1. Extended

    Extended MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    MSMG help :)

    source install.wim mount

    remove / remove windows comp. / windows apps / all remove app
    remove / remove windows comp. / system apps / all remove app
    remove / remove windows comp. / advanced componets / remove optional
    enable netframework 3.5

    cleanup source images error :(

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.17763.1

    Image Version: 10.0.17763.253

    [=========== 20.0% ]
    The operation completed successfully.
  2. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    The cleanup source image error probably is because the enabling dotnetfx3, it sets the pending flag, and with that set, no cleanup can be performed.

    The progress bar showing just 20% is a cosmetic API related thing, as long as the "the operation.....succesfully" line is there, that part is ok.
  3. Extended

    Extended MDL Junior Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    [QUOTE = "Enthousiast, post: 1497393, member: 104688"] Temizleme kaynağı görüntü hatası büyük olasılıkla dotnetfx3 etkinleştirmeyi bekleyen bayrağını ayarlıyor ve bu setle, temizleme yapılamıyor.

    Sadece% 20’yi gösteren ilerleme çubuğu, "operasyon ..... başarılı" satırı olduğu sürece, o bölüm tamam olduğu sürece, kozmetik API ile ilgili bir şeydir. [/ QUOTE]

    Do you have any idea what we can do?

    google translate :) :(
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Run the cleanup command before enabling dotnetfx3.
  5. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #9445 Windows 10 User, Jan 16, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    Which option? I need that feature.

    Yes, but if I remove Internet Explorer 32-bits with NTLite it still appears in the Optional features list as still being installed and the iexplore.exe inside the internet explorer folder which is inside the Programs folder is still there and can be executed and therefore I can still open IE manually (and if I remove the other Internet Explorer with NTLite it breaks the MMC Extended View).

    Regarding Adobe Flash Player removal by NTLite, two updates still appear in WU. This is why I removed both of them with MSMG ToolKit.

    What about the CU install problem? Has it been fixed? If I integrate the penultimate CU and the latest SSU with MSMG ToolKit will I be able to install the latest CU through WU?

    After I do that I only have the Rebuild Source Images option available in Apply.

    There are things that can only be removed by NTLite and vice-versa and it looks like it's the IE removal by MSMG ToolKit that causes this issue since I only removed it (and the rest with NTLite) after only removing Adobe Flash Player (and the rest with NTLite), only Adobe Flash Player and IE (and the rest with NTLite) and only Adobe Flash Player, IE and Windows Mixed Reality (and the rest with NTLite) and only the times when IE was removed (and the rest with NTLite) I had this problem. If I only remove IE with MSMG ToolKit (and don't remove a thing with NTLite afterwards) I don't have this problem.

    EDIT: Now I removed some components with MSMG ToolKit and the rest with NTLite (including Internet Explorer) and I still had the OOBE error so it might have been caused by some other component removal.

    EDIT 2: Now I didn't even remove Internet Explorer with MSMG ToolKit or NTLite and I still had this problem.
  6. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    Trying to track down which app/component removal is breaking audio on games.

    Rather than rebuilding a new image with MSMG removing one app/component at a time, is there a simpler way where I can install Windows from the vanilla ISO then using Toolkithelper, or DISM or powershell (or wherever else), to remove components manually?

    Like DISM /ONLINE /Remove-Package??
  7. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Have you integrated DirectX9c?

    Don't know whether how removing KernelDebugger and WER is affecting speed of Drivers Installation, need to test.

  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    - Sorry can't help with NTLite problems.

    - Yes it's working here.

    - Yes there will be only Rebuild menu since you haven't selected the source yet, go to [1] Select Source from <DVD> Folder.

  10. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    ToolKitHelper doesn't work with Live systems.

  11. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #9452 Windows 10 User, Jan 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2019
    Can MSMG break the Reset This PC function or some command run after I install Windows 10?

    Also, in a VM created by Hyper-V with Windows 10 1809 Enterprise x64 WU doesn't show Intel microcodes updates so does that mean I shouldn't integrate them in a future host install or not necessarily since the drivers from a VM are different than the ones from the host? If I need them in the host, will WU show them, at least? There should be a way to know if I need them in the host or not before installing Windows 10.
  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    No as long as you don't enable the Full ResetBase Rey Key, the ToolKit won't break the Reset PC.

    They are dynamic updates which the WU installs by checking the system, if you want to make a universal image then you can download those Dynamic updates and copy them to Dynamic folder under WHD pack folder, the ToolKit will integrate them.

  13. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #9454 Windows 10 User, Jan 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    Whick key?

    So, which is quicker, manually extracting the ISO contents and loading them in MSMG or let NTLite extract the ISO contents and afterwards load it or it is indifferent?
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    - [6] Customize -> [5] Tweaks -> [9] Enable DISM Image Cleanup with Full ResetBase

    - ToolKit uses the command-line 7z.exe to extract the ISO and NTLite uses Windows Api function, don't know which is faster better you do the test.

  15. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    #9456 Yanta, Jan 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    Directx 9.0c - Of course! We have several old games that require it.

    WER - Me neither - Originally I just removed everything. When I left Parental controls in the image, I I left these other two in as well. I wasn't actually looking for a solution to why driver installs seemed to be hanging... I just noticed that when I left those components in the installs run at normal speed. Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Once I get this damned audio issue sorted out, I'll take another look at that one.
  16. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    #9457 Yanta, Jan 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    No problems. I tried using DISM /online /remove-package /packagename:<blah> and whilst dism said it worked, the packages were still there.

    I can say with reasonable certainty that the Windows Apps that are NOT causing the loss of audio because I removed all of them and audio still worked.
  17. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #9458 Windows 10 User, Jan 17, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2023
    Ok, but how can I know if it will appear in WU after I install Windows 10 in the host before installing it in order to know if I should integrate it or not?
  18. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Ok, did you tested the games pack with untouched image, is the sound working for Games?

    May be some dependent file is getting removed when the components are removed.

  19. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes DISM won't fully remove the package.

    Better check with System Apps and Advanced Components by removing a set of component and test the OS, if it works then proceed with the next set of components.