Sorry I can't give more info on how the component is removed but I will give a clue Install Image, UUP, Language Packs, Manifests, Filesystem, Registry, File Hash, Tweaks.
So, can anyone finally install the latest CU through WU after integrating the previous one and the latest SSU and after removing and configuring some things?
I removed IE 3 separate times and each time the same thing happens. "I can't make Firefox default and internet options is gone
I give up.. I don't know what I am removing to break search functionality, it wasn't anything labeled search/cortana. Can anyone export a list of items to remove from 1809 Pro to simulate LTSC as close as possible?
Can someone check if they can choose a browser as default if they remove IE and edge from either an ltsc or pro x64 17763.1 en us?
Hey, is there any way to add an exclusion on Windows Defender via Registry regardless of location. ie. want to exclude "kms_setup.exe" in not only C drive or a specific location but no matter where I extract it or move it without turning off the Defender. Tried adding it as a process but didn't work with just putting "kms_setup.exe". Code: REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Processes" /V "KMS_setup.exe" /D "0" /T REG_DWORD /F >NUL Where am I doing it wrong or it's impossible?
When you go there and try to set it to default it just brings the apps default screen up and there is nothing to choose from
I can't edit the hosts.txt file (for example) even though I have admin rights without setting its permissions beforehand. If MSMG ToolKit could remove UAC would I have this problem? Also, how can I have no start menu tiles (I suspect it has to do with the RemoveStartMenuTiles.xml and w10_CustomStartMenuLayout.xml files) and what are these entries in the RemoveAppsList_W10_RS5_Template.txt, RemovePkgsList_Template.txt, RemoveStartMenuTiles.xml and w10_CustomStartMenuLayout.xml files and why do RemoveAppsList.txt and RemovePkgsList.txt files have no entries?
I was about to make clean install, but it seems we are going to get new version very soon. I'll have to wait then.
Having a strange issue with my 1809 image created using v9. I removed almost everything except Photo viewer, IE and Win32 Calc. I have 2 issues - Don't know if they are more Windows bugs or related to the image I created which was done according to the readme. (1). When I shut down the PC it restarts a couple of seconds later. (2). The network Icon shows no Internet access but internet access works fine. (IPv6 is disabled, and I've done netsh int ip reset; Troubleshooter repors no issues.) Nothing relevant in the event logs that I can see at this point. So I installed plain vanilla 1809, patched it to same as my image, and neither of the above issues exist. What am I doing wrong?
Hi! Will the issue with telemetry be solved in the new version. When you delete telemetry in Windows 10 Pro(1709,1803,1809),after you log in to your Microsoft account, the Calendar, Mail, Sticky Notes applications stop working... Thanks, sorry for Google translate.