MayBe a other Helping Tweak for Integrate Preactivate NetFrame 3.5 and let CleanUp function under Option 6 - 1 from MSMG Toolkit Intact . . . Copyed NetFrame 3.5 files from DVD D:\sources\sxs to a self craeted folder in mounted Image C:\ToolKit_v9.9\Mount\Install\Windows\sources\sxs. Made a NetFX3.5.cmd file with Input DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:C:\Windows\sources\sxs and copyed them into mounted Image folder C:\ToolKit_v9.9\Mount\Install\Windows. Made NetFX3.5.reg file with Input Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce] "NetFx3.5.cmd"="C:\\Windows\\NetFx3.5.cmd" and integrate they with MSMG Toolkit function C:\ToolKit_v9.9\Custom\Registry\w10\x64. Install of Netframe 3.5 not shown by first Login like silent mode. Intgrated CU will shown like other Netframe 3.5 Preactivation tweaks Figured out by clean 0s install with Netframeless DVD and Install NetFx3.5 before run first WU they Problem is like an NetFx3.5 Integrated DVD but run first WU before install NetFx3.5 all is right . . . TimeWaste ? But CU Install seems to be Ghosting . . . If i delete the Netframe files from DVD Source then its same size like before and after CleanUp ! Made this Post because after givin OnlyUseLatestCLR a try immediately i have a Game published @ current TimeZone thats needed install Netframe 3.5 in spite of OnlyUseLatestCLR functionality. 0k for Correct Detail . . . used DVD Image is 1809 LTSC .
I guess in this scenario, WU will re-offer the CU to update the files from the online integration of the dotnet feature cab with the result that many chopped things probably will re-appear.
Hey guys , so I'm about to strip away some components from my Windows 10 Pro image and have been reading in this thread about the components re-installing after CU. I still want to try to run this image without the desired components. So should I just install this Windows with Windows Update disabled for now and just reinstall Windows when newer updates arrive, or should I try to block the component restoration with the pending.xml trick as in the post above? And lastly , what components will restore and what will not restore after doing some update ? Will it only return the system apps components or everything else including the Store. etc?
It is clear that cleaning. Meant when cleaning occurs? Immediately in the image or after installing Windows?
This punt is in the tweaks section and as I understand it is imported as a tweak. Consequently, the cleaning takes place later, but when ... If the removal occurred immediately, then perhaps this item was here [Apply-> Cleanup Source Images]
Ok, I think the program adds the line /resetbase to the Apply-Cleanup Source command as I said before... But who knows
We have to get an answer from the coder on this , but that command just removes the superseded updates in the install.wim so the file gets smaller in the end. You can always do this manually on a mounted image , but I dont know really because servicing image files isn't really what I'm used to do. Wish me luck tho I just been finished with integrating updates and removed all components i didnt need, gonna make the ISO and try to install this s**t
If the reg import gives no error, then the settings are successfully imported. Will check why it's not working for you.
You can get the List by the below commands For ToolKitHelper component names Code: ToolKitHelper.exe Mount\Install /? For DISM package names Code: Dism.exe /Image:Mount\Install /Get-Packages | findstr "Package " | findstr /v "en-US" | findstr /v "en-us" or Check the RemovePkgsList_W10_Template.txt and RemoveAppsList_W10_10.0.18362_Template.txt
Wanted to share about this earlier but was busy with the adding component removal support for W10 v2004. As discussed earlier in my previous posts regarding the GUI development I have resumed the development of Toolkit GUI with a brand new name and was continuously working for two weeks and in-between people wanted the support for W10 v2004 component removal to be added to the current Toolkit and so had to take a break. Still few components need to be added for W10 v2004 component removal, once it's finished will be resuming the GUI development. As said earlier in order to speed up the process of development I have made use of few existing Win32 wrappers available for ManagedDism, ManagedWimgApi, SevenZipExtractor, ManagedWimLib and also made use of NSudo Devil Mode since writing the wrappers from scratch for these components takes more time. The GUI uses Custom UI controls which are owner drawn and so many controls requires more refinement to be done. Currently Source Image->Select/Load/Unload Tab, Add Drivers Tab, Add Updates Tab, Image->Apply/Discard/Export/Rebuild Tabs are working. Still Features, Settings, Tweaks, Packs, Removal and Customization, Image->Apply Status/Progress/Logging features aren't finished yet. Since I don't have the privileges to open a new thread under MDL Projects and Applications category, so will be opening a new thread under Application Software category. Planning to release a test build once the Image->Apply Status/Progress/Logging feature is complete. Do keep a watch on Application Software category, soon a new thread will be opened.
Hello MSMG , what does the command "resetbase" in Tweaks menu do ? I mean I know what the command does , but does it apply the resetbase thing when using the cleanup source image command or ? Would be great to know how to use this tweak[/QUOTE]
Hi MSMG , what does the command "resetbase" in Tweaks menu do ? I mean I know what the command does , but does it apply the resetbase thing when using the cleanup source image command or ? Would be great to know how to use this twea