I have already advised not to use this method since the ToolKitHelper will not completely remove the changes made by the CU. Use it at own your risk and there won't be any support for it.
MSMG: you sure mapcontrol is all thats needed for maps? nothing else? maps still autoclosing for me, am trying to figure out what it is
Thank you guys I will try it! Never before has this issue. It started to show up with 9.4.x and above! I will come back and reply after I try from C drive. Thanks again. I always use Start.cmd sometimes as admin sometimes not! I know it is not necessary to run as admin...
@Feartamixg, @scaramonga Unfortunately, error 183 is still there after removing the folder to C:\MSMG Toolkit... Can anyone help me how to solve the error 183 situations?
I know that. I do not have a space in name/path I just want to emphasize that I copied MSMG Toolkit folder to C:\drive
Is the source is v1809 LTSC/Pro or v1903? Map control is the component required for Maps App, apart from that the app needs the VCLibs, .Net Native Framework and Runtimes. The Toolkit doesn't remove the VCLibs, .Net Native Framework and Runtimes.
No, no I strictly follow your steps from readme always! First, I removed components and then integrate WHD updates. Those above are what I removed/disabled/enabled - nothing crucial. This starts to happen from version 9.4.0. It is frustrating never had such an issue before! Tried couple of time with different settings but the result is the same This happens when editing LTSC When I am editing Windows 10 PRO everything goes smooth without any error but I get the blue screen of death with barcode just after Getting services ready and before OOBE. I get the blue screen with the PRO even if I do not integrate WHD updates.
Did you ran the image cleanup twice as specified in the readme.txt?, will check with removing components and integrating the updates and report back.
Yes twice, first time after integrating components and before removing packages (Note: Only if using Step [F]) and a second time after customizing the Image and before integrating tje Frameworks 3.5 and 4.8 Thanks
1809 enterprise I'll do a clean install again to test and double confirm. If you don't mind, do test as well.