Is the image otherwise safe to work with? I have updated x86 and x64 on my virtual machines using the original method and nothing seems to return.
@MSMG - When adding entries to the bin\lists\RemovePkgsList.txt file, I get "specified package already removed" However i dont know how @zero cool root managed to overcome this issue. Any ideas @MSMG ?. Thank you.
I didn't find any errors using the image, only thing is the updates can't be used in the present state. Using original method ? can you explain what method you used?
He was referring to RemoveAppsList.txt and not RemovePkgsList.txt, the RemovePkgsList.txt needs a fix I have fixed the issue in the next version.
This is my original method, which integrates updates and setup media update. Spoiler: METHOD Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B) Cleanup (6 > 1) Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 7 > 8) Remove Connect, Onedrive, People, Skype, Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 6 > E/N/P/T/Z/1/2/3) Apply SSU and CU updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 4) Apply setup media update (3 > 4 > 2 > 2) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 5 > B/D/J) Cleanup (6 > 1) Apply changes to image (6 > 2) Rebuild (6 > 1) Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4) Make ISO (7 > 1)
yay after running sfc / scannow I find nothing "wrong" with my system and even using the dism tools also ok ahh! How nice
well i could even post my work with Toolkit v 9.4 but it is very extensive beyond what is very personal too, see on the other hand it depends on the knowledge of the whole structure of any version of Windows systems because otherwise you can remove " things" that should NOT have happened to me the day before yesterday because I removed an item improperly which made M $ FT games just didn't open the Chess Titans as an example which I am so glad I found out about myself and made the changes again last night and it is the system i am running now however our venerable master MSMG has built this new version with mastery i believe the newbie can get good results with work although sometimes it is necessary to rework ok.nobody is perfect... EDIT: I don't integrate nothing I simply remove unecessary applications things as Language pack I make instalation with system already running using lpksetup /i xxx /r /p. same thing with .NETFX3.5 and a lot more right
You don't need to post all the work, only the items you removed, it can help me and others. Anyway if it is to "personal" don't bother. Cheers.
@ Supernoob as I said the very structure of Toolkit V 9.4 is self explanatory and as I mentioned it goes from the degree of knowledge of Windows systems; for example in my case I've been following Windows systems since Windows 1.0 and all subsequent ones which complicated and much in my humble opinion was the advent of UWP applications with Windows 8 and was getting more complicated see compilation 1903 for example to me it sounds like a circus lol
@MSMG Does anyone having issue with Windows store added to LTSC, as I am facing force close ! I did all the troubleshooting, but yet find the culprit behind the issue. Now lastly trying to remake Windows10 using 9.4
Since now v8.8 is mainly used only for W7-W10 RS4 removal and for rest of the integration it is advised to use the latest version as the pack files have changed, I don't think it needs a refresh.
Yes, I used the latest 9.4 toolkit and 17763.1. I have never faced this before, may be I am removing some dependency of Windows Store ? From "Remove System Apps Menu", I selected "[1] All System Apps". I am feeling something here causing the issue ? As this states "[W] Windows Store | Depends on: Smart Screen", do I need to keep Smart Screen for Windows Store to work ? sfc /scannow finished with no issues, the system is smoother than never before except the store issue.
Windows LTSC 2019 isn't working too well for me. Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Removing Windows Components =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Removing Windows Components####################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image : Install.wim Image Index : 1 Image Architecture : x64 Image Version : 10.0.17763.1.0 Image Edition : EnterpriseS Image Default Language : en-US ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Removing Windows Components################################################ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Removing XXXXXXX Package... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MSMG ToolKit Commandline Helper Version: 1.0.1944.0 Error: Invalid Image Path Usage: ToolKitHelper.exe <path_to_offline_image> <component_name> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Removing Windows Components####################################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== What did I do wrong?