1. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    Thanks. Can you tell when will the other source images' languages be supported? Also, I don't use the ToolkitHelper.exe.
  2. haremmon

    haremmon MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2016
    #8622 haremmon, Nov 22, 2018
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2019
    That's unfortunate .
    I guess, a workaround I can do now is modify the Toolkit.cmd and comment out the packages I would like to keep under "AdvancedComponents" sections:

    Example, for others that are interested (EDIT: The line numbers may be different in newer versions as this was suggested during toolkit v9.0 release)
    I would like to keep these 3 items (Internet Explorer, Snipping Tool, Win Defender) then I would edit Toolkit.cmd and comment out line 18199, 18205, 18209, 18375, 18381, and 18385. This way when I select All Advanced Components under Remove Advanced Windows Components section, it will remove all Advanced components and skip the items I commented out from Toolkit.cmd.

    Line 18189 section - AdvancedComponents:
    18199 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%\%%i", "Internet Explorer", "InternetExplorer"
    18205 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%\%%i", "Snipping Tool", "SnippingTool"
    18209 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%\%%i", "Windows Defender App", "WindowsDefender"

    Line 18365 section - AdvancedComponents:
    18375 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Internet Explorer", "InternetExplorer"
    18381 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Snipping Tool", "SnippingTool"
    18385 - call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Windows Defender App", "WindowsDefender"
  3. tomandjerry100

    tomandjerry100 MDL Novice

    May 20, 2018

    I tested MSMG Toolkit v9.0 to remove all advanced Windows components using [4][1][3][4] from Windows 10 x64 October 1809 build 17763 but I noticed that there was an error during the removal of Windows Manual Setup Feature.

    This component is not available in the advanced Windows components list, but there are several commands found in the Toolkit.cmd file that relevant to the removal of this component.

    Any suggestion how to solve this problem?

  4. spidernz

    spidernz MDL Senior Member

    May 20, 2011
    yeah will this work for now?
    Do you think there could be a way to make it work with list removals in future?
  5. (ABE)

    (ABE) MDL Novice

    Mar 26, 2018
    Drew attention to the fact that. If you remove Smartscreen then an error occurs with UAC control..
  6. InstantAli3n

    InstantAli3n MDL Junior Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    So just to be clear, this is not something that can be worked around. Or is there a possibility and you are attempting to? I ask because the ability to clean the SxS store and use SFC scannow are some of the most important functions for maintaining a windows installation. Those are what you use to fix issues and keep it from growing over time.

    @MSMG Would you agree that they are that important for this or perhaps I am overvaluing them and it will be OK to proceed as things are now?

    - For example, right now I am having to use a bootable ISO to help someone recover after their BCD was corrupted and we had to manually recreate their EFI partition.

    If I have the original ISO used to create the windows install will I still be able to recover a custom made windows installation with the usual recovery features as things are?
  7. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes some components may be restored when running SFC, it's s compromise b/w SFC vs WU.

  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #8628 MSMG, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
    Will look into the possibility of using the RemovePkgsList.txt to also remove the components using ToolKitHelper.exe.

    In the meantime if you want you can try like this, copy the contents of the below code into a batch like RemoveComponents.cmd and place it inside the ToolKit folder, use a NSudo command prompt from the ToolKit folder and run the batch file.

    Note: you can remove the component line in the batch file which you don't want to remove.

    @echo off
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install 3DViewer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AdvertisingXaml
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Alarms
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install BingWeather
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Calculator
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Camera
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install CommunicationsApps
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install DesktopAppInstaller
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FeedbackHub
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install GetHelp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Getstarted
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install HEIFImageExtension
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Maps
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Messaging
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install MixedRealityPortal
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OfficeHub
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OfficeOneNote
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OneConnect
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Paint3D
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install People
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Photos
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Print3D
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ScreenSketch
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SkypeApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SolitaireCollection
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SoundRecorder
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install StickyNotes
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install VP9VideoExtensions
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WalletService
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WebMediaExtensions
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WebpImageExtensions
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install YourPhone
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ZuneMusic
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ZuneVideo
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AADBrokerPlugin
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AssignedAccessLockApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install BioEnrollment
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ContentDeliveryManager
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FileExplorer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install LockApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install MapsControl
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OneDrive
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ParentalControls
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PeopleExperienceHost
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PPIProjection
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install QuickAssist
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install RetailDemoContent
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SecureAssessmentBrowser
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SettingSync
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SkypeORTC
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AdobeFlashForWindows
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AssignedAccess
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install CEIP_SQM
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Cortana
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install DeviceLockdown
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Edge
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install EdgeDevToolsClient
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FirstLogonAnimation
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install HomeGroup
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install InternetExplorer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install KernelDebugging
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Paint
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install RemoteAssistance
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SmartScreen
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SnippingTool
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Store
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SystemRestore
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install UnifiedTelemetryClient
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsDefender
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsErrorReporting
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsMediaPlayer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsPhotoViewer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsReaderPDF
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsSubsystemForLinux
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsToGo
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WinSAT
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxGameCallableUI
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxIdentityProvider
  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #8629 MSMG, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
    Still I need to process the data for all languages, if anyone having a fast PC and willing to speed up the process, then do send me a PM regarding the creation of MUI image.

    If you don't use the ToolkitHelper.exe then what will you use to remove the components.

  10. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Did you maximized the Window to see all Menus?

  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Ok will check the issue.

  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #8632 MSMG, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
    Yes I know both WinSxS cleanup and SFC are required But unfortunately the PSFX update format used in WU starting from Redstone 5 needs the components files in the WinSXS to be intact else the WU will break.

    I'm working on regarding this, in my last tests Removing WinSxS files for Windows Apps and System Apps didn't break the WU, but for Advanced Components it broke and this requires a lot of tests to know which components breaks the WU.

    In v8.9 the WinSXS cleanup is switched on by default inside ToolKitHelper.exe, you can try replacing the ToolKitHelper.exe in v9.0 with the one from v8.9 and tryout with WU.

  13. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    Start.cmd. I thought they were different things. I can't use ToolkitHelper.exe and I don't know the difference between using it and using Start.cmd.
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    This is how the Toolkit works : Start.cmd -> ToolKit.cmd -> ToolKitHelper.exe

  15. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    Then why did you said the other day to manually run the ToolKitHelper.exe since running Start.cmd couldn't remove whatever I was trying to remove?
  16. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    That was for removing components not mentioned in the ToolKit Menu but present in the ToolKitHelper.exe

  17. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    And why are (or at least were) there some components present in it and not in ToolKit Menu? Are there components present in the ToolKit Menu but not in the ToolKitHelper.exe? Is the ToolKitHelper.exe component removal different than the one from the ToolKit Menu?
  18. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    This was said when v8.9 of ToolKit was released where some components where not added to the menu, remember Internet Explorer which you asked for.

    In v9.0 all components were add to the menu, the ToolKit uses the ToolKitHelper.exe to remove the components which means the ToolKit indirectly uses the the ToolKitHelper.exe to do the job.

  19. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    I propose to exclude the Asimov package from removing telemetry so that it does not cause further problems. ;)
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  20. tomandjerry100

    tomandjerry100 MDL Novice

    May 20, 2018
    I maximized the window but there is no option to remove the Manual Setup Feature.
    When I tried to remove all Avanced Windows Component I got an error of invalid component name specified and a list of all valid component names
    I tried to remove this component (ManualSetup as written in the toolkit.cmd file) via ToolKitHelper after mounting the install image as described above but I also got the same error massage of invalid component name specified.
    Also, the ManualSetup component is not available in the list of the valid component names.
