Do share the list of components removed and the order in which it was removed. Also do share the CBS.log from C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.txt when the error occurs.
Despite Microsoft has released the W10 18362.30 MVS ISO's but still it's a (18362.1 + CU), In fact the Language Packs, Language Features Packs, Feature On Demand Pack, ADK, WINPE, SDK MVS ISO's released all are having version 18362.1, Don't count Localization Pack as it's regularly updated through store. 18362.30 is not like the case of 10.0.16299.15, where the 10.0.16299.15 was released entirely as new build. The only good thing about the W10 18362.30 MVS ISO's are the boot.wim and winre.wim which can be merged with 18362.1 to fix the CU integration failure. Use the W10 18362.1 image, remove the components and integrate the latest update.
Do share the list of components removed and the order in which it was removed. Also do share the CBS.log from C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.txt when the error occurs.
There's no much change in v1.0.1620 and the latest, only two components have been added for removal, What issues are you facing with the latest one?
MDL Developer, how about integration a new net framework 4.8 in RS1-RS4? If we use a new 9.3.1, do the integration and save changes, after that change to 8.8. Does it integrate correctly? And if you are installed a new CU in RS1-RS4 it's can't correctly remove a telemetry and other components. RS1 even if you are use a first version iso it's can't correctly delete telemetry, in program data microsoft telemetry are still collect data, and telemetry services are work.
TH1-RS4 uses DISM method which won't remove the components completely or may cause SFC/Shared components errors, you may need to wait until the ToolKitHelper method is updated to support these versions. For .NET Framework 4.8 integration use v9.3.1 it will work.
Games integration currently been disabled due to a bug, once it's fixed the feature will be restored.
This happened to me too. I am trying to prepare a list while waiting for implementation to the menu and get an error "Invalid Component Name specified". @MSMG what do you think?
Yes it's due to two '_' present in the ToolKitHelper_CEIP_SQM and the Toolkit splits the string at '_' to get the component name, will fix it.