in the Format USB Function, the Diskpart command "list" is not Working when used within a Script. - Windows 10 Redstone 3/4 - It has been Reported that the Win32Calc Pack Integration breaks the Office 365 Preview Handlers. - Windows 10 Redstone 5 - Due to Microsoft's Implementation of PSFX update format, The ToolKitHelper.exe has disabled WinSXS cleanup and so SFC /SCANNOW can throw errors and so their by restores the removed components. - Windows 10 Redstone 5 - Removing Adobe Flash for Windows will get restored through Windows Update since it is a standalone package which is updated only through the Windows Update.
what does that means ? and how it affects the system for using ?? does installing new updates from windows update fix that ?.
Now two Adobe Flash Player updates appear in Windows Update instead of only one like before after removing Adobe Flash Player. Is there a way to prevent this and if so, how? How can I succesfully install the latest CU through Windows Update after integrating the previous one and the latest SSU and removing and configuring some things? Is there a way to remove the InputApp and Tablet PC?
Thank you for clarifying, I wanted to make sure that all was good. Once again MSMG, thank you very much for all of your hard work that has gone into this amazing Toolkit.
Tested with Store Integration on Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 x64 source image and yes it's not working and also found out that for x64 image we need to integrate both x86+x64 dependency appx's for proper functioning of Apps. When both x86+x64 dependency appx's are installed the store works, will fix in the next update. Edit: It seems the error was with the assigning the dependency file path, please do make the below changes in the ToolKit.cmd file Change the below lines Code: if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*%ImageArchitecture%*1.3*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*arm*1.3*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*%ImageArchitecture%*1.6*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*arm*1.6*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*%ImageArchitecture%*1.7*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*x86*1.7*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*%ImageArchitecture%*1.3*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*arm*1.3*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*%ImageArchitecture%*1.4*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime14=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*arm*1.4*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime14=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*%ImageArchitecture%*1.6*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*arm*1.6*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*%ImageArchitecture%*1.7*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*arm*1.7*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" To Code: if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.3*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.3*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.6*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.6*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.7*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Framework*1.7*x86*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeFramework17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.3*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.3*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime13=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.4*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime14=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.4*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime14=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.6*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.6*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime16=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.7*%ImageArchitecture%*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" for /f %%i IN ('"dir /b *NET.Native.Runtime*1.7*arm*.appx" 2^>nul') do set "NETNativeRuntime17=/DependencyPackagePath:%Apps%\%%i" Do try out if this works.