I'm sorry, but how many times will we repeat this information, just read previous posts. You have refreshed image .107. You need 17763.1.
@jerzys - The op is confused between refreshed image and a fresh untouched image. He thinks that you are referring to a fresh untouched iso, when you are discussing about a refresh image. @beeyev - Bro, there is something called a refresh image released by Microsoft wherein some bugs are fixed I suppose and it doesn't mean a fresh or untouched iso.
@MSMG - I tried x.379 refresh image with msmg 9.2 and that also throws error. MSMG 9.3 supports only pre-refresh images, but these pre-refresh images contain bugs, isnt it ?. I mean ltsc pre-refresh images. In this case should I use pre-refresh non-ltsc images for customizing with msmg 9.3 ?
@MSMG now has replied many times that only the Vanilla/first release/rtm iso's are supported, with one or two exceptions. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-426#post-1483755 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-426#post-1483755 Refresh iso's are the vanilla/rtm/first release iso's + Updates pre-integrated by MSFT (mostly CU).
@MSMG ,In the ToolKit,all of code like "if "%ImageBuild%" equ "18362" set "PackageBranch=rs6"",the branch not correct,for 18362,not rs6,it's 19H1. You may change it in next version for ToolKit.
Ok understood. My problem now is to get 10.0.17763.1 not refreshed build. I tried to get it but no luck downloaded 5 of iso every single one is newer than suggested here. Anyone can point me where to download correct one and safe one. Thanks in advance
For next version the whole structure of pack file naming is going to change as I'm moving the Packs folders totally from the Toolkit archive and so for all versions instead of th1, th2, rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4, rs5, rs6 naming it will be 10.0.10240, 10.0.10586, 10.0.14393, 10.0.15063, 10.0.16299, 10.0.17134, 10.0.17763, 10.0.18362.
@MSMG Sorry, I didn't fully understand..!! 9.2 works fine with .379 image though it is refreshed..?? Or just 9.1..??
Only from v9.3 the build is locked to vanilla images, below v9.3 it works for refreshed images but the reported errors or bugs will be present as the Toolkit won't remove the updated file/registry entries present in refreshed images.
lol should just put checks in place so that the toolkit only works with .1 builds this comes up so frequently
Thank you sir. So 17763.379 refuses to work with both 9.2 and 9.3 but the reason is different, for 9.2, its because of Toolkit not removing the updated file/registry entries and for 9.3, it is locked to vanilla images. So the only latest version which is compatible with x.379 is v.9.1. But how to get rid of sfc errors ? If i ignore it will it cause issues in future ? Thank you.
I don't understand you guys. Why trying to use an earlier version of the toolkit that has issues or is not complete just to be able to work with refreshed images? It will create issues anyway. Why can't people just follow the instructions and use the first Windows builds? Cheers.