Registry tweaks are added with a message from Dism: "The operation completed successfully.", But the tweaks themselves do not exist after the installation of the system. Examples: It works If Nsudo and start.cmd are in the same folder, tweaks work. C:\Folder\NSudo.exe C:\Folder\start.cmd This does not work C:\Folder2\NSudo.exe C:\Folder\start.cmd How to make the second option work?
@MSMG Sorry my bad English..!! 01. How do I use DisableFeaturesList.txt and EnableFeaturesList.txt..?? 02. Where to get, for exemple, Microsoft.WindowsStore_8wekyb3d8bbwe.xml..?? Where I find it to extract..?? Thanks in advance..!!
- I'm not saying it's the Defender which broke the image, am just pointing out it's not necessary to disable something that is already been removed - The readme.txt inside the Toolkit archive have little incorrect info, I have uploaded a new readme.txt do checkout the download link.
You can specify the full path to the directory or a variable to store the full path and use it or use something like this ..\Folder2\NSudo.exe ..\Folder\start.cmd
- Add the feature name to the DisableFeaturesList.txt and EnableFeaturesList.txt file and choose the below menu from Customize Menu [1] Enable Windows Features using Features List [2] Disable Windows Features using Features List - Download the .xml and dependency files from the Toolkit download link -> Packs\Apps\w10\10.0.18362
yes cant remeber wich folder but there is.. i used removepackagelist.txt and edited removed the lines of apps i dont want removed.
There's no template since each OS/Edition has different set of features and so haven't added any template yet. You can get the features list with the below command, run the command within the Toolkit folder in a administrative command prompt. Code: dism /image:mount\install /get-features /format:list | find "Feature Name :" Using Notepad find and replace "Feature Name :" with ""
Will be updating the ToolKit's main script and the above ToolKitHelper.exe will be included in the next release, till then do test the ToolKitHelper.exe. Have started creating a pack for Edge Chromium and so captured the pack image and registry setting, need to cleanup the registry part.
That's great, but I'm running 1809 (17763), and won't be moving to anything higher until you fix the "Removed components get restored" issue. If you don't think it's ever going to be possible to fix that then I'll start planning a move to Linux for as many systems as I can. My son's won't use Linux, so I don't know what I will do there. I'll try again. I've already done every one of the tweaks line by line, but perhaps I missed something.
Mainly it will have fixes for the new CU, in the current CU change log there was a fix for Face Recognition component and the same was adapted for removal.
When I do update the ToolKitHelper it will contain a small fixes for both 1809/1909, do try and see if it fixes your issues.
You let them use what they want. There is actually nothing inherently wrong with the applications in Windows, and if you don't want all the games use Professional Workstation.