Since now I have disabled WinSxS Cleanup, the registry entries for language resources also gets minimal. You need to watch out mainly for COMPONENTS registry hive for the language resources entries. A MDL member has helped with preapring the MUI image, soon I will start adding the support for all languages after processing the data.
The ToolKitHelper has been coded for Image Version: 10.0.17763.1, you need to use this image to remove components and then update the image with the latest update. Can you specify for which components you are getting that error?
The component removal has been tested in an order and removing the component random order can sometimes can break the setup due to some components sharing the files/registry entries, Do specify in which order you did removed the components using v9.0. As far my tests the StartMenu Search won't work on first boot, it takes a second re-boot to start working.
Sorry I don't have any plans to support Insider Preview Builds due to time it takes for me to add the support. By the time I do add the support there will be one or two new builds available.
ToolKitHelper is the component remover used by ToolKit to remove a component, the ToolKitHelper manually removes the files/folders/registry entries to remove a component.
I have a question about 1809 and future builds VS. 1803 and previous builds. Since 1809 made changes that requires you to at least temporarily disable WinSxS cleanup will future toolkit builds support 2 cleanup methods, one for 1803 and earlier builds and one for 1809 and later builds?
Yes when I do add back the support for pre-RS5 builds, I will also make sure the WinSxS Cleanup is performed for those builds.
MSMG MDL Developer > Please Tell Me> I Do Not Want to Remove> Windows Defender > How Do I Remove the Other Components Without Removing Windows Defender? The Question is for MSMG MDL Developer
I wouldn't had added the option Remove All Components to Advanced Windows Components since it was meant to remove the important components manually one by one But some people may wish to remove all advanced windows components too and that's why it was added. Leave Defender and remove the rest of components one by one or use the ToolKitHelper.exe to remove the selected components directly as discuses in previous posts. Will look into the possibility of implementing Package list to remove these components of user choice at once.
Happy to report in the 2 days that i've been using latest build i haven't had any issues with windows, everything seems to work quite smoothly .Gaming, browsing music all work well Gaming, browsing music all work well Best windows 10 build i've had so far Here's my removal list. I'm thinking the store/ie issue could be store and apps using ie's html engine or something like that? Code: @echo off Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install 3DViewer Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AdvertisingXaml Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Alarms Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install BingWeather Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Calculator Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Camera Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install CommunicationsApps Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install DesktopAppInstaller Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FeedbackHub Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install GetHelp Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Getstarted Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install HEIFImageExtension Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Maps Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Messaging Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install MixedRealityPortal Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OfficeHub Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OfficeOneNote Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OneConnect Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Paint3D Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install People Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Photos Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Print3D Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ScreenSketch Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SkypeApp Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SolitaireCollection Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SoundRecorder REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install StickyNotes Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install VP9VideoExtensions Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WalletService Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WebMediaExtensions Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WebpImageExtensions Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install YourPhone Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ZuneMusic Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ZuneVideo Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AADBrokerPlugin Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AssignedAccessLockApp Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install BioEnrollment Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ContentDeliveryManager Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FileExplorer Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install LockApp Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install MapsControl Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OneDrive Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ParentalControls Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PeopleExperienceHost Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PPIProjection Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install QuickAssist Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install RetailDemoContent Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SecureAssessmentBrowser Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SettingSync Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SkypeORTC Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AdobeFlashForWindows Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AssignedAccess Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install CEIP_SQM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Cortana Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install DeviceLockdown Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Edge Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install EdgeDevToolsClient Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FirstLogonAnimation Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install HomeGroup REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install InternetExplorer Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install KernelDebugging Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Paint Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install RemoteAssistance REM REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SmartScreen REM REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SnippingTool REM REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Store Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SystemRestore REM REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install UnifiedTelemetryClient Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsDefender Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsErrorReporting Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsMediaPlayer REM Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsPhotoViewer Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsReaderPDF Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsSubsystemForLinux Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsToGo Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WinSAT Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxApp Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxGameCallableUI Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxIdentityProvider
I always remove IE, and either keep or add Edge depending on whether or not it is LTSC. Nothing is affected by IE removal so far as I can tell.
when i remove it i have issues with store apps, maybe because you have Edge still which might have IE components still. Whereas i uses firefox/chromium portables
I took a snapshot of the registry and iso mounted files, after deleting the smart-screen, shows 370 changes How did you know what to remove? If you can guess about the smartscreen folder, what about apprepapi.dll and 200 changes in the registry, where there is no word smartscreen Do you have a secret technique?) Can you explain?