This issue -- critical? does it affect rs5 + offline image with cumulative updates? (Sorry, I don't understand it)
Is it RS5 or RS6? did you used the required ServicePackBuild? and hope you didn't use NTLite along with Toolkit. Will check about the Windows Insiders Hub. I have already specified about the WinSXS, I need time to experiment.
Will checkout, I did tested with v1809.1 and v1903.1. Did yo used ToolKitHelper:WindowsApps in the list.
Yes some apps do work on older OS, I will make the run time and dependency to be common for all OS by adding all the available latest rutimes and dependency files.
19H1, build 18362.30 x64 Pro en-us. did not use NTLite. integrated only three updates - SSU, Dotnet rollup, Flash. And Net3.5. I did it strictly according to your instructions.
I had WindowsApps in RemoveAppsList.txt. After messing about and testing, I slowly learned that ToolKitHelper:WindowsApps should be in RemovePkgsList.txt. I must confess that I find editing these files very confusing. This is my old and current method: Spoiler: Current Method Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B) Cleanup (6 > 1) Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 7 > 8) Remove Connect, Onedrive, People, Skype, Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 6 > E/N/P/T/Z/1/2/3) Apply SSU and CU updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 4) Apply setup media update (3 > 4 > 2 > 2) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 6 > B/D/J) Cleanup (6 > 1) Apply changes to image (6 > 2) Rebuild (6 > 1) Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4) Make ISO (7 > 1) I suspect that perhaps I should move Remove all metro apps AFTER Remove Connect...etc? Also I have revised my removal and this what I intend to remove in my future method: Spoiler: Future Method Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (3 > 3 > B) Cleanup (6 > 1) Remove Game Explorer (4 > 1 > 2 > 2) Remove Connect, Map Control, Onedrive, People, Retail, Skype, Test, Mixed Reality, Store, Xbox, Game bar, Xbox ID (4 > 1 > 6 > E, L, N, P, R, T, V, Y, Z, 1, 2, 3) Remove all metro apps (4 > 1 > 7 > 8) Apply SSU and CU updates (3 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 4) Apply setup media update (3 > 4 > 2 > 2) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (5 > 6 > B/D/J) Cleanup (6 > 1) Apply changes to image (6 > 2) Rebuild (6 > 1) Convert WIM to ESD (2 > 4) Make ISO (7 > 1) First and most importantly, are there any potential issues in this method? Secondly, is there some way I condense the removal into lists to reduce my time spent waiting and inputting?
Remove Windows Apps using Apps List uses the DISM method to remove apps. Remove Windows Components using Package List can use DISM to remove components and also use ToolKitHelper to remove both Apps and components based on the entries in the RemovePkgsList.txt. You just need to add the ToolKitHelper entries in the RemovePkgsList.txt and just forget the RemoveAppsList.txt Removing the components in any order shouldn't have any issues although I have only tested the removal in the order of the menu given in the Toolkit. As per you steps I think the below entries are just sufficient to be present in the RemovePkgsList.txt, add the the below entries to RemovePkgsList.txt and then only use the Remove Windows Components using Package List instead of Remove Windows Components. Code: ToolKitHelper:GameExplorer ToolKitHelper:MapControl ToolKitHelper:OneDrive ToolKitHelper:PeopleExperienceHost ToolKitHelper:PPIProjection ToolKitHelper:RetailDemoContent ToolKitHelper:SkypeORTC ToolKitHelper:SecureAssessmentBrowser ToolKitHelper:WindowsMixedReality ToolKitHelper:XboxGameCallableUI ToolKitHelper:WindowsApps
maps not working for me, what are the requirements for it? im sure i must have removed a dependency. click maps -> window appears for 1 sec then disappers
nope, not mapcontrol ToolKitHelper:InternetExplorer ToolKitHelper:FirstLogonAnimation ToolKitHelper:GameExplorer ToolKitHelper:SnippingTool ToolKitHelper:SpeechRecognition ToolKitHelper:WindowsPhotoViewer ToolKitHelper:AssignedAccess ToolKitHelper:CEIP_SQM ToolKitHelper:FaceRecognition ToolKitHelper:KernelDebugging ToolKitHelper:UnifiedTelemetryClient ToolKitHelper:WindowsErrorReporting ToolKitHelper:WindowsInsiderHub ToolKitHelper:HomeGroup ToolKitHelper:MultiPointConnector ToolKitHelper:RemoteAssistance ToolKitHelpereviceLockdown ToolKitHelper:EaseOfAccessThemes ToolKitHelperaint ToolKitHelper:SystemRestore ToolKitHelper:WindowsToGo ToolKitHelper:AssignedAccessLockApp ToolKitHelper:BioEnrollment ToolKitHelper:CBSPreview ToolKitHelper:ContentDeliveryManager ToolKitHelper:ECApp ToolKitHelper:EdgeDevToolsClient ToolKitHelper:Edge ToolKitHelper:NarratorQuickStart ToolKitHelper:OneDrive ToolKitHelperarentalControls ToolKitHelpereopleExperienceHost ToolKitHelperPIProjection ToolKitHelper:QuickAssist ToolKitHelper:RetailDemoContent ToolKitHelper:SecureAssessmentBrowser ToolKitHelper:SkypeORTC ToolKitHelper:SmartScreen ToolKitHelper:WindowsDefender ToolKitHelper:WindowsMixedReality ToolKitHelper:WindowsReaderPDF ToolKitHelper:3DViewer ToolKitHelper:BingWeather ToolKitHelperesktopAppInstaller ToolKitHelper:FeedbackHub ToolKitHelper:GetHelp ToolKitHelper:Getstarted ToolKitHelper:HEIFImageExtension ToolKitHelper:Messaging ToolKitHelper:MixedRealityPortal ToolKitHelper:OfficeHub ToolKitHelper:OneConnect ToolKitHelpereople ToolKitHelperhotos ToolKitHelperrint3D ToolKitHelper:SkypeApp ToolKitHelper:SolitaireCollection ToolKitHelper:XboxApp ToolKitHelper:XboxIdentityProvider ToolKitHelper:ZuneMusic ToolKitHelper:ZuneVideo this is my current list