Still need to find out whether the issue is due to the component removal or the VM since even before with v1809 x64 builds I had issues with the installation in VM and lately it got solved.
IIRC I had removed IE as I thought Chrome/FF should be enough. I will try again and post the list of components I had removed later. I am not visiting the hotspot for over a week anyway. Thanks for your work.
@MSMG will there be custom .reg file importing ? I ask because currently it can be done via .tpk in Packs folder, but as i inspected for example Games pack, it had its registry paths altered to accomodate toolkit's mounting process (ie it had TK_DEFAULT, TK_SOFTWARE etc...). Will there be a feature to add plain .reg files whose keys toolkit will try to resolve to its internal format (ie HKEY_CURRENT_USER to TK_DEFAULT, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software to TK_SOFTWARE etc). I ofcourse do not expect it to resolve ALL cases, just these carefully preprocessed files, it is IMHO responsibility of the .reg creator to convert all "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-xxxx" to proper "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" or "HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT" format. I figured out how toolkit performs these actions and i could "hack" into wim myself while toolkit is running so it commits my custom .reg into .wim, but i'd rather have this in clean and organized fashion.
You can simply do changes to the registry file reg hive mount paths to reflect the Toolkit's registry mount paths and then use the : - Toolkit's Tools->Options->Mount Image Registry Menu to mount the image registry - Double Click on Registry file to import the settings - Toolkit's Tools->Options->UnMount Image Registry Menuto un-mount the image registry Before I had thought of adding the option to Import the registry settings within the Toolkit but had issues with modifying the Registry mount paths in the registry file using the limited dos bath scripting. Will write a small tool in c# to automate renaming the Registry mount paths and use the tool within the Toolkit to import custom registry settings.
Earlier problem with W10 v1903 (x64) install on VMware was due to a bug which made the W10 v1903 (x64) install get hung at the Windows Logo and the solution was to either integrate an update issued by the MS or to disable the Virtualize IOMMU inside VMWare. I disabled Virtualize IOMMU inside VMWare and the W10 v1903 (x64) got installed properly, Now the component removal for v1809 (x86+x64) and v1903 (x86+x64) is working as expected.
Tried Version 9.3.2 and 8.8, Both versions of toolkit cannot find Boot.wim file in sources DVD, but I could manually locate them in toolkit>Sources> DVD. Tried running toolkit as adminstrator but dint work.
Like @MSMG said, and i would advise to use the toolkit in a folder on the root of a disk/partition and not in the user profile folders, this can cause a too long filepath and r/w errors.
@MSMG @bou7a Here is a PS script i wrote after reading posts from stackoverflow and msdn Code: $input_values = Get-ChildItem -Path "*.reg" foreach ($file in $input_values) { [System.Collections.ArrayList]$content = Get-content -Path $file | Where { $_ -notmatch "^(\s+)?;|^\s*$" } [hashtable]$equivalents = @{ "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE" = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SOFTWARE"; "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SOFTWARE\Classes"; "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM" = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SYSTEM"; "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_NTUSER"; "HKEY_USERS\.Default" = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_DEFAULT"} [string]$output = "" [string]$newline = "" foreach($line in $content) { if ($line -match "^\[.*\]$") { foreach($key in $equivalents.Keys) { if ($line.Contains($key)) { $newline = $line.Replace($key, $equivalents[$key]) break } } } else { $newline = $line } $output += $newline + "`n" } $filename = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($file) $path = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($file) Set-Content -Path ($path + "\converted_" + $filename) -Value $output This reads all .reg files in same folder as this script and converts the keys, then writes back to disk with "converted_" string prepended to filename. No safety checks are present, so be careful. It is intended to work with toolkit as per MSMG's suggestion about manually mounting registry during toolkit operation.
Good morning. I ask if this procedure is right for entering registry keys to perform many tweaks that I perform manually, after installation. Thank you
With this script one can "expand" number of tweaks that toolkit can do, but i urge anyone using it to be CAREFUL. As is already known messing with registry can lead to OS not booting or working badly/unsafe, and in case of altering installation disk bad registry can cause install to fail, or worse, OS to fail after install during "normal" operation. So above all, check ALL registry files, check all keys BEFORE and AFTER processing them with this script. You have been warned.
Yes updating change-log, documentation, Hashes and also cleaning up the Toolkit script and packs folder, It will be out in this week. No I haven't checked the Component removal with VirtualBox.
This is mainly for offline image, for online you don't need to rename the reg root key names, just use a NSudo command prompt and import the registry files.