Ok was that the issue? Sounds like it could be.
  1. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    May be since WER is used for reporting all windows errors, it might be connected with Windows troubleshooting wizard

  2. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Updated the ToolKit to v9.3


    - Windows 10 20H1 Insider Preview WADK (v10.0.18890.1000) Tools.
    - Support for Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    - Updated Packs for Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack for W7/Server 2008R2/W81/Server 2016/v1703/v1709/v1803/2019/v1809 Source OS.
    - Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Language Pack for W7/Server 2008R2 Source OS.
    - WHD Update Pack Integration fixes for Windows 10 Threshold 1 Source OS.
    - WHD Update Pack Integration to Only Windows Setup Install Image.
    - Fixes for Windows Components removal.
    - Camera Barcode Scanner and Eye Control System Apps removal for Windows 10 Client v1809 Source OS.
    - Windows Apps removal for Windows 10 Client v1903 Source OS.
    - Remove Windows Component using Package List Support for using ToolKitHelper.
    - Updated Disable Cortana, Disable Automatic Drivers Install, Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade Tweaks.
    - Tweaks to Disable Windows Defender, Windows Update and Microsoft Reserved Storage Space.
    - Convert Edition support for Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.

    + Updated ToolKit's Bin folder with Windows 10 20H1 Insider Preview WADK (v10.0.18890.1000) Tools.
    + Fixed a Bug in the ToolKit, Where selecting a Windows Server Source Image would terminate the ToolKit.
    + Updated the ToolKit to support Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Integrate Language Packs" Where the extraction of Localized Resource files failed for Windows 10 Client/Server Non-English Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Language Packs" to Support Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5" to Support Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Added Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Pack for MSMG ToolKit for Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Added a Feature "Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8" for Windows 7/ThinPC/Server 2008R2, Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2, Windows 10 v1607/v1703/v1709/v1803/v1809, Windows Server 2016/v1703/v1709/v1803/Server 2019/v1809 Source OS.
    + Added Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack (Windows 7/Server 2008R2/Windows 8.1/Server 2012R2, Windows 10 v1607/v1703/v1709/v1803/v1809, Windows Server 2016/v1703/v1709/v1803/Server 2019/v1809) for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Edge" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Microsoft Edge Browser Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Edge Browser Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Deduplication" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Microsoft Windows Deduplication Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows Server v1903 - Windows Deduplication Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Microsoft Windows Accessibility Braille" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Microsoft Windows Accessibility Braille Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Windows Accessibility Braille CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Open Secure Shell (SSH)" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Open Secure Shell (SSH) Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Open Secure Shell (SSH) Client & Server CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows To Go" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Microsoft Windows To Go Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Windows Deduplication Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Multimedia Restricted Codecs" to Support Windows Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Multimedia Restricted Codecs Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Multimedia Restricted Codecs Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Portable Devices" for Windows 10 v1903 'N' Editions Source OS.
    + Updated the Windows Portable Devices Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Portable Devices Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)" to Support Windows Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Pack for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 - Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Base + en-US CAB files.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft Windows Media Feature Pack" to Support Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Added Microsoft Windows Media Feature Pack (Windows 10 v1903) for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate Microsoft DaRT Tools" to Support Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated Microsoft DaRT Pack (Windows 10) for MSMG ToolKit with Windows 10 v1903 (v10.0.18362.1) Debug Tools.
    + Fixed Filesystem ACL Issues with Microsoft DaRT Pack for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" with Cumulative Update Integration fix for Windows 10 v1507 Source OS (Thanks to MDL Member: abbodi1406).
    + Added a Sub Menu to the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" to Integrate Updates to Windows Setup Install Image.
    + Updated the Feature "Integrate WHD Update Pack" to Integrate Updates to Windows Setup Install Image.
    + Fixed Filesystem ACL Issues with Windows Media Center Generic Tokens Pack for MSMG ToolKit.
    + Fixed Bugs in the Feature "Remove Windows Component" related to shared components removal for Windows 10 v1809 Source OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Windows Component", Where Windows Setup would fail when removing all components for Windows 10 v1809 64-bit Source OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Windows Component", Where Windows Setup would fail when integrating Cumulative Update after the component removal for Windows 10 v1809 Source OS.
    + Fixed a Bug in the Feature "Remove Windows Component", Where Removing Edge Browser App would remove Windows To Go instead of Windows Reader (PDF) for Windows 10 v1809 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support removing Camera Barcode Scanner and Eye Control System Apps for Windows 10 v1809 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component" to support removing Windows Apps for Windows 10 v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Remove Windows Component Using Package List" to support ToolkitHelper.exe method for Windows 10 v1809/v1903 Source OS.
    + Updated the Feature "Apply Tweaks" with Improvements to Disable Cortana, Disable Automatic Drivers Install, Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade Tweaks.
    + Added a Tweak "Disable Windows Defender" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Added a Tweak "Disable Windows Update" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Added a Tweak "Disable Microsoft Reserved Storage Space for Windows Updates" under Customize->Tweaks Menu.
    + Updated the Feature "WIM Manager->Convert Edition" to Support Windows 10 Client/Server v1903 Source OS.

    - Using ToolKit with Antivirus Programs enabled can affect the ToolKit's operations.
    - ToolKit's ToolKitHelper.exe may be flagged as a Virus/Trojan/Malware Program, Don't worry it's just a False Positive Sign.
    - The ToolKit can't/won't support Post-Servicing of ToolKit serviced source images with other similar tools.
    - Windows 8.1 - Integrating Windows Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT) along with other features will break the Integration with an error code 0x80092004.
    - Windows 7/8.1/10 - Integrating/Installing Windows Updates/Cumulative Updates after the component removal can rarely restore Removed Components resources or shortcuts files/folders.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 2/3/4/5/6 - When Custom User Account Picture is integrated, The Picture is not displayed in Logon Screen although it's been displayed in StartMenu User Icon.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 5/6 - Microsoft Games, Windows Media Player/PhotoViewer/Win32Calc Skins features are not working.
    - Windows 10 Redstone 3/4/5/6 - It has been reported that in the Format USB Function, the Diskpart command "list" is not working when used within the Script.
  3. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The ToolKit Base archive has grown up to (339MB) due to WADK and some pack files like Edge, so I have decided to move all pack files out of main archive starting from next version.
  4. roedel

    roedel MDL Junior Member

    Jun 3, 2010
    Where did you found the 18362.1?
  5. intro

    intro MDL Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    - Remove Windows Component using Package List Support for using ToolKitHelper.

    Does this mean we can remove system components and advanced components using packagelist? I don't know anything about using the package list but I was just wondering.
  6. LostED

    LostED SVF Patch Lover

    Jul 30, 2009
    UUP ?
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  7. Feartamixg

    Feartamixg MDL Addicted

    May 15, 2016
    #10630 Feartamixg, May 12, 2019
    Last edited: May 12, 2019
    @MSMG Thank you for the update, I didn't expect it so soon. I hope to do some testing tonight.

    After reading the documentation for v9.3 I want to confirm my changes to my method.

    Extract ISO (1 > 3)

    Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images)

    Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B)

    Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 1 > 8)

    Remove Onedrive, People, Connect, Skype (4 > 1 > 2 > H/J/K/P)

    Remove Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 3 > 1/5/6/7)

    Apply updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3)

    Cleanup (6 > 1)

    Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 5 > 2/4/7)

    Apply changes to image (6 > 2)

    Rebuild (6 > 1)

    Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4)

    Make ISO (7 > 1)

    Extract ISO (1 > 3)

    Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images)

    Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B)

    Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 1 > 8)

    Remove Onedrive, People, Connect, Skype (4 > 1 > 2 > J/L/M/R)

    Remove Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 3 > 1/5/6/7)

    Apply updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 4)

    Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 5 > B/D/J)

    Cleanup (6 > 1)

    Apply changes to image (6 > 2)

    Rebuild (6 > 1)

    Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4)

    Make ISO (7 > 1)
    Edit: To be clear, I moved the cleanup so it is done after the tweaks.

    Edit 2: I am currently testing, so will update the new method with the corrected options soon.
  8. Feartamixg

    Feartamixg MDL Addicted

    May 15, 2016
    #10631 Feartamixg, May 12, 2019
    Last edited: May 12, 2019
    Small error found at integration of WHD.
    I am not able to select option 4 (Integrate to Windows Setup Boot, Install & Recovery Image). I just receive a beep and MSMG returns to the above menu. I was able to choose option 3 (Integrate to Windows Setup Install & Recovery Image).
  9. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    This is just a simple registry edit to the mounted registry.
    Reg add "HKLM\HKLM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" /v "UseDefaultTile" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  10. ARCIGA

    ARCIGA MDL Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2015
    I Am Using Windows 10.0.18362.30 X64 is-MX And Does Not Eliminate Anything

    Attached Files:

  11. zero cool root

    zero cool root MDL Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    #10636 zero cool root, May 13, 2019
    Last edited: May 13, 2019
    I get image from link bellow..!!

    Where i find 18362.1..??
  12. intro

    intro MDL Member

    Apr 10, 2010
  13. zero cool root

    zero cool root MDL Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2011
    Thank you so much..!!