You need to remove the entire <UserAccounts> block: Code: <UserAccounts> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Group>Administrators</Group> <Name>User</Name> <Password> <PlainText>true</PlainText> <Value></Value> </Password> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> But the page with synchronize the activities will still be shown
Thanks for the reply. As for shortcut creation, nircmd is a multipurpose cmd tool that can do that, if there are no licensing/usage limitations, try using that, it may replace multiple commands with this. I used it long time ago to add some shortcuts to my silent WinAMP install (their NSIS supported silent, but it was bugged, no startmenu shortcuts/folders, install.ini also missed those entries).
Here's some reg keys to disable OOBE Pages Code: ; Disable OOBE Screen - "Get even more out of Windows" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserProfileEngagement] "ScoobeSystemSettingEnabled"=dword:00000000 ; Disable Cortana Voice Support during OOBE [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE] "DisableVoice"=dword:00000001 ; Disable OOBE Screen - "Make Cortana your personal assistance" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech_OneCore\AudioPolicy] "VoiceActivationIsBatteryCertified"=dword:00000000 ; Disable OOBE Screen - "Choose privacy settings for your device" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE] "PrivacyConsentStatus"=dword:00000001 ; Disable OOBE Screen - "Synchronize the activities" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System] "AllowCrossDeviceClipboard"=dword:00000000 "EnableActivityFeed"=dword:00000000 "PublishUserActivities"=dword:00000000 "UploadUserActivities"=dword:00000000
This has undoubtedly been covered in the 591 pages already but it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. I'm using 1903 latest iso from techbench - when I load it, it asks me what version - I have been using * but it takes forever to remove package lists etc because it does it from every version, is there any way to remove actual windows versions from the install first and just leave me with w10 pro? thanks in advance. edit: I accidentally removed DISM, can I add it back somehow? which package is it?
You can insert those keys into the image or rum them in the autounattend.xml file through Run Synchornous Command Code: <FirstLogonCommands> <SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add"> <CommandLine>CMD /c REG.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UserProfileEngagement" /v "ScoobeSystemSettingEnabled" /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f</CommandLine> <Description>Disable OOBE Screen - Get even more out of Windows</Description> <Order>1</Order> </SynchronousCommand> </FirstLogonCommands>
- To remove any unwanted editions from the image use the Tools->WIM Manager. - The Toolkit contains the latest DSIM in-built within the Bin folder, Don't understand where did you removed the DISM from System or Bin folder?
thanks. what I mean is, when I was watching it remove packages, I saw it say that it removed DISM - Deployment Image Servicing and Management successful etc. I can't see any apps or packages that I can find which would do it so I assumed one of them was a dependancy or something, or is it just not possible to remove dism with this and I misinterpreted it? thanks again edit: If I remove all editions but win10 pro, is that what will be installed? because I tried running the iso with them all and I got no option to choose which edition
I just spent hours making an iso, I go to install it, tells me a driver my computer needs is missing, try to find it in the location of a clean iso but no dice. can't install. where did I go wrong? btw why does "Performing Toolkit pre-cleanup operation, please wait..." take so long, is there anything you can do to speed it up? makes doing quick changes take forever.
The Choose Edition is controlled using the EI.cfg file sources folder or through autounattend.xml file at the root of the installation disc. Did you integrate updates to boot.wim image if then you may need to also use the Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates menu to add the updated setup.exe to the sources folder. If the Toolkit is closed half way while it is processing the image then at the next run the Toolkit will cleanup the mounted images and the temp folder and it will take time based upon the no of indexes mounted. The cleanup is done by the DISM and the Toolkit doesn't have control over it's speed.
I think I integrated to every option available because I thought that was what I was meant to do, I just have 4x = culmulative windows, flash player, net, and service stack = where should they be integrated to?
Using the Integrate Windows Updates will integrate updates to only install.wim image and the order of integration is done by the DISM and nowadays the DISM doesn't follow proper order while integrating the updates. Using the Integrate WHD Update Pack will integrate updates to Boot.wim, Install.wim, Winre.wim images and the order is choosen by the Toolkit. In order to use the Integrate WHD Update Pack, you need to copy the updates to the <Packs\WHD\<w10\x64> folder Copy Cumulative update to <Packs\WHD\<w10\x64\Cumulative> folder Copy FlashPlayer update to <Packs\WHD\<w10\x64\FlashPlayer> folder Copy Net Cumulative update to <Packs\WHD\<w10\x64\NetCumulative> folder Copy Servicing Stack update to <Packs\WHD\<w10\x64\ServicingStack> folder
Ok, so component removal doesn't work with v9.3.2 and the version I'm using? it seemed to work fine, but I assume it's going to break things? If you have copied the entire contents of Win10_1903_V1_EnglishInternational_x64.iso to Toolkit's DVD folder then the Toolkit will use the .NET Framework 3.5 files from the Toolkit's <DVD\sources\sxs> folder. I just mount the iso and then use the tool to extract from the iso, then use the dvd folder as source.
So today I tried to create a new install media, with the latest updates. I have KB4512508-x64 in the Cu folder, kb4503308-x64 in the flash folder, kb4506991-x64 in .net and kb4508433-x64 in SS I did get a Error 0x800f081f when the toolkit tries to install kb4512508-x64, it seems that the update needs the Microsoft-Windows-Management-SecureAssessment-Package which I normally removes. Just as info to others that ran into the same problem Cheers /LR
I don't suppose anyone has a link to a post with like, a total guide on working with 19H1 18362.30? I've not slept and spent 20 hours banging my head against it now and I just keep running into issues. If I ever figure out a solid way I'll post a guide but I'm exhausted with it right now.