1. intro

    intro MDL Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    As far as I know 20H1 is a 2020 spring release not a December release. More like May of 2020.
  2. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm well i think we should wait because I believe we've come in the next few days the M$FT should release at least in ESD
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  3. Tomasz Rudnicki

    Tomasz Rudnicki MDL Novice

    May 16, 2019
    Hello everyone I am planing my next approach to customize w10. I am assuming that latest supported build is still 18362.30. Can someone please point me towards updates i can integrate with this one. I want to have all the updates i can with this build
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  5. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    But it will only be released in the month, nt in the next few days.[/QUOTE]

    well I myself have no hurry since use another version of Windows
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  6. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    me neither :cheers:
  7. Windows 10 User

    Windows 10 User MDL Guru

    Feb 2, 2017
    #13089 Windows 10 User, Nov 3, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2019
    I still have problems when using different versions.
  8. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    ok really is getting increasingly difficult to work with new versions of Windows, so when I can change for another SSD with 1TB so I can install the "usable" versions of Windows (for games) and retrain possibly with Linux Distro's ;)
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  9. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    #13091 rayleigh_otter, Nov 3, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2019
    For an internet machine all i give a damn about is security(no telemetry) and good addons for a browser. for a workstation it has to be windows and that means tweaked to hell. If we exclude any kind of removals and just concentrate on tweaking i can tame any windows os and build. whether i am well enough and/or i can be arsed or not is a different matter :D

    The good thing about tweaking is many tweaks work on different os's, i can use 8.1's barebone services as a start point then add new ltsc services to it. I know what scheduled tasks to keep so i just need to write a new barebone scheduled tasks bat. Half my work is already done.

    If i do any removals i know what to junk, 3rd party drivers, keyboards languages fonts, i been doing that since nlite/xp. Ive kept all the main system components so i wont get any issues and what is left can be tweaked and/or kludged. Telemetry? bareboned services and air gapping takes care of that.

    Combine that lot and i get great(and very acceptable) results for not a lot of work and i can get on and GSD :D
  10. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Will update and test the VC Runtime pack with metro apps.

  11. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    hmm in this way is that M$FT prevails over open source operational systems ;)
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  12. intro

    intro MDL Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Security Center, Cortana, Windows Defender, Windows Store and maybe more will also be restored after cumulative update.
  13. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    +Edge, SmartScreen
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  14. haremmon

    haremmon MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2016
    ^ Good to know for reference and future folks :)
  15. raptorddd

    raptorddd MDL Addicted

    Aug 17, 2019
    @MSMG i finally installed w10 1909 to .446 i beleive. i have followed the readme file inside msmgtoolkit folder.thanks
    i do have alot of questions wich ill ask later.
    but i do have a problem with w10 PLASE HELP. seems something breaks for me installing nvidia driver. ill explain to you.
    the user at notebookreview ultra male made a 1903 iso that he shared. so i installed that one about a month ago.
    and i had a bug or broken image it always happened when i installed nvidia drivers. it either fail installing the driver or hanged in the installation.when it installed the HD AUDIO driver fail or got stuck there.when i tried no hd audio drivers and had the graphics drivers then the task bar buttons and some icons would not respond tried many times same problem so i gave up on that image.

    now that i made my own i have only the problem with graphics drivers.
    task bar start menu and all icons work here but again driver failed.

    clean ;eft over drivers and garbage and proceeded to install intel HD 3000 driver. it installed ok. then tried installing nvidia driver for quadro 2000m then before it finished i got a blue screen error with a sad face. tried installing again and it doesnt install hd audio it did installed graphics driver but after next reboot intel hd3000 dissapeared ususally i can see both of my graphics card now intel dissapeared.

    do you know whats is happening.? something broke in both images nvidia drivers installation. how to find out what it is.? how to take a log or where are the logs created.?
  16. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    sorry MSMG but I believe it is necessary this little alert (it is not directed to you but for users) when someone is working with the Toolkit any version on the item customize think well before choosing to "force the .NET programs to newest .NET framework to newest" because if you choose yes when the user needs some older and useful program and that uses .net framerwork components they will never work of course I am sure why this happened to me and so I don't want them to happen to others as well...
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  17. rayleigh_otter

    rayleigh_otter MDL Expert

    Aug 8, 2018
    @Tiger-1 forcing to use latest .net dont always work if the bloody installers demand .net X and if it aint installed, cant download it then you are buggered. some might have it in the installer. i find it easier to install net3.5 and whatever the latest is at that time then you got all bases covered coos you dont know what you will install tomorrow and what it will need. same with those bastard c++'s :mad: