Download the Sticky Notes App + it's dependency files and install the App or if you have retained Store then install the app through it. Before that make sure you haven't removed any dependent component required for Sticky Notes.
That's the full list extracted from OOSU10, there were two updates released by OOSU10 after extracting the list, may be there might be new keys added or removed. You can use RegFromApp tool to get the list.
Ok, I got it. But it seems that apps have been properly installed, but the corresponding dependent components have not been installed. Please tell me how to install the corresponding dependent components. Using TK is not a good way to do this work
Is it possible to extract the required files from the ISO to install with your Toolkit? If so, which files shall I extract?
ToolKit uses the Microsoft original Apps ISO released with each Windows 10 version to get the list of files required for the integration but the newer version of Apps present in the Store requires some new dependency files for the older Windows 10 versions. That's why the ToolKit was updated to use only the files downloaded from the Store but it seems the script needs further workout to fix some issues related to dependencies. It's better to integrate only the store and install all other apps through it, do check these posts for installing the apps manually Just replace the word /image:Mount\Install to /online for installing the apps on live system.
Only If the source is W10 v1903/1909 then the StickyNotes App requires the Store to work, for v1809 there are no dependencies.
Is this a general trend for 1903/1909. I mean, are there other "apps" that require store to function? Actually, I remove pretty much all apps. Are there any system components that require store to work? The list of issues with 1903/1909 continue to grow. It seriously seems time to get off Windows.
The issue is not specific to v1909, In my testing with LTSC 2019, some 3rd party apps/games won't run without the SmartScreen and since SmartScreen is tied up with Defender and so Defender is also required.
MSMG, What is the name of this service, or did they hide it from the interface? HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Ndu Sysmain / superfetch has a different registry key p.s I could not find where it turns off differently!