Yes, you can keep the Setting Sync if you use online accounts to login and sync the data b/w devices. Glad to know it's working for you, then I need to check why I'm getting error with the installation when all components are moved. Removing Default Metro Apps Association XML is not mandatory, it's an option provided and that's why I haven't added it in the Usage Guide, Even I don't use it.
Ok, I was thinking that's mandatory when you remove metro apps. So if I remove the apps and not remove the associations, nothing will happen? I mean, in settings and default apps list will be empty, no association with non-existent anymore apps?
Yes I do know how to install OS without them, already done so. And yes I wanted to create one such partition but instead of that I came to a different solution. Instead of using that I'll create a normal partition, put a winpe boot.wim (Bob Omb's modified winpe) on it. Put windows own winre on it, and put dell's winre on it too and make entries through easy bcd to all of them. This will allow me access to windows recovery easily without having the trouble for it to start only when there's some error. It'll also allow me to use dell's support assist without having dell's own windows. And it'll also allow me to use bomb's winpe without any hitches. Moreover I'll put the windows iso on it too so that I can install os anytime. That's my setup, for a backup I'll use macrium and take a full disk snapshot of my disk partitions after everything is set up and running. I have an issue here though. First I want this partition to be the same as windows recovery partition, I mean in the way that it doesn't show up. Also I don't want it to be accessible through windows at least and only accessible to boot manager or when it's booting, is there any way I can do that. This is to avoid modifications to it from within windows in case of any virus or malware snuck inside.
If we do not care about SFC errors (LTSC w/ V9.0 or V9.1), what issues will arise from using the OS on main computer? If we do sfc scanerror and it fixes the problem, what is the problem fixed? restored component?
@MSMG: I have now been able to test the image made with the latest toolkit. The result is flawless. Promised some feedback, here it is: Source: Win 10 LTSC x64 US English Target: Win 10 LTSC x86 Spanish Build process was already reported to be flawless. I did a "SFC /scannow" after finishing deployment, and it came up totally clean, no errors at all. No issues with WU or integrated metro apps. I don't use the normal setup but instead I use imageX from a customized WinPE. Pretty happy with the result, you've really made an awesome tool for the community, thanks again. Cheers.
The Windows store is required for many other components when their compatibility files/keys are not retained while removing the Store then it may breaks those dependent components.
Copy the patched uxtheme dll file in the folder <Packs\UxTheme\w10\x64> and use the Integrate Custom Features->Integrate Custom UxTheme Patch menu.
well I also removed all components, and got sfc errors, and some things were even restored/repaired :|
Done some test today. ISO 17763.1 x64 es-ES (es_windows_10_consumer_edition_version_1809_updated_sept_2018_x64_dvd_500f371e.iso) Only had problems with the following components when removed: - Photos (4-1-U) - Unified Telemetry Client [Asimov] Package (4-3-V)
Done some testing too with creating new x64 1809 build image Home and Pro pl-PL and en-US. Here are components safe to remove (from Toolkit list, not custom packages list): - Windows Apps (4-1-1) - all, - System Apps (4-1-2) - B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, removing A - AADBrokerPlugin and O - SettingSync will cause problems with Work Folders (Control Panel -> System and Security) - an attempt to open this element results freezing; - Advanced Windows Components (4-1-3) - A, B, C, D, E, F, H, I, J, N, P, V, Z, 1, 5, 6, 7, of course G - Edge or L - InternetExplorer for example also are safe to remove, but I am keeping it for my personal preferences. Also If you remove Edge, you can remove M - KernelDebugging and X - WindowsErrorReporting. If you remove this components keeping Edge, Edge will open and close instantly, which results in it being unusable. @MSMG I've noticed also, that if you don't remove default metro apps association and enable Windows Photo Viewer, Toolkit is enabling WPV properly, but is not setting it as default photo viewer. When you remove the association and enable WPV, Toolkit sets it as default viewer. This also applies to 1803 build. I haven't noticed it earlier, but it came up when I was browsing system settings to check if something is not working properly.