Hello and thanks for your hard work!! I just dont understand the last step in the guide for RS5: "Perform DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase once." What do i have to do here after installing the OS?
Perform the command shown? Code: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase I would not advise to do this without a warning, on windows 10 it breaks windows functionality. Better to perform only this: Code: DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup Will save a few less MB than the full resetbase but it decreases the size of the windows footprint and delta compresses superseded components.
It takes an amount of time to process. So it's easier in terms of time consumed not to run it. The advantage is it reclaims wasted disk space, it's a considerable amount. I also do it without the /ResetBase switch. The option disables the Reset Windows feature and doesn't reclaim that much space.
I do remember abbodi86 mentioning that the normal /ResetBase won't break the Reset PC functionality but instead doing the full /ResetBase will break it by enabling the below tweak Code: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration] "DisableResetbase"=dword:00000000
As I have tested It reduces the time for SFC operation and also frees up space for Windows Update cache. That's the way I do it before/after the WU installation.
Yeah I was corrected by one of the senior members here, /ResetBase doesn't do a whole lot of space reduction on 1809 because the cu is pretty small right now, but will make a big difference as the cu grows, I'll keep an eye on the effectiveness of that option. Actually I don't really care if Reset Windows works or not.
Without changing that regkey the full resetbase only should perform the /startcomponentcleanup part, but to be sure i advise not to perform /resetbase at all, or at least put a warning in the same sentence.
And will it break something? If I remove Windows Mixed Reality will its app be removed too (at least it doesn't appear in NTLite as well as Windows Mixed Reality after removing the latter with MSMG ToolKit)? EDIT: I removed Adobe Flash Player and Internet Explorer with MSMG ToolKit and the rest with NTLite and I can't install Windows 10 in a VM. There's a OOBE error (I think it states that Windows setup could not configure to run on this computer's hardware). I didn't have this problem in the previous version even if not using an en-us/en-gb image.
The User Documentation is too old,now release is 9.1,but the user documentation is used in v4.0,so when upgrade the documentation? The documentation is more useful than toolkit readme.
Docs can be updated when a fully functional toolkit has been released. At this point there are still some issues and once those issues have been resolved, the docs can be updated. Cheers.
- DISM /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup == DISM /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase As abbodi86 said without applying the reg tweak the /ResetBase will not be doing the job fully. So as Enthousiast said to avoid the confusion I will make changes to the ToolKit menu to have two cleanup menus with clear description and warning sot that the user can choose which they want. - Yes for some main components like Edge, PeopleExperienceHost, WindowsMixedReality I have made sure it removes the sub components too. - As said before I won't be providing support/compatibility for other tools, When you removed the rest of the components with NTLite, you could have removed Adobe and IE using the NTLite itself right.
@MSMG Thank you for updating. I don't use windows ISO files and keep only install.wim (because only use WinNTSetup). Now, can I use my install.wim with MSMG Toolkit? I request for next version of "[1] Source" menu: [5] Extract Source from install.wim Naturally, also need new option for [7] Target menu: [7] Make only install.wim Is it possible?
It's not Parental Controls that is breaking the sound on the Windows 7 Games for Windows 10. Rebuilt image as suggested. Installed OS and Chipset drivers then the W7GamesForWin10 bundle and no sound. Installed Realtek Audio drivers. Still no sound. Code: Name : Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls Publisher : CN=Microsoft Windows, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US Architecture : Neutral ResourceId : neutral Version : 1000.17763.1.0 PackageFullName : Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls_1000.17763.1.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy InstallLocation : C:\Windows\SystemApps\ParentalControls_cw5n1h2txyewy IsFramework : False PackageFamilyName : Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls_cw5n1h2txyewy PublisherId : cw5n1h2txyewy IsResourcePackage : False IsBundle : False IsDevelopmentMode : False NonRemovable : True IsPartiallyStaged : False SignatureKind : System Status : Ok Interestingly; On my previous image I had also removed Kernel Debugger and Windows Error reporting and installing drivers took 10 - 15 minutes each. This time I left those packages alone and the driver install took seconds. as they had on previous versions.