Apart from NTLite (a paid, closed-source product), the only other way would be to mount your image with DISM and use the various PowerShell cmdlets (Remove-AppXProvisionedPackage) etc. An NSudo command prompt will allow you to clear out some of the bloat from Windows\SystemApps\... (careful here though as this can cause problems with consistency checks etc.) You can also mount the install image registry to tidy that up (reg load and reg unload). To load the WIM registry: HKLM: [Mounted_image_dir]\Windows\System32\config\software HKCU for the Default user: [Mounted_image_dir]\Users\default\ntuser.dat Example (loading HKLM from the mounted image): reg load HKLM\wim-lm-registry e:\MountedImage\Windows\System32\config\software (and to unload it's simply "reg unload HKLM\wim-lm-registty" once regedit\any scripts using the loaded registry are terminated)
You may need to wait until the support is added to remove system apps and other components. But you can remove the Store & Xbox for v1903 with the current version by adding these below three lines to RemovePkgsList.txt file present in Packs folder and use the Remove Windows Components using Package List. ToolKitHelper_WindowsStore ToolKitHelper_XboxApp ToolKitHelper_XboxIdentityProvider
The System Apps and Other Component removal for v1903 may take more time since the MS has done some changes to the Cumulative updates so that it restores the removed components. Today did a initial test with v1903 x86 System Apps removal, though there were no installation errors or SFC scan errors but when Windows Update was ran all the removed components got restored back. I do think the WinSxS part needs more work to fix it.
Hi, how to download language pack to 1809 es-MX to add multilanguage windows 10 iso??? Only find en-us
Will we have any problem removing them (and configuring and removing other things, as well as integrating the updates) when it will be done since there are two builds, one which ends on .1 and another on .30 (I don't know which one is the final one)?
All MSMG Toolkit win 10 LP: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/msmg-toolkit.50572/page-563#post-1527457
First let me clarify that there is only one v1903 build and it's 10.0.18362.1, rest of the releases are just (10.0.18362.1 + CU). I'm testing with the base image 10.0.18362.1 and still I haven't added the support for .30 CU but it doesn't matter if the CU is integrated, the only problem is using WU the removed components are restored back.
I responded to this, and 1809 has all LP's.... You want 1903: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...pc-rp-19h1_release.79259/page-24#post-1512819
18362.1 = stable, just no ssu/cu pre-installed, it's the only good source for LP integration. After LP integration you can integrate the updates: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...c-rp-19h1_release.79259/page-148#post-1525792