Someone had earlier reported about the skins not working for RS5 and that's why I had disabled it for further testing, will checkout and re-enable it in the next version. If you see the new skins on Win32Calc/WMP/PhotoViewer then the Skin integration are working fine. Note: Integration of Skins can generate SFC error due to modification of original DLL files.
As I wrote in my previous post, while waiting for component removal (system apps and advanced components) implementation to the ToolKit, I'm preparing PkgsList to remove them and so far it's working fine for me. I'm testing now to create list safe to remove and components removal (by ToolKitHelper) seems to be ok.
I put all advanced components and system apps into the package list file for the fun of it. I then went to remove components in the toolkit and chose remove with package list. It started and went through evetything in the package list but never showed anything being done I then installed and saw nothing was removed. Are you sure it removed what was in the list?
@MSMG I had the same error using RS5 image and now the same error occure on 19H1. It happen when you do cleanup after NetFX35 integration. I've noticed that if you cleanup before NetFX35 integration the error does not occur.
System Apps + Components removal is only available for v1809, for v1903 only Windows Apps + Store + Xbox + XboxIdentityProvider can be removed.
Oops I did forgot to move the .NET FX35 integration step next to cleanup, yes the .NET FX35 should be done after the cleanup.
As in your case, I'm doing the same thing, It starts removing, but after each entry not showing info that completed successfully. I assumed it was ok, because on the end of the process showed completed successfully. I'm not sure if it's working, because for now I was creating multiple scenarios and images. I have not installed yet the images. I will do this tomorrow when I will be in my work and get back to you with some information.
So even if I put them on the list, components will not be removed by ToolKitHelper? I was creating some images today to test tomorrow, but like @intro have mentioned, this will not work?
on 18362.1, when I remove a component, then go back to remove the next component, the component I just removed is still on the list. Is it a bug? Is the component still there?
What does that have to do with my question? I'm trying to remove regular non-advanced components like Messaging and ZuneVideo and hopefully the xbox stuff.
And does it come with all the components' names or just some of them? Do you know the difference between removing components that way or the "normal" way when it's available? I guess the latter removes more things but with former lots of components may be removed one after another so I wouldn't have to remove then separately then sparing some time.
Comparing components from template list and ToolKit menu, it seems to be all of them, at least the ones I'm removing. Difference between this methods are probabaly the way components are removed, I don't know, @MSMG would have to say. As you noticed, you can save some time using list. Anyway, hold your horses yet, according to some information from previous posts, components removal from list does not work however. Tomorrow I will check it when I install the system from image I've created so far.