Use /StartComponentCleanup to clean up the superseded components and reduce the size of the component store. Use /ResetBase to reset the base of superseded components, which can further reduce the component store size.
msmsg said some time ago we should remove all crap, then apply win updates, i dont understand this is what i always do with no issues APPLY UPDATE APPLY CHANGES, REMOUNT SOURCE REMOVE ALL CRAP APPLY CHANGES REMOVE OTHER VERSIONS EDU N ETC CREATE ISO
@MSMG Sir, I follow this method for Win10 RS5 LTSC x64 as instructed by your goodself, but while performing "Cleanup source image" step, I get only 20% complete. Is this normal ? Thanks. (1) Extract ISO to DVD folder (2) Select Source Image from DVD folder (3) Integrate DirectX 9.0C (4) Cleanup the Source Image (5) Remove all desired Windows Apps & Components (6) Customize (7) Cleanup the Source Image (8) Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature (9) Apply & Save Changes to Source Images (10) Re-Build Source Images (11) Convert WIM image to ESD image (12) Create the ISO
Love this! Would have loved for the remove section to allow us to input more than one character at a time, because it is slow and tedious to always get sent back to root. Would have loved to input for example "A,B,D,G....etc"!
As long as the message "...successfully..." appears under the bars, it's ok. And it doesn't perform much after integrating dx9c, that won't superseed any components that can be delta compressed. Just once at the end, is enough, and only when nothing has set the pending flag (in your scenario right before enabling dotnetfx3).
Installed OS on 2 computers and forget to do this on both of them. Should I do this now anyway, even after I installed and configured a lot of programs already?
Yes you can, it will delta compress all superseded components and decrease the footprint of the installed windows. The amount of the decrease in size will be depending on the amount of superseded components. Run in an elevated cmd: Code: Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
I did use toolkit 8.x for win8.1 and work very well. I need to use it, suppose ver 9.x, for include updates in windows server 2019, but immediately after chose "source" and indexes toolkit app crash. Maybe do not support windows server?
That's because of the '(' ')' in the Windows Server Image Name/Description the ToolKit gets terminated.
The command Code: ........ del /f /q rd /q /s ........ have 4 occurrences at line no. at 20146, 20160, 20176, 20189 under section, are not working as expected because the rd command becoming parameter to del command which tries to delete rd as file and gives could not find ........\rd error if /q parameter is removed. Do we need to remove all files as well as folder inside folder?
MSMG: ok to use refreshed iso of 1809 now (or in the next version with fixes)? or to use vanilla 1809 still?
In the sense that as a base you will be able to use iso in a language other than EN? The functionality is planned for days or weeks?
Question re Microsoft games; I am currently trying to resolve an issue where I lose sound on the Windows 7 Games for Windows 10 as provided by On a vanilla install (full image untouched by MSMG), the sound works fine. Once I've "de-bloated" the ISO with MSMG and installed I no longer have sound - It only affects these games. So I'm guessing something I'm removing might be breaking it... Perhaps Windows Media Player? Anyway, as I was recreating an image leaving WMP intact so I could test, I noticed that MSMG has support for a Microsoft games pack. (1). Are these the same games that are on Windows 7... Or are they the updated advertising/telemetry riddled versions? (2). MSMG 9.0 doesn't install them (*see below). Is there a way to manually install the games from games.7z * I am using 9.0 because that was the version I used when I created the image that got installed and resulted in no sound, so I'm trying to keep everything the same except add in WMP to see if that fixes the audio issue. If I use a different version I'm changing too many things at once and if it fixes it I won't know what fixed it... Hope that makes some sort of sense
Friends how to add these tweaks using msmg-toolkit ? Thank you. Spoiler: Reg Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "ExtendedUIHoverTime"=dword:00050000 Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc] "MUIVerb"="Windows Firewall" "Icon"="FirewallControlPanel.dll,-1800" "Extended"="" "subcommands"="" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\01] "MUIVerb"="Block incoming" "Icon"="FirewallControlPanel.dll,-2" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\01\command] @="cmd /q /c echo CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\").ShellExecute \"cmd\", \"/q /c chcp 1251 & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"\"%1\"\" dir=in action=block program=\"\"%1\"\" enable=yes | msg * \", \"\", \"runas\" > %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & cscript %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & del %%temp%%\\ev.vbs" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\02] "MUIVerb"="Allow incoming" "Icon"="comres.dll,-2859" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\02\command] @="cmd /q /c echo CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\").ShellExecute \"cmd\", \"/q /c chcp 1251 & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"\"%1\"\" dir=in action=allow program=\"\"%1\"\" enable=yes | msg * \", \"\", \"runas\" > %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & cscript %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & del %%temp%%\\ev.vbs" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\03] "Icon"="FirewallControlPanel.dll,-2" "MUIVerb"="Block outgoing" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\03\command] @="cmd /q /c echo CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\").ShellExecute \"cmd\", \"/q /c chcp 1251 & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"\"%1\"\" dir=out action=block program=\"\"%1\"\" enable=yes | msg * \", \"\", \"runas\" > %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & cscript %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & del %%temp%%\\ev.vbs" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\04] "MUIVerb"="Allow outgoing" "Icon"="comres.dll,-2859" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\04\command] @="cmd /q /c echo CreateObject(\"Shell.Application\").ShellExecute \"cmd\", \"/q /c chcp 1251 & netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"\"%1\"\" dir=out action=allow program=\"\"%1\"\" enable=yes | msg * \", \"\", \"runas\" > %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & cscript %%temp%%\\ev.vbs & del %%temp%%\\ev.vbs" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\06] "MUIVerb"="Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" "Icon"="FirewallControlPanel.dll,-1" "CommandFlags"=dword:00000020 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\06\command] @="mmc.exe wf.msc" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\07] "MUIVerb"="Windows Firewall" "Icon"="FirewallControlPanel.dll,-1" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\exefile\shell\FWc\shell\07\command] @="control.exe firewall.cpl"
Sir, found one more problem while using Windows Server 2019 base image. In Remove menu, no if will satisfy & directly enter in Customize menu. In line number 2217, the word neq should be changed to equ.
Thanks, corrected the error and yes you need to delete all the files inside the backup folder, usually there will be only files inside it. Corrected it.
It's ok now since I have changed the order and in both the case it won't remove the updated extra files/entries not present in the base version. Using vanilla image is the best option since it will reduce the image cleanup time.
Yes you can use any language when the support is added and I'm still in the process of creating component database for all languages and so can't give any ETA right now.