1. kosta26

    kosta26 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2019
    #9961 kosta26, Mar 23, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
    Yes. But I did the test and removed CEIP_SQM , Kernel Debugging, UnifiedTelemetryClient, Windows Error Reporting - and got that when you install the update in the cab , the same update is again hanging in the update center. If you do not remove Windows Error Reporting, then everything is fine.
  2. haremmon

    haremmon MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2016
    Wondering if anyone in this thread is familiar on what OneNote metro/UWP app dependencies are in order to have it working in Windows 10 (1809) with all the bloatware removed through MSMG toolkit?

    I tried to only keep OneNote metro/UWP app installed while all Windows-Apps, System-Apps, and Advanced-Components removed. No luck in doing so.
    Trying to migrate as OneNote Desktop is going to be EOL in the near future.

    Just curious if anyone has experimented on this or have a list of dependencies handy to ensure OneNote UWP/Metro is working with minimal bloatware remained in the system.
  3. Bluescreen

    Bluescreen MDL Senior Member

    Jul 16, 2009
    My bad !
    I missed your statement https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-499#post-1510348
    "I said the current ToolKit won't work with both the x64 LTSC ISO's be it original release or the refreshed one"

    My host OS is W10 LTSC x64, and I could produce clean lite ISO's using the 9.1 ToolKit with all updates integrated.
    Just some folders came back into systemapps after a WU update. Pakage Defender does not came back, but Cortana yes. but does not give errors into event viewer.

    Toolkit 9.2 give errors using the same strategy when removing Windows components... But It's normal...
    Will wait If you can solve why LTSC cannot be used. I thought the base ISO was the same as W10 1809 17763.1_Consumer with less crap.

    My goal is to keep my working machines clean and stable with no "New Features" every 6 months and risky updated full Windows.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  4. kosta26

    kosta26 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2019
    #9964 kosta26, Mar 23, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2019
    The main question. Will there be support for 19H1 soon? After all, the update is soon, and you need to see how the removal of components will take place.
  5. Thvle

    Thvle MDL Senior Member

    Oct 7, 2012
    Why with LTSB 2016 "Remove" function in MSMG doens't works?
  6. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    I have not yet deployed the image I made yesterday, but if the previous faulty image installed fine, this one will be OK also.

    Host OS is English LTSC x64 (1809).
    Source OS is Spanish LTSC x86 (1809).
    I did remove some system apps and advanced components. Both without any error.

    - Extract ISO to DVD folder
    - Run start.cmd and mount all images (recovery and boot)
    - Integrate Edge, Dart, DX9, camera app, alarms and clock, store.
    - Integrate WHD updates (CU, servicing stack, flash, dotnetfx januari + dotnetfx march).
    - Remove some System apps
    - Remove some advanced components like defender and smartscreen
    - Manually do cleanup + resetbase from cmd
    - Rebuild images with toolkit
    - Apply changes and dismount.

    For x86 it was a flawless run.
    Important: To avoid the errors reported here, you must use "integrate WHD updates" option from the toolkit. If you use the normal updates folder you get errors.
    If you use Abbodi's WUI you will also get the errors. It seems that only the toolkit integrates the updates in a specific order.
    Once I used "Integrate WHD updates" it all finished without any issue.

    I do not pre-integrate .net 3.5 as I got fed up with pending flag set. I now do it from ROE as part of the application install.
    I probably could remove more stuff, but I prefer to wait and test exactly what components can be safely removed without causing sfc errors.
    It has been said before, to much chopping is no good.

    So far I'm happy with the build process. When I have the change I'll deploy the image and see how it behaves.

  7. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    If you are using LTSB 2016, then you need to work with an older version of the toolkit.
    This has been asked before and answered.

  8. xujones

    xujones MDL Novice

    May 2, 2011
    I want to use the “remove” features make a ltsb 2016 lite-version.But when I press [4]remove,the screen will turn to tweak menu.
    My OS is 1809,lastest version.
  9. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    If you are using LTSB 2016, then you need to work with an older version of the toolkit.
    This has been asked before and answered.

  10. kosta26

    kosta26 MDL Junior Member

    Jan 1, 2019
    If you remove Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, then there will be no problems with programs that require these components?
  11. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Ok will tryout removing only these components.

  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The current version of ToolKit fully works only with x86 images, so is your source OS image is a x64?

    OneNote App just requires the run-time frameworks and vc-libs, which the Toolkit won't remove and remaining dependency packages left are Advertising.Xaml and Services.Store.Engagement.

    Try retaining Advertising.Xaml and WindowsStore.

  13. K-mikaZ

    K-mikaZ MDL Novice

    Sep 16, 2015
    Hello everyone, and first of all, congratulations for your work.

    And sorry in advance for my english

    I encountered a "little" trouble with my iso used [ Windows 10.0.15063 is Redstone 2 (rs2) ] on the latests versions of Toolkit.

    ToolKit_v8.6.7z and before works good, after (with the 8.7, 8.9, 9.1, 9.2 ), when I select REMOVE menu, it automatically switches me to the TWEAK menu. I can not access the removal of apps.
    All other functions are accessible.

    I have not seen any information about Build 15063.
    Is this normal and do I have to stick to version 8.6.7?
    Is it no longer supported on future versions of Toolkit, or is it just a forgotten line of code?

    One last thing.
    When I integrate the dedup and the FileServer packages, it does not automatically integrate the languages packs (fr-FR in my case) that are nevertheless present (ToolKit_v8.6.7 and other).
    For this part, nothing serious, just a simple feedback, for code improvement.

    Thank you in advance.
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Yes v9.1 works but there's SFC error with it, v9.2 is having issues with removing some apps along with the System Apps and Advanced Components.

    Hope to soon fix the issue with x64 builds soon.

  15. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Let the v1903 be released without any bugs/re-releases and things get settled, will add the support but before that need to fix the current build issues.

  16. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Do reply back when you install the OS since I need to know if it's working properly for non-en-us/en-gb users.

    Be it the Toolkit or Abbodi's WU Installer or other scripts, every tool uses the DISM to integrate the update so the result should be same.

    I have removed all compoenents for x86 en-us/en-gb image and there are no SFC errors or any other errors so far.

  17. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    I have made sure to keep the files that break other software when the components are removed, let me know if you have any software not working.

  18. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Paste the below code into a notepad and save it in Toolkit folder as tkremove.cmd, mount the image using the ToolKit and run the tkremove.cmd using the NSudo command prompt.

    The sample batch for removing System Apps

    @echo off
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AADBrokerPlugin
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install AssignedAccessLockApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install BioEnrollment
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ContentDeliveryManager
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Cortana
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install EdgeDevToolsClient
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install Edge
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install FileExplorer
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install LockApp
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install MapControl
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install OneDrive
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install ParentalControls
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PeopleExperienceHost
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install PPIProjection
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install QuickAssist
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install RetailDemoContent
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SecureAssessmentBrowser
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SettingSync
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SkypeORTC
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SmartScreen
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsDefender
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsMixedReality
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install WindowsReaderPDF
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install XboxGameCallableUI
    The same above System Apps can be removed all at once

    @echo off
    Bin\ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install SystemApps
  19. biatche

    biatche MDL Addicted

    Nov 14, 2009
    Mount\Install removes?

    100% sure?

    I would of thought it'd be something like Mount\Remove (just typing this without looking at the code so far)