1. hoxlund

    hoxlund MDL Member

    Nov 6, 2017
    took me a few seconds but I found a 17763.1 iso. used heidoc.net's tool. giving that a go for my sysprep issue. as I was using a 17763.107 iso before. building custom iso now
  2. aruiz

    aruiz MDL Novice

    Mar 6, 2018
    The problem is that is an offline computer and never connected to internet, and some new features need to be downloaded
  3. biatche

    biatche MDL Addicted

    Nov 14, 2009
    can a lot of the features in 1809 be disabled instead of removed?

    example, edge, ie... can these actually be just disabled?
  4. thomaskub

    thomaskub MDL Novice

    Dec 20, 2018
    what could be “safely” removed/disabled in Win10 1809 so nothing will be broken (windows update, windows search etc) ?

    and are there any remove package (system apps) templates?

    also, i can’t remove a thing in Win8.1, the tool is just crashing when i’m trying to click “remove windows default metro”, same problem with other “remove” menu.
  5. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    All of my PCs currently run 1709, all installed from images created with MSMG (v8.2 IIRC).
    One of the kids has just said her laptop freezes randomly for several seconds (about every 20 minutes or so) when gaming. Then others decided to jump on the band wagon saying their desktops are doing the same thing, and now every one is saying "yes, mine does that too"...
    Now, I realize I'm grabbing at straws here, but I'm wondering if any one has had similar experiences with installs from MSMG where EVERYTHING MSMG could remove was removed.
    I shudder at the thought of letting a plain vanilla Windows 10 install connect to the internet, but with gaming it's impossible not to, so before I go down that path I'm hoping someone may have had similar experiences and is willing to share.

    I know that Windows 10's wake from sleep will crash explorer... even does it on 1809 still. We use classic shell for the menu, and the installs are heavily customized with group policy settings to stop advertising and so forth... Game mode is disabled.

    I game too but have no problems on my PC. Any thoughts?
  6. Shayne

    Shayne MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
    Are they all on the same graphics hardware and drivers, playn the same game? Have you visited any graphics driver forums; they never have problems there with PC gaming :eek:. My gaming experience varies driver from driver and since I OC i have crashed. Maybe drivers have yet to mature. Stable wi-fi, cable, connection? Gonna say getting rid of Ms. Cortana may not be effecting their gaming. I would look at a whole lot of other things before pointing at MMSG or the OS. You may have the short straw there?

  7. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    #9067 Yanta, Dec 22, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
    Apologies. I wasn't trying to point the finger at MSMG. The tool is exceptional at what it does. I was wondering if by removing absolutely everything I might have gone overboard. The only things each machine has in common is that they were all installed from the same image I created using the tool.

    Different graphics cards, different drivers, different games. Different motherboards, CPUs etc. I've tried updating graphics cards. I've even gone as far as removing my A/V product. Wired and wireless. Internet connection is fiber 100mbit down, 40mbit up. No VPN.

    Every game they play, online or offline will hang, crash, freeze. It isn't Cortana - That like everything else had been removed. This apparently has been going on for months. For graphics drivers, there have been several updates over that time. Except the laptop, which is an Acer Aspire VX5-591G; and there is only one driver. The driver from the Intel site will not install - Intel block it. But I'm using the GTX 1050 Ti not the internal GPU anyway.

    Last night I bit the bullet. I installed a plain vanilla Windows 10 1709. I turned off all the privacy settings and applied the same GPO, services and registry changes. (So basically ALL windows 10 components/applications/bloatware is intact). Installed some games; Hearthstone, Tera, Fortnite, PUBG, Doom, DOTA2, Runscape, Installed the common apps like Microsoft office, ClassicShell menu, Winrar and used the same drivers as are on the PCs (With the exception of the laptop). No hangs. No freezes.No crashes.

    The only issue is that explorer still crashes when the computer wakes from sleep.

    So - Scenario 3; Install from my MSMG'd image - But this time did not make any GPO or registry changes. Did not stop any services - Games crash again.

    I followed the readme.txt in the tool's package when I created the image.

    I was asking if anyone had a similar experience.That is all. I would never try to tarnish the reputation of the MSMG toolkit. It's a great tool. And it's no doubt my fault - something I've done - I just can't figure out what and I was just looking for a little guidance.

    Anyway, this could very easily get off topic, since this forum is about MSMG. If there is ZERO chance that removing everything from the 1709 image could be the cause, then my question has been answered.
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    I don't know whether the issue is caused due to Toolkit but just want to clarify that the Component removal for W7-W10 RS4 has been temporarily removed from v8.9, for Windows 7-10 RS4 do use the v8.8.

    In v8.8 the component removal is done using the DISM method for all components except Defender, SamrtScreen, PeopleExperienceHost. The DISM method of component removal is very limited as it can remove either more or less than required and sometimes can causes issues.

    Do wait for future version of ToolKit when I do add back the support for these OS's to use the manual component removal which will completely remove the component.

  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    For v1809, don't remove UnifiedTelemetryClient if you want install drivers through WU

    For W7-W81 use v8.8 as the component removal for these OS's has been temporarily removed from v8.9 onwards.

  10. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Today will be releasing an updated ToolKitHelper.exe for W10 v1809 with fixes for post-update installation and also support for removing three new components.

    People do test and report back for further tweaking of component removal.
  11. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Can you release code for ToolKitHelper.exe? @MSMG
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Sorry, right now I don't have any plans to opensource it.

  13. qkwxx

    qkwxx MDL Novice

    Jul 22, 2015
    Hello MSMG, 1809 After updating the patch, run Sysprep error, is it fixed?
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Actually I haven't checked for Sysprep bug yet but please do check with the new ToolKitHelper.exe when it is uploaded today.

    If it is still not working then the issue might be due to the XML editing of Cleanup.xml, Generalize.xml, Specialize.xml and migration.xml files.

  15. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    Supposedly multi language support has been postponed, @MSMG?

  16. agarbar90

    agarbar90 MDL Novice

    Feb 29, 2016
    Just to know...

    When you say you'll release a new versión of the ToolkitHelper, will that be inside the whole MSMG package (so this should be updated to 9.1 or something)?

    Or do you upload ToolkitHelper's updates separatedly on any other place NOT announced in the OP?

    Hope I explained myself. English is not my main language, sorry.

    And thanks for your work. It's VERY useful ;)

    PS: just read 9.0 is not compatible with multilanguage 1809, so I'm afraid I won't be able to help testing, then :/
  17. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    #9077 MSMG, Dec 23, 2018
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
    No still I haven't completed the data processing for multi language image and so it's postponed.

    Still there are problems with IE removal regarding Setting Default Browser App which needs to be fixed yet, right now I have fixed the post-updates integration issue and the integration is working fine.

    Thought of releasing the ToolKitHelper.exe for user testing so that I can fix any issues before the release of ToolKit.

  18. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    It's just the updated ToolKitHelper.exe for user testing which the user needs to copy it to the ToolKit's Bin Folder.

    Yes multi-language support is postponed.

  19. Extended

    Extended MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    When to upload the new version?
  20. biatche

    biatche MDL Addicted

    Nov 14, 2009
    when its ready