Can you please point me out what i should look for on askwoody. There is so much of everything there that I'm kind of lost. Or maybe names of software i could use to gain control over w10 updating process
Yes some people felt that the image cleanup will take more time to finish and so I removed that recommendation. Also with v1903 the Image cleanup is causing issues with updates installation. File Explorer Icon on Taskbar is Windows Explorer not the File Explorer Metro App. To have a clean Startmenu layout then you need to import Custom Startmenu layout from [5] Customize menu. The removed components will be restored once the system is updated, still need to find a proper solution.
Source was 18362.30.190401-0842.19H1_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X86FRE_EN-GB.ISO and I used the method described above. I also received similar errors with 18362.30.190401-0943.19H1_RELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-GB.ISO. I checked with Toolkit v9.3.2 and this also gave me errors.
Thanks the clarification man and thank you 10000 times for providing the world with the best tool ever made since sliced bread!
The removed components will be restored once the system is updated, still need to find a proper solution. Files in WinSxS are not deleted, because they are necessary for the possibility of updating the Delta system with updates, including through the Update Center.
Just made a quick test with the new toolkit, worked good. Tried to add language files.. didn't work,, i'm sure was my fault. (too much of a hurry to set it all up) installed drivers installed net 4.8 installed direct x 9.0 installed calc did Cleanup (6 > 1) then i tried the package lists.. that didn't work removed everything i could ( everything on the menus)(Everything) I tried custom registry files but it didn't seem to work very good,, maybe my reg files so not blaming anyone did Cleanup (6 > 1) errrrm ,, it only went to 20% and stopped tried again cleanup,, same OK i try it anyway rebuild image and save did cleanup image.. this time all worked.. installed perfect Freaking Great ) I'm sure with a few more tweaks the toolkit would be perfect. and i'm sure any problems i had was my fault Impressed
Ok will checkout with the below steps you have specified. Spoiler Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B) Cleanup (6 > 1) Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 7 > 8) Remove Connect, Onedrive, People, Skype, Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 6 > E/N/P/T/Z/1/2/3) Apply SSU and CU updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 4) Apply setup media update (3 > 4 > 2 > 2) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 5 > B/D/J) Cleanup (6 > 1) Apply changes to image (6 > 2) Rebuild (6 > 1) Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4) Make ISO (7 > 1)