MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Microsoft by default disables the option to do full reset base using the DISM /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase command, this tweak enables the option to perform full reset base when the above DISM command is run.

    When this tweak is enabled in the Toolkit and the [6]->[1] Cleanup-Image menu is chosen then it performs image cleanup with full reset base.

  2. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    Thanks , just what I thought , thanks for clarifying this.

    Also regarding the components that returns after new CU update in the future , do you know if it's only the system apps that get's returned or is it more than that ?
  3. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    These components categories do return when updates are added later


    Windows Apps are not affected since these Apps are updated through Microsoft Store but few Apps like Store and Xbox have back-end files that are updated through the Cumulative Update.

  4. nosirrahx

    nosirrahx MDL Expert

    Nov 7, 2017
    Whatever MS is doing is also pretty inconsistent. I upgraded 3 PCs from 1909 to 2004, all of them with substantial changes through your toolkit. 1 of the systems had virtually everything I had removed return while the other 2 were more or less exactly the same as they were before the upgrade.
  5. 正义羊

    正义羊 MDL Senior Member

    Feb 21, 2016
    @MSMG ,Like the app & compnents,the Windows Edition name in different language.these codes of below from WIMUpgrade:
    if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" if "%ImageBuild%" equ "17763" if "%ImageInstallationType%" equ "Server" if "%SourceEdition%" equ "ServerStandard" if "%TargetEdition%" equ "ServerDatacenter" (
        set "Flag=ServerDataCenter"
        set "Edition=ServerDatacenter"
        set "Name=%editiona%"
        set "Description=%editionb%"
        set "DisplayName=%edtionc%"
        set "DisplayDescription=%editiond%"
    in language file:
    set editiona=Windows Server 2019 SERVERDATACENTER
    set editionb=Windows Server 2019 SERVERDATACENTER
    set edtionc=Windows Server 2019 Datacenter ^(Desktop Experience^)
    set editiond=This option installs the full Windows graphical environment, consuming extra drive space. It can be useful if you want to use the Windows desktop or have an app that requires it.
    As the same as other advise,these codes aren't latest codes,only example.
    Because make localization simply is the one of the most works for Toolkit.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  6. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    Thanks for the information!

    I've just removed all the desired packages through the command remove from packagelist and in the end of the removal processes this was appearing :
    Removing DISM Package...

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.19613.1000

    Image Version: 10.0.18363.815

    Processing 1 of 1 - Removing package Microsoft-Windows-CoreSystem-DISM-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.18362.719
    The operation completed successfully.

    This entry isn't in the packages list , so I'm curious what this is. From the file description my guess is that it's something that's not in use anymore ? Is this removal of something that's superseded by the build version of the image ? Hence the buuild number "10.0.18362.719" is older than my "Image Version: 10.0.18363.815".
    Want to know how this command got executed and what it is because it's not in the list... This is in the end of that list :

    DISM Component Removal Template

    I'll continue after this and finalize this image anyway, because i'm now inpatient of getting this installation up and running TODAY =)

    Thanks again for replies and help
  7. balanadi

    balanadi MDL Senior Member

    Apr 24, 2014
    Can you advise me which edition of MSGM to use for the windows 10 LTSB 2016 14393.3659 ?
    Thanks in advance
  8. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    The template list is a just an example for how to fill the package list, it doesn't contain all the dism package names present in the image.

    Don't use both the methods to remove the package just stick with ToolKitHelper components or with the DISM packages.

    Microsoft-Windows-CoreSystem-DISM-Package might be the DISM component used to service the wim images.

  9. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Use the v9.9 for integration and customization and use v8.8 for removal.

  10. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    Ok. Yes I've used both options 2 and 3 and not removed 1 by 1. But one of those templates had duplicate entries from the other so it shouldn't do any harm I guess it just took more time.

    Yes the DISM package removal , where does the command come from, it's not in the packagelist. And the build version was older than the current on the image after integrating the updates... So, all the other steps after that went fine I think shouldn't it be good to go anyway ?

    I dont understand how you can say "might be the DISM component etc" , it's your program and I was hoping you knew what that command came from since it doesn't seem to show in the list..
  11. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    I just used the options to remove components from the both lists, not removing 1by1. So I shouldn't use both lists`?
  12. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Before v8.8, The Toolkit used the DISM /Remove-Package method to remove components and since the Microsoft started merging more packages as main packages, it became difficult to remove the components using the DISM /Remove-Package method.

    Starting from later versions the Toolkit implemented the manual method to remove the component using a specially built tool called ToolKitHelper and it's usage was restricted to only 1809, 1903/9 and now v2004 builds

    The ToolKitHelper can also be used standalone from the command line, the ToolKitHelper provides a list of components that can be removed and this list of components names are added to RemovePkgsList.txt, so that the Toolkit can use the list to call the ToolKitHelper program with the component name as it's parameter.

    Later people started asking to add support for removing the components using the DISM /Remove-Package method too for removing packages with older Windows builds.

    The ToolKit implemented a method to incorporate both the methods to use the same RemovePkgsList.txt file to remove components by prefixing ToolKitHelper: word to each component name so that the ToolKit will call the ToolKitHelper program if this prefixed word is found in the list and use the DISM /Remove-Package method if that prefixed word is not found.

    And Hence the RemovePkgsList_W10_Template contains list of components for both the methods, since the DISM package list is huge and varies from one build to another and from one OS to another, so I have just added three package names at the last for user understanding, the user need to get the DISM package using the DISM /Get-Packages command and add the required names to the RemovePkgsList.txt for removal.

    RemoveAppsList.txt with Microsoft.WindowsCalculator entry removes the Calculator App using the DISM /Remove-ProvisionedAppxPackage command

    RemovePkgsList.txt with ToolKitHelper:Calculator removes the Calculator App using the ToolKitHelper.exe command

    RemovePkgsList.txt with ToolKitHelper:WindowsDefender entry removes the Windows Defender using the ToolKitHelper.exe command

    RemovePkgsList.txt with Microsoft-Windows-DesktopFileExplorer-Package entry removes the Modern File Explorer using the DISM /Remove-Package command

    Always update the image with the specified the CU version before removing the components to make sure the components are removed properly for each Windows 10 builds.

  13. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    Yes, thanks I've thought about this and it was about how I thought it was. But I didn't know I could use the Toolkithelper to retrieve the packages, so now I'm trying to remove the packages 1 by 1 and it seems to be working although I think I did some mistake in the process as the sources folder in DVD folder went almost empty, it's the second time I encountered this. I copied the entire iso contents in to the folder before starting the toolkit and when I was on the step to integrate the dotfx3.5 feature it said that the packages were missing.... Went to the sources folder and alot of files were missing again.

    So either I did mistake or something is not right...

    Thanks for the help bro
  14. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    In System Category the menu Manual Setup (InPlace Upgrade) will remove the files which are required for installing Windows from with-in Windows so that you can only install the OS by booting from DVD/USB drive.

    That's why the contents of DVD folders may be missing the files you are looking for.

    Edit: You can get the list of ToolHitHelper components list by using the command ToolKitHelper.exe <Mount-Path> /? command.

  15. marioalpha

    marioalpha MDL Novice

    Apr 26, 2017
    #15075 marioalpha, May 5, 2020
    Last edited: May 5, 2020
    Thanks, I'll wait for your reply.

    Can I do other tests to understand why it doesn't work for me?

    if i run this command it works for me.

    reg load HKLM\TK_NTUSER C:\Temp\WIN10\Mount\Install\Users\Default\ntuser.dat
    reg import C:\Temp\WIN10\Custom\Registry\w10\x64\test.reg
    reg unload HKLM\TK_NTUSER
    through toolkit it still doesn't work, I still don't understand where I'm wrong.
  16. marioalpha

    marioalpha MDL Novice

    Apr 26, 2017
    It works for me 1909_815
  17. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    Ahhh THAT'S why! :D Allright now I feel better and it's always nice to learn more about things.
  18. f0rce

    f0rce MDL Novice

    Jul 3, 2016
    And for one last question , I'm thinking of running this build and not updating anything until I decide it's time to move to next big update. I'm only using the computer for gaming exclusively, I'm well versed with computers and know how to avoid to get the system infected or trashed with malware etc. Do you think it's safe to operate this build for this purpose and not updating the system in a while ?

    I think it's totally fine, just wanted to know what other people think....
  19. Yanta

    Yanta MDL Senior Member

    May 21, 2017
    I take it this has to be done after every CU?
  20. app_raiser

    app_raiser MDL Junior Member

    Mar 18, 2018
    #15080 app_raiser, May 7, 2020
    Last edited: May 7, 2020