It was due to new W10 WADK tools not properly working on Windows 7 HOST, I had to restrict the ToolKit to use W81/W10 to service a Windows 10 Image. Some features like integrate packages, enable/disable features, remove default metro apps using DISM were not working properly on W7 HOST. In the present ToolKit since the component removal is done manually and since your query was only related to component removal, then you can use the ToolKitHelper.exe from bin folder to remove the components. You need to run the ToolKitHelper.exe from a NSudo command prompt. In the next release I will make changes to ToolKit to only restrict the features that may not work on W7 HOST OS.
The current version of ToolKit doesn't support v1903 images, if you are trying to integrate the specified packages outside the Toolkit then rename the fod files in the required format to integrate properly. Do wait for the next release for v1903 support.
hi i just found one thing i allways delete all telemerty, but just one file in Windows\ImmersiveControlPanel kill settings (this controlpanel) and it loading forever this file "Telemetry.Common.dll" in last builds, and "Telemetry.Desktop.dll" in old. maybe you can solve this problem in future, or modificate file in normal way (i try bad one and it not accept) cut telemerty inside it and replace, give it not to be rejected by panel. regards ps, also defender was killed, but looks like it comes to firewall, idk must we kill it too?
I asked a question some time ago, and didn't see any replies. So forgive me if I'm going blind and missed something (Blame old age) Using v9.1 on 1809 x64 EN-us with the .253 update integrated. I've had no issues with installing, or SFC or Windows updates. So is the toolkit at a state where it's considered final for v1809? No outstanding issues? Though I did come across one strange thing where the Maps and Windows Defender adml files were missing (The admx files were present), but I had removed both of those components. So when I run GPEdit it would throw errors about those files being missing. Anyone come across that issue? The work around was simple; take ownership of the files, grant myself permissions then rename the files... I was wondering if there is a better fix??
Except component removal and apps integration everything else is ready for v1903, even the packs have been uploaded already. Just started adding component removal for v1903, right now Inbox Windows Apps are complete.
Immersive Control Panel is required for Settings, will see what can be done. Windows Defender Firewall is the actual Firewall in Windows 10.
I had checked about the GPEdit and it didn't give any errors as reported by you, do check out with v9.2 or else do wait today or tomorrow I will release a test version of ToolKitHelper.exe and see if it works.
Yes it will be always the first released one for all versions, pre-updates/refreshed images won't be supported.
I really think you should put removing search capability from "all" and put it somewhere else (in to customize?). I accidentally removed everything without paying much attention, didn't expect your tool to complete break searching functionality from start menu.
That's why the Cortana and other important components are placed under Advanced Components and not in System Apps menu, so that people can manually choose what they want. There's already one under Customize section which disables the Cortana but not the Search.
Easiest fix: pay attention next time. I'm kidding, lol. It has happened to me as well. Now I always keep the track of steps I've taken in notepad to avoid such circumstance.
If you use something as simple as open shell the search function comes back. So the search function is really still there.
@MSMG, as I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I've read that in 1903 release search function will be separated and independent from Cortana. Can you confirm or deny?