Yes if I could, usually I don't keep the old updates or do have a ready VM to monitor the updates installation. I don't think there won't be any issues with W10 v19H1 WU subsequent updates installation since it's restoring the removed components.
Let me clear my head out of confusion and doubts With new version of MSMG toolkit i will be able to remove everything like with previous version ? If i ever run windows update i will get presents from That a hole gates and all of s**tty non usable components which i have removed are BACK in business ? Other question Is there any way to monitor windows update ? what i mean is to control somehow what is getting updated ? Thank You for any help and answers.
No problems. I guess the options are stay with 1809 or remove the components with the new version, having integrated the latest CU first, then block all Windows updates (I run WSUS so I can just leave them as not approved), until the issue is resolved. Only downside is 19H1 is still full of bugs. So I guess the stay on 1809 might be the wiser choice for the next few months. I believe M$ is going to release 19H2 before the end of the year. That'll probably throw another spanner in the works
Lol. And yet, 1809 was finally re-re-released in January 2019. You never can tell just what's going to happen with M$ anymore. But my point was that as it's really just a "service pack" it may address some of the many outstanding bugs. Though these days M$ can't even release a minor patch without breaking something else. That the Insider program is a complete and utter disaster doesn't help either.
Just your opinion. I enjoy it immensely and use the latest releases as my main drive. Of course they are buggy, and I expect that. Most times the benefits outweigh the risks. I can always install a more stable build if I choose. It only takes about ½ hour to install Windows, and have everything set up just the way I like it.
How can i use WSUS ? What are the requirements to use it ? Its look like solution to me. In my opinion insider program is catastrophic failure. I can submit bugs, but minor ones not obvious ones which are recognizable after half hour of using w10. Let them have this shi**y build and let them tell us what is wrong. That is the aproach of MS, it always was and will always be. Until somebody develops OS which is 100% compatible with software and games made for windows or has emulation of it.
I'm one of the fortunate ones I guess. I've been using 1903 for a long time now with all windows apps, system components plus other things removed and haven't experienced any bugs at all
hi! Is it safe to remove windows 10 home, education and other editions from iso and only keep WIN10 Professional?