Those are just links which can be removed by removing Content Delivery Manager or using Custom Start Menu Layout. Yes will add the Notepad component for removal in Toolkit and also create a Notepad 3 add-on.
I have finished updating the components removal for v2004 and now updating the ToolKit Script, if you want will upload just the updated ToolKitHelper.exe for time being.
Due to the code protection I have added to the ToolKitHelper, it takes more time to load the program into the memory and then execute. You can speed up few things like if you are removing the whole component category then you can call the component category name instead of all the components in the category to speed up the removal. like calling ToolKitHelper:SystemApps will remove all SystemApps components.
Though it's development have been stopped, the files still exist and the current ToolKit can remove them.
For v2004, the Cortana App is moved to Windows Apps section since now it has become a store provisioned app.
Is the functionality the same for 1903 - 2004? I.e. everything except for component removal working properly? Or does the featureset differ even throughout the more recent versions?
@MSMG really is ausom, but it goes without saying write? we know he is he knows he is the only people who are not aware of this fact are the people who are in there mancaves @MSMG thank you for the msmg toolkit, does this function on win server 2019? if i recall there are services and stuff that could be purged? Majid
I get that Windows2Go is depreciated but it's still in the package list because files are still there to remove. Am I going to be able to safely remove them and still use something like Rufus's option to make a Windows2Go install?
Is this a "new" feature? Doesn't happen to me when using a 17763.1 (v1809) image, in which I removed pretty much everything with your toolkit ^^
hi there, just to recap what items in win10 v2004 can be removed and what is unable to be removed at the moment? would be greate if in the readme of the newest/future releases there could be a mention of what items can be removed and what can't be?
Hi @agarbar90 , yes sadly, the Windows Update restores previously removed items from the toolkit started happening w/ v1903 and v1909 builds. I haven't gotten the cumulative update for 2004 yet so I cannot say for sure to confirm on that yet as 2004 just came out.